Chapter 15: Local Legend

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Local Legend

The next morning Darla woke up with the sunrise. She sat up with a yawn and reached for her phone to see if she had any more texts from anyone which she didn't. She tossed her phone back on the nightstand and stretched her arms above her head which caused her to let out a small squeak. She crawled out of bed then threw her bag on it and started the coffee maker in her room then went for a shower which she took the time to enjoy. Once she got out she used the hotel's hair dryer and blow-dried her hair. Next to which also attached to the wall was a curling iron. This gave Darla an idea for an outfit. She turned on the curling iron to let it heat up then left the bathroom to make herself a coffee and change into a knee-length black dress that flared at the waist and had drop shoulders that she'd bought in New York the day of the party. She was tired of looking for an excuse to wear it so she simply decided to put it on. Once she slipped her clothes on she moved back into the bathroom to touch up her makeup and used the curling iron to give herself a hairdo similar to the one she used to wear in the 40s. She finished the look off with a dainty chain necklace with a small pendant in place of the pearls she would have worn back then, and slipped on some red heels.

Darla packed up her purse that matched the shade of her heels with the usual items, smokes, phone, lighter, wallet, etc. Then dug through the secret compartment in her luggage for the garter belt and knives shed packed. She slid it up high onto her right leg and tucked the blades into their holsters on the belt then went to the balcony to have a Smoke and the rest of her morning coffee as she watched the sun fill the cityscape.

Once done with her coffee, Darla looked herself up and down in the mirror by the door of her room and gave herself a little twirl

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Once done with her coffee, Darla looked herself up and down in the mirror by the door of her room and gave herself a little twirl. With the approval of her outfit and the fact that she hadn't heard from Sam or Bucky yet. She decided to go down to the hotel restaurant/Bar for a drink. Darla walked into the bar and sat down at the counter but there seemed to be no one around.
Finally, after some time a man in a white dress shirt and black vest with a nametag that said 'Joel' on it approached Darla behind the bar.
"Apologies miss, we don't start serving Liquor until 11," he said to her with a German accent.
"Oh that's a shame, I'm having a bit of a rough morning." Darla lied to him in German as she batted her eyes. The bartender grinned and leaned on the counter.
"If you'd like, I can make you a cup of coffee and if you don't tell I'll put some cream liquor in it." He said to her quietly in German with a flirty grin.
"Oh, could you? That would be absolutely Wunderbar." She flirted back as she crossed one leg over the other and leaned her elbow on the bar then rested her chin on it.
The man looked her up and down with a grin
"Coming up." He said to her as he moved away to head to the kitchen.
"Thank you, Joel," she said in a sweet voice in English as he disappeared into the kitchen to make her a coffee. She waited till he was out of sight then her grin dropped and she leaned back in her chair. She pulled her phone out of her purse and texted Sam.

'Hey, I'm in the bar and ready to go whenever you are.'
Darla sent. Sam texted her back almost instantly.
'kk be down in a sec.'
Displayed on her screen as Joel came back with her coffee. Darla placed her phone face down on the bar and resumed her smile as she took the mug from him.
"Thank you, Joel." She replied once again in German.

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