Last chapter but a New beginning

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I watched as beams of light flew everywhere killing all the Level E's and almost the night class students, "Where's Rido?" Luca asked as we all looked around, "He's sill outthere somewhere" I said putting my head down, I thought this was over but I was wrong, Zero ran off and jumped off the roof and ran to find Rido "Zero!" I yelled but he kept on running.

We all ran off trying to find Rido, and it was easy to trace, him from the smell of his blood, we reached the fountain and came to a stop "It's gone, Ridos presence, is gone" Senri said, "I think it's over" I turned my head and saw my sister leaning against a tree "Kaylee..." "what you didn't think I would actually miss this show did you?" She laughed and I ran over and hugged her, I missed my sister she was the only true family i still had left "I'm sorry" I whinned an she pushed me off of her "Im not about this sappy apology" she hissed making me smile.

I looked over at Akito and he nodded his head as Kaylee and I ran off to find Zero, "Where are they?" Kaylee asked but I just kept running than stopped at a sight that surprised me, Kaname, and Zero together, except not in a good way, "Zero!" I yelled as I saw him pointing the gun towards Kaname, Kaylee ran in front to make sure Zero didn't shoot, but I know she wouldnt stop him. "Dakota, Kaylee, It will soon be time to leave" Kaname said than walked off.

Kaylee and I walked back to the Academy, and by the time we reached their it was morning "Its so bright" i said sheilding my eyes and Kaylee let out a laugh "Well you are new to this, just give yourself time to adjust" she smiled while nudging me, "It is bright isnt it?" I turned my head and saw Aido, "You know, I used to watch you from up here, I watched you as you watched Kaname and Zero, Whether it was with them or someone else, You always had a smile on your face, And even when They did something that was unforgivable, that didn't change your feelings to them, all of us were willing to sacrifice our lives for you, thats what were were ready to do, for our entire lives, You're going to leave too aren't you?" he asked and I didnt answer "yes" Kaylee responded "I thought so." he sighed.

Kaylee and I walked to my room as she helped me pack my things, "Are you staying here?" I asked and she nodded her head, "It's your new life with Kaname, my life is here at the academy" she smiled "Promise me you will protect Luvy and Riley at all costs" I begged and she smiled.

I brought my bags to Kanames room and saw him standing by his bed "We'd better set out before the sun is high in the sky" "Kota?" "I'm sorry I'm late. My baggage got so heavy" I laughed, "Why did you come?" He asked and I stood their in shock, "You said it was almost time to leave." "But you're free now." He sighed looking towards the window, "You said there were people you wanted to protect, Isn't that so?" He added, "I do have people I want to protect, And you're one of them Kaname" I said and he turned his attention to me and smiled a sweet loving smile.

"You must be strong, Kota, If you're going to try to protect me" he said while walking towards me, Kaname put his hand on my cheek as I put my hand on top of his "My feelings always have the opposite effect, I want to protect you, but I hurt you instead, I want to cry, but I laugh" I said and Kaname's face went normal, "You haven't changed" He said and pulled me into a hug "Do you remember? Before you lost your memory?"

I through back to the day Kaname was looking at a book and was very upset, I told him not to cry while I was just waking up, I crawled on the couch beside him and told him everything was okay, and that I would always be there for him.

"Even then, you were able to see through me, You protected me" Kaname dropped down to his knees and held onto my wrists "You are the most precious thing in the world to me" he said, I knelt down in front of him and hugged him tightly.

We grabbed our things and walked towards the gate "Don't you need to say goodbye to the headmaster?" He asked, "No, He might start to cry" I laughed, "Of course I'll cry. Let me cry Dakota!" I heard the Headmaster cry as he ran towards us, "Dakota, You're going on your own free will right?" He asked, and I nodded my head "Alright, Kaname if you make Dakota cry, I will not forgive you" He said and Kaname nodded his head, I leaped towards the head master and gave him a hug before I left.

"Thank you for everything, I'm going Father" I said and we walked off. We reached the top of the stairs and at the bottom stood, Aido, Riley and Ichijo. "Even if you disapprove, we will follow you" Ichijo said, "Do as you please" Kaname said, and I smiled.

Ichijo and Aido grabbed my bag from my hands to try and carry it for me and fought over who would carry it, I was surprised at this I have never seen this side of them before, especially Ichijo, since I haven't seen him in quiet a while, but I guess the way he is now is his way of making up for his absence, "guys stop relax I can carry my own bags really Im used to it" I laughed.We all walked off and I turned my head and saw Zero standing in the distance, 'I'll be waiting for you Zero, untill than' I said to myself than continued to walk off with the others.

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