Chapter 26: Civil War

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Civil War

Darla stepped out of the van in her combat boots and one of Nat's suits. Her knife garter sat over her thigh and her gun belt sat on the other leg.
"You know. I used to wonder how she fought in these things but I kinda love it." Darla said out loud to the group as she kicked the air just in front of Lang's face.
"Woah!" Lang said backing up a bit. Darla let out a chuckle as she looked Wanda up and down.
"New corset?" She asked.
"And jacket" Wanda replied with a smirk.
"You look hot," Darla said to her honestly.
"So do you. You should wear battle suits more often." Wanda replied.

Sam looked at Steve and Bucky in confusion. Steve who was now also fully suited looked just as confused, and Bucky didn't even acknowledge him. He didn't take his eyes off her. Darla turned her eyes back to Lang.
"I apologize....uh.. what was your name?" She asked him in confusion.
"Scott. My name is Scott and let me just say I agree with Wanda, you look hot." He said as he held his hand out to shake Darla's. Sam watched as Bucky's gaze shifted to Scott with a sour look due to his remark as Scott shook Darla's hand.
"Well, Scott. I hope you're as good at fighting as you are sticking your foot in your mouth." She said as she looked him in the eye with a small smile.
"Yeah I am, I will, I- what?" He asked her now processing her words. Darla patted him on the shoulder and then turned her attention to Bucky and headed toward him as he leaned on the Bug. He was smirking at her remark and he stared at her with his arms crossed as she approached.
"Don't like that he beat me to it but he's right, you look good," Bucky said to her as she closed the gap to him. Darla let out a laugh. "Okay, enough. Someone's gonna give me a complex." She replied to him.

Darla turned to look at Sam and Steve who were both glancing at her during their conversation with Clint then she turned her attention back to Bucky. She motioned for him to follow her and she walked around to the far side of the van so they had some sense of being alone. Bucky's hands were in his pockets as he watched her lean against the van. He kicked his foot up on the front tire.

"What's up?" He asked her. Darla didn't answer him, she just paced back and forth along the length of the van. Bucky pulled his hands out of his pockets and stepped off the tire to face her. When she came back toward him he grabbed her by the shoulders and held her in place. "It's gonna be okay, Doll. Just don't try and kill me when you see me fighting." He joked with a smile in an attempt to defuse her tension. Darla's worried face slowly contorted into a grin.
"As long as you don't attack me again we should be fine," Darla replied with a small laugh and then pulled him against her tightly for a hug. Bucky held her back just as tight. He wrapped his arms together behind her neck and kissed her forehead as he watched Steve approach.
Steve paused when he saw them then turned around and cleared his throat. Darla opened her eyes and pulled herself away from Bucky. Steve glanced back to make sure the moment was over before turning around.

"Choppers here. I sent Wanda and Clint up to the car garage for a vantage point. Buck im gonna stick you with Sam, if Starks here that means a Quinjets here and I have no doubt they're going to sabotage the chopper. You two are gonna find it. Darla you and Scott are with me. Darla nodded as she stepped away from Bucky.
"See you at the jet." She assured him. Bucky gave her a weak smile as she disappeared with Steve.

Bucky walked around the Van to see Sam standing there holding an earpiece for him.
"You ready for this?" He asked Bucky as Buck grabbed it from his hand and placed it in his ear.
"We gotta stop that asshole, or this is gonna be bigger than it already is," Bucky replied as they walked into the terminal. Sam nodded and released Redwing. The metal bird broke off of his wing pack and hovered beside them as they walked.
"Alright, let's go find a good view of the chopper and the tarmac," Sam said as he led him upstairs and into position.

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