Chapter 28: Vengeance Pt.1

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Abandoned HYDRA Base, Siberia

Bucky and Steve sat in the parked Quinjet thinking about the events that unfolded in Berlin just a few hours ago.
"What's going on in your head right now?" Steve asked as he watched Bucky zone out.
"We should have grabbed her," Bucky replied to him numbly. He just kept picturing Darla injured on the floor. He couldn't even think about where they were holding her. Steve looked down at the floor and let out a small sigh.
"What?" Bucky asked bitterly as he shifted his gaze to Steve.

"Do you remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asked. Bucky thought about it for a moment.
"That the time we used our train money to buy hotdogs?" he asked as a small grin began to creep onto his face.
"Yeah, you blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead." He said smiling at the floor. Bucky searched his thoughts and a look of realization filled his expression.
"Yeah.. what was her name again?" He asked. He could picture her face but not her name. Steve thought for a moment.
"Dolores, But you called her Dot," Steve said. Bucky began to laugh.
"God, she's gotta be like 100 years old right now." He said with a smile.
"So are we pal." Steve reminded as he patted Bucky on the shoulder, He reminisced for a moment then his grin faded.

"What made you think of that?" Bucky asked.
"I just remember that we went to school with her and her boyfriend and that day at Rockaway they'd got into a fight and he left her out there alone. You sacrificed what would have been about 70 bucks today to try and make her feel better. Even though it meant sacrificing your ride back to Brooklyn, and everything else you and I wanted to do that day." Steve said as he looked at the floor.
"Yeah well, you and I both know that I had a crush on her," Bucky replied as his face contorted into realization.
"Yeah, and some things never change Buck, I can't remember a single wounded person that you've cared about that you've prioritized yourself ahead of, no matter what you were sacrificing to do so. Especially if it was a girl." Steve said carefully.

"What's your point, Steve?" Bucky asked as he stared at him.
"What I'm saying is... as much as I hated to do so, maybe leaving her behind was the right move. She needed immediate medical, On top of that you and I both know this would have been harder if she was just laying here in the jet while we were inside. At least she's with Sam and she's safe. Wherever they may be." He explained to his best friend gently. Bucky finally met Steve's eyes with his own as he thought about his words.
"You and I both know the safest place for her to be is with us," Bucky replied calmly as he looked away.
"Is it?" Steve asked, his tone void of gentleness when he asked this question. Bucky's eyes darted back to Steve and he glared at him lightly.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Punk?" he snipped. Steve held his eyes and then looked away with a sigh.
"Look, let's go in there, deal with this, and we can figure out the rest later." Steve reasoned as he looked back to Bucky who still held the same look.
"You like her, don't you?" Bucky asked dryly. Steve stared back at him.

"As I said. We can figure out the rest later, are you with me right now?" Steve asked him, trying to get him to focus and also avoiding the question. Bucky took a deep breath and then closed his eyes and averted his gaze momentarily before turning his attention back to his best friend.
"Until the end of the line," Bucky replied as he forced a small smile and patted Steve's shoulder.
Steve smiled back at him with his wounded golden retriever eyes and patted Bucky also. Steve was the first to stand. He walked over to grab his helmet and shield.
"Darla and Nat have weapons cupboards behind you" he called from the front of the jet.

Bucky spun around and saw that there were two large compartments tucked into the wall. The one on the top read 'Grant'  and the one on the bottom read 'Romanoff'. Bucky sighed and stood up. He pushed the button for each of them and two racks of weapons whooshed out into the center of the room. He looked at the plethora of weaponry that appeared in front of him then hymned and hawed about his choices for a moment but ultimately decided to grab Natasha's M249 SAW light machine gun with a quad stack magazine and a second mag for good measure.

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