Chapter 20: Coffee Grounds

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Coffee Grounds

The flight home was quiet. Everyone was exhausted and torn up. Once back at the compound everything just got worse. Paparazzi were swarming the gates, newscasters trying to get statements, and the United Nations began to breathe down their throats. Rhodey attempted to deal with the UN and the rest of the team decided it best not to make a public look of themselves until things died down a bit.

Darla took some time away from the compound and headed back to Eprisé for a few weeks. She went to the diner and apologized to Betty's daughter for the damage to her apartment and gave her cash for the damages then lent a hand for a few days to clear her mind and stayed at her home. She took some well-needed time to herself and once she felt she was ready she headed back to New York.

When she got back to the compound things seemed to be back to normal for the most part. The only thing that was a little off was Wanda. After it was revealed that the explosion killed 26 civilians she felt that all of their blood was on her hands and it ate at her. Wanda didn't know how to cope so she felt better alone.

Darla walked into the common area to find Sam and Nat having a chat and playing chess together.
"Hey, guys," Darla said with a smile as she entered the room.
"Hey! She's back!" Sam said with a smile as he stood to hug her. Darla smiled and hugged Sam tightly. Then turned and did the same to Nat then sat down with them beside Sam.
"Did I miss anything good while I was gone?" Darla asked.
"No not really, things have been pretty quiet. You picked a good day to come home though, Tony's coming by at some point." Sam said as he moved his Bishop.
"Oh, that's great! I haven't seen Tony in months I miss him!" She said genuinely with a small smile. Darla got up off the couch to make some coffee. She noticed whoever used the French press last didn't dump the coffee grounds so she rinsed it out.

"Wait did you just say you missed Tony?" Nat asked as she turned her attention from the board and looked at Darla as she raised her eyebrow at her.
"Don't tell him I said that." She followed up with them both as her smile fell. 
"Oh I wouldn't plan on it it would go straight to his ego," Nat muttered as she took Sam's bishop with her queen. 
"Yeah... that's the one thing I didn't miss about Howard." She said out loud as she grabbed a mug from the cupboard.
"I thought you only met him one time," Sam asked as he looked over. 
"I-uh." Darla looked out over the balcony as a sports car came flying up the driveway from the gate.
"Saved by the bell." She said with a small smirk. She placed the mug down on the couch tear then headed downstairs.

Darla ran down to meet Tony at the door. She noticed someone was in his passenger seat as he got out of the car and she hoped it was Pepper. However, the person who got out was a white-haired tall old man with a mustache. Darla's face dropped in disappointment as Tony entered the building.
"Hey, kid," Tony said with a feigned smile. Darla's face contorted in confusion.
"You.. okay Tony? You look a little sad." Darla said to him as they both went in for a hug. Tony held her tightly and when he pushed back he grabbed her by the upper arms and looked her in the face.
"Can you get everyone to meet in the board room?" He asked her in response. Darla nodded in concern as she eyed the man as he entered through the glass doors.

A little while later everyone gathered in the meeting room and the man stood at the head of the table.
"Thank you everyone for coming, for those of you who don't know who I am, I am the Secretary of  State, Thaddeus Ross." The man said. He stood in the center and adjusted his black tie with red pinstripes. Darla read the room. It was very clear to her that everyone in this room didn't like this man or simply didn't want to be in his presence. When no one said a word he cleared his throat and held his hands together. 
"I had a heart attack and dropped right in the middle of my backswing." He said as he mimicked the motion. Darla glanced across the table to Tony who was sitting off to the side of the room away from the table and the rest of the team. He looked away from her when they made eye contact as he attempted to conceal the guilty look on his face. 
"It turns out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass... I found something forty years in the army never taught me. Perspective." He said with a small sentimental smile. 

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