Chapter 23: Blonde Phantom

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Blonde Phantom

Darla and Natasha arrived in Berlin a little after seven. Darla slept the first half of the drive and then swapped out with Nat who then slept on the second half. Darla had just woken her up before she hit a drive-through and got them some breakfast. She found a quiet empty parking lot for the pair to sit in and eat and drink their Coffee. About halfway through their breakfast, Nat looked over at Darla from the passenger seat.
"Darla, while you were asleep earlier I had some time to think." She began.
"About what?" Darla asked as she took a bite of her breakfast sandwich and watched the sunrise.
"Why'd you go with Steve to get Barnes?" She asked carefully. Darla paused her chew for a moment then swallowed and took another bite.

Natasha was Darla's closest female friend. However, in the last year and a bit she didn't once tell her about Bucky. She wasn't sure why she hadn't. Maybe she was scared that Nat was going to scold her for caring about him because of what he'd done to her when he was brainwashed. Maybe she didn't want her to push Darla harder to find a boyfriend or someone to hook up with to help her forget. Maybe just didn't want to have to explain to another person that a man who decided to leave her was still the most important person to her. Or maybe she just wanted to try and forget about her feelings for him.

Once again she realized she hadn't been being honest with herself. Darla knew she had to tell Nat, especially if they were going into this together. She owed her that much for saving her ass. She turned off the radio with a sigh and turned her body to face Nat. She told her everything. About their date in the 40s, about the reason HYDRA kept her. How he was the one who saved her from HYDRA. Their time in Eprisé. How they visited her dads grave. About his confession and his leaving. At this point, she was looking at the dashboard numbly.

"I didn't go after him because Steve needed the help... I went after him because I care about him as much as he does." Darla said quietly. Natasha simply stared at her. She felt like an idiot for never piecing any of it together before.
"Well... that's really not what I was expecting you to say," Natasha said honestly. Darla threaded her brows together in confusion and looked at Nat.
"What did you think I was gonna say?" Darla asked.
"Okay.. hear me out." Nat started.
"Oh this is gonna be good," Darla said intrigued.
"I knew there had to be a guy... there was no way in hell there wasn't a guy. Because literally, every man I set you up with you had a problem with. Even the ones I found outside of the club you had to find SOMETHING about them you didn't like." Nat started.
"So that meant there had to have been a guy?" Darla asked making it apparent that Nat was losing her on the explanation.
"Would you shut up and let me finish," Nat said to her playfully. Darla motioned for her to go on with her hand then leaned back against the window.
"You kept saying that guys these days weren't worth your time because they lacked class and you wanted a gentleman... and I noticed how much you get after Steve.. and how much he cares about you.. so with all things considered I just kinda assumed...." Darla almost choked on her coffee.
"You assumed what? That Steve and I had secretly been seeing each other for a year and I didn't tell you?" Darla asked in disbelief.
"Is it so hard to believe? You didn't tell me about Barnes." Natasha said to her. Darla fell silent.
"Nat, I'm sorry," Darla replied to her honestly. "I don't know why I didn't tell you. I think I just thought it would be easier to pretend he didn't exist.." She answered honestly.
"Darla you don't have to apologize, we all have secrets. I just really didn't expect this to be your answer." She said honestly.
"What did you expect me to say? That I put my life on the line and risked going to federal prison for a guy I'd never met because Steve asked me to and I said yes because of our super secret relationship that we somehow hid from all of you for a year even though we all live together in the same building?" Darla replied to her with a huge grin on her face, she thought this was genuinely comical.
"Okay, you can't blame me. I'm not the only one at the compound who notices the way he looks at you. Steve's a terrible liar." Nat said honestly. Darla's laugh ceased.
"Wait what?" Darla asked as she tilted her head to the side.
"Darla it's painfully obvious," Natasha informed her.
"Oh, bullshit. Steve doesn't 'look at' me." Darla said as she air quoted.

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