Chapter 30: Hey Doll

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Hey Doll

The Raft

Darla was thrown back into her cell, she immediately went to the toilet and began to vomit, her entire body was trembling. Her cheeks were stained with tears, This was the third time they'd pulled her from her cell and dragged her to a questioning room to try and drill information out of her about Bucky and Steve. She'd regretted telling the other Avengers in captivity a thing because immediately after the fact they'd started to use the information they'd heard against her. There was anxiety living in the pit of her stomach that she'd never be able to shake at this rate. She'd kept strong on keeping her lips sealed. Even when Ross came in himself to try and get information out of her. However, everyone could tell she was getting ready to crack.

She'd lost track of the number of days they'd been here. If she had to guess judging by her healing process she had to assume about a week. The cast still clung to her leg even though she was fully healed, The people overlooking the prison refused to remove it.

Over the course of the last few days when they were being brought their food, the guards with tease them, call them criminals, etc. which didn't get to her. What did get to her, however, was the fact that when she wouldn't talk the guards would try to convince her that Steve and Bucky were dead, Which brings us full circle. This was why she was puking and shaking and feeling sad and defeated.

Darla stared blankly into the toilet bowl as it flushed. She watched the whirling water wash away whatever it was they fed her last and zoned out into the hole for a moment as tears continued to run down her face. At the rate that things were progressing, she wasn't going to last. Without even really realizing what it was she was doing she crawled over to her bed and pulled herself up into it then lay there staring at the blank cement wall as she silently sobbed.

She silently ran through the thoughts of what had led her to this moment and the people she loved and potentially had lost along the way. However if there was one thing she learned to accept is that what happened in the past, happened in the past and that the only thing she could really control was what she did now.

Which, if she was being honest with herself, there wasn't anything she could do. She was trapped in a cell. She had the choice of waiting for her trial date which didn't even guarantee a way out of her confinement or the less likely possibility of waiting for someone on the outside to save her. She spiralled inside of her own mind until she'd eventually tired herself out so much that she passed out.

Things for Darla only got worse from there once the guards realized how much of an effect their words had on her. Over the next few days, they didn't take her out of her cell but the teasing got much worse.
"Hey Darla, come on, don't listen to them. Steve and Bucky are fine." Sam assured from beside her.
"What the hell does bird man know? He's been in here just as long as you have. I'm telling you. We were told an hour ago that they were found dead after a fight with Iron Man." one of the guards said as he paced the floor in front of their five cells.

"Would you just shut the hell up and leave her alone man?" Sam said angrily as he slammed his hands against the glass of his cell, ready to strangle the man who was responsible for Darla's mental deterioration during the last few days. The guard froze in front of Sam's cell and then approached the glass as Darla silently sobbed hiding under the covers in an attempt to block it all out.
"What did you just say to me? You want no meals for the next 24 hours?" the guard glared in at him from the other side of the glass.
"By all means, do your worst. as long as that means you'll pick on someone who can actually take it." he bit back angrily with a look that could kill. If Sam could get his hands on this man he was sure he would have strangled him.

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