What was that

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'Finally the weekend, not having to deal with the day class girls surrounding the moon dorm, finally have some peace and quite' I got dressed in my green skirt, white t shirt and pink sweater and went home to Ichijo's, "Morning sunshine" Hanabusa said when I walked in "hey can I talk to you Ichijo" I said crossing my arms and walked to the family room. "what's wrong now?" Ichijo said walking into the room "and why weren't you here last night?" I turned to him confused "What do you mean why wasn't I here? I was in the girls dorm! I'm there for a month with Saki! Why am I there Ichijo Why! Did I do something wrong? 'Cause if I did i'm sorry" I said my eyes starting to tear up.

Ichijo sat down, "okay, what happened when we left?" He asked, I tried to remember last night "oh yeah, Hanabusa bit me and drank my blood, I was screaming for Kaname, but Luca and Zero came instead, I passed out and Ended up in the girls dorm." Ichijo went to the kitchen and pulled out Zero by his ear to the living room "Why was Kota in the girls dorm and why is she there for a month!" He yelled "Because she's not safe here! Hanabusa is becoming sensitve again and they are always alone together and it takes him a month to gain full control again" Zero said with attitude "Oh so out of EVERY girl in the dorm you make me stay with Saki!" I yelled.

Zero looked at me a bit more calm then before "I'm leaving" He said storming out of the house, "it's okay Ichijo I'll get him" I said running out of the house after him "Zero!" I yelled running after him. After 20 minutes of running I lost track of him "Zero!" I yelled again. I walked down and ally, where a bunch of abandon houses were, boarded up windows and everything "whoa, okay Zero couldn't be down here" I turned around and saw a man "oh uhm hello" I said, honestly I was terrified I had no clue where he came from, the man looked up at me, a symbol on his forhead and all teeth razor sharp, and his pupils were extreamly tiny.

The man jumped towards me I grabbed the Artimis and started to run, "Get away from me" I yelled hitting him with the artimis, the Man fell to the ground and looked at me "Stupid human" he hissed jumping right back up, I stood there in shock and felt someone grab the artimis and swing it pushing the man away, I turned around and saw Zero, "why are you just standing there! That's a Level E!" He yelled, he swung the artimis and the man turned to ash, "Senri, Rima what are you guys doing out here?" Zero asked, Rima took the pokey out of her mouth "we could say the same for you" she sassed "Does Kaname know you were out here by yourself" Senri asked, "no but Ichijo sorta does, I was chasing after Zero cause he stormed out of the house and I was worried" I explained "Lets get you back to Ichijo's" Rima said grabbing my arm "oh and Zero go somewhere" Senri added as the both pulled me home.

Rima let go of my arm when we got closer to Ichijo's house "so what's a level E?" I asked "Something your sister is soon going to become" Senri said, I was so confused "wait so that means that thing was a vampire?" Rima nodded her head "its like a scale, Pure blood is the highest, than Aristocat, then the Vampires who were once human, then Level E when your vampire side loses control and all it can do is crave blood and you go completely insane, sadly it wont happen to Zero since he fed off his now dead master" Rima explained 'so that thing was a vampire, but I always thought Vampires were so beautiful, and my sister is going to become one, and I can't stop that from happening, sadly I want it to happen, she's been nothing but trouble trying to give away that she's a vampire, and I can't let that happen' "Miss Dakota are you okay?" Senri lifted my head up "yeah I was just thinking about what you guys said" I smiled

We got in front of the house and Aido ran out "Dakota! Where were you! We started to worry" he hugged me and looked at Rima "it was a Level E" she said, Aido's eyes went wide "thank you, Come on Dakota we got to get you inside lets go" he said pulling my arm inside. "Zero? Is he okay? Is he home?" I asked looking around the house "No not yet, and did you really see a level E?" Aido whispered, and I nodded my head "What level E?" Ichijo asked with Kaname by his side, "Dakota was Attacked by a level E, Rima told me" Kaname came over and knelt down on one knee in front of me "Dakota are you okay" he asked holding my face in his hands "I'm fine Kaname really" I smiled "what were you doing out there alone!" Aido yelled "I wasn't alone, I was chasing Zero, but then I lost him, and then that thing came out of no where" I said.

I sat on the couch still thinking of that level E "It was a vampire, but it was so scary looking, I always thought Vampires were so beautiful. Rima said my sister is going to become a level E since she was bitten and not born. So does that mean if she keeps draining blood out of the living that she will crave it more and more, so much that she becomes insane and will want nothing more than that" Ichijo gave me a sad look "I'm afraid so Kota, it happens to all that are bitten and not born, some take longer than others" he said, then it hit me "What if Kaylee comes after me!" I started to panic, Kaname sat beside me and hugged me to keep me safe "Kota I promised I would never let anything hurt you and I am going to keep that promise, nothing is going to hurt you and nothing is going to take you away from me, Ichijo, Zero, Hanabusa and I are always around you 24/7 even when you don't know it, she will not come anywhere near you when the time comes" when Kaname said those words I started to calm down, I mean why would he say them if they weren't true.

I stayed up on the couch waiting for Zero to walk in, but it never happened, I walked towards the door and tried to open it but the door didn't budge, "Aido!" I whispered loudly,"Aido!" I whispered again, I grabbed a shoe on the ground and threw it "Aido!" Aido sat up and looked at me "the door wont open" I said, Aido walked over to the door and looked through the window "it's a hunters lock" he said, I looked at him confused "okay now why is there a hunters lock on the door, and why can't we get out?" Aido scratched his head "well they are used to keep Vampires in their houses before the whole place goes up in flames to kill vampires" my eyes widened and I ran up stairs to Kaname's room "Kaname Kaname wake up!" I yelled Kaname opened his eyes "What's wrong? You're in a panic" "there is a hunter lock on the door!" When I said that Kaname grabbed me and jumped out the window covering me, as the whole house burnt up in flames "NO! Hanabusa! Ichijo!" I yelled, tears started to fall down my face.

Kaname ran deep into the forest, "Kota Kaname!" I turned and saw Aido and Ichijo "You're okay!" I ran and hugged them "I thought you guys were still in the house!" I cried, "What's happened!" Luca asked, I looked over and saw Luca, Rima, Senri, Zero and Rikey "Vampire Hunters, Locked us in and put the whole place up in flames" Ichijo said "Kota are you okay?" Riley asked checking me over "yeah I'm fine" I smiled, "So does that mean we have to live in the dorms?" Aido asked, "I'm Afraid so Hanabusa" I walked to the edge of the forest, and saw the house on fire. "Why would they do that? How did they know, and if they just knew, why would they light it up if there was a human girl inside there?" Riley asked "Vampire hunters don't take any risk once they notice more than 2 vampires in a place, they don't care, for all they know the human is half vampire" Zero explained "I'm going to talk to the head master, Those hunters can not get away with this, at least not this close to school grounds!" I yelled walking towards the Head masters office.



Double update today :)

COMMENT if you like it so far

and so far what team are you?

Team Kaname

Team Hanabusa/Aido


Team Zero

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