Chapter 19: Rumlow

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Lagos, Nigeria May 6th, 2016

Darla sat near the back of the quinjet with Nat and Wanda. Vision had stayed behind to keep an eye on things at the compound and Sam and Rhodey were co-piloting while Steve looked over some things. All Darla could think about was her vendetta against Rumlow and how happy she was going to be to drag that son of a bitch into a cell, she faded back to reality when she noticed Wanda staring at her from the corner of her eye.

"Get the hell out of my head Wanda," Darla muttered under her breath as she pulled her eyes off the spot on the floor she was staring at while disassociating and side-eyed her. Her words caused Steve to look up from the report he was going over and glance between them and then at Nat.

"What exactly is your beef with this Rumlow man?" Wanda asked with her Sakovia accent that was beginning to thin out the more time she spent talking to people who didn't have it. She was looking at Darla with a curious look on her face playing with a piece of her long light brown hair. Darla sighed and looked at Nat who was also curious about the answer but didn't want to pry.

"I mean it would be nice to know to what severity this man's capture is in priority to you considering what the rest of us are here for." Nat reasoned carefully. Darla began to tap her foot as she looked at Steve who simply looked back at her. She could tell he wouldn't save her from this one and Sam was preoccupied so she sighed.

"This is all confidential so.. just keep in mind that I can't tell you much. The director assigned one of my teammates to watch him while he recovered until he was stable enough to be put away. The position she went undercover as was a nurse at the facility he was being rehabilitated at. He killed her unprovoked one night and took off. After her death, he became a sort of priority for me and I started tracking him on the side. There were a handful of times when he was doing mercenary work where I almost had him but... the guy was strong. Since I went in alone it never went the way I wanted it to. So to answer the question that I know you meant to ask. No. I won't run off after him alone if it means jeopardizing the mission. However, if I have the chance to make the blow I'm making it." She said to everyone. Sam looked back at Darla from the copilot seat and then looked at Steve who was staring at her in concern. Wanda nodded.
"Understood," Nat said as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"Landing in 5," Rhodey yelled.
"Alright, quick briefing. Rumlow has targeted several police stations in the last year in a half globally taking guns and weapons from lockups. We're here to make sure he doesn't succeed in doing the same to this one. Romanoff, Grant, Maximoff, you'll be stationed in 'Civiy' clothes in the cafe for eyes on the ground. Sam and I will be your eyes in the sky. We stay out of sight, we stay hidden and when the time comes to take him in, if possible we take him in alive." Steve eyed Darla lightly as he said the last part. "Anyone have any questions?" He asked as he looked around at everyone on the jet. "Good." He said as he put on his helmet.

Once on the ground outside the city, Rhodes stayed with the jet for a quicker escape in case things got hairy. Darla, Nat and Wanda went to a cafe near target. They all sat alone at different outdoor tables, there were a large number of tourists and locals around having indistinct conversations. Darla took a deep breath and then pulled her coffee to her lips.

"Darla you sound stressed," Nat muttered over coms. Darla glanced to the right at Nat then shook her head and took another sip. "Maybe you should take my advice." She said again quietly.
"Yeah, and what's that?" Darla asked as she looked around nonchalantly.
"You need to get laid," Nat replied. Wanda smiled into her coffee a few feet away.
"I don't just sleep with random men Natasha, despite your efforts every time we go out. I know that's kinda the norm these days but in case you haven't noticed it's not really my thing. Plus all the men these days just... lack class." Darla finished.
"Oh ouch." Sam's voice came through her ear. Darla smirked.
"Sorry sugar." She teased.
"Wait, is that why you two have been going into the city every weekend? You've been trying to get Darla laid?" Sam asked.
"I mean... She's super fun to drink and go dancing with so it's not ALL about the boys but... yeah kinda." Nat smirked into her cup.
"Despite me telling her this literally every time she introduces me to a man at the club," Darla added.
"Hey, it's not my fault that you're picky," Nat said.
"Pickys good when it comes to boys Nat, I want a gentleman okay? You are not gonna find me one of those at the club. All those men want is to get me drunk and take me home." Darla said.
"Alright, can this conversation wait?" Steve asked finally making his presence apparent.
"Sorry," Nat replied. There was an audible sigh from Steve over the coms.

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