But the hunters...

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I walked up to head masters house and knocked on the door "Head master it's me Kota!" I yelled "I'm coming!" he sounded so cheerful "Kota!" he smiled and hugged me "oh I've missed you so much, why wont you ever come visit me, why are you being so mean, I'm your father, I know Ichijo is looking after you but you know you can come visit this is your house too" I pushed myself off head master and looked at him "Why are there vampire hunters here! Why did they put Ichijos house in flames!" I yelled, "what? Is everyone okay?" he asked, I nodded my head "yes we're all fine, but why did that happen?" head master looked behind me and pulled me inside.

"Head master!" "call me father" he whined again "okay Father, what's going on! They can't just do that!" I said looking out the window "Kota, the Vampire Hunter leader died 2 days ago from a Vampire attack, you think being the leader she would have been able to fight them off, but now the hunters are going nuts killing all the vampires they can, except the ones inside Cross Academy, and the house yes it's close to the school but its not inside" he explained.

I looked down at the ground 'who would want to attack the lead hunter knowing that it would cause chaos' "Kota I want you to wear this bracelet, it will protect you from the hunters, and also let them know that there is a human in their area," he said putting the bracelet on me "it will also help you protect the others from Zero, if you touch the neck where that symbol is with the bracelet it will paralyze him for a couple minutes.

I looked down at the bracelet "but head MA-" he looked back and gave me a sad face "I mean father" then he smiled "I cant use this against Zero, I wont allow myself" I yelled getting tears in my eyes "you would if it was to protect Hanabusa, Ichijo, and Kaname wouldn't you" when he said that it made me think back to three nights ago, when Zero told me he would kill his own family to get revenge on the beasts in human form that killed his parents. "Okay father, but I'm only using it when he gets out of hand! To protect them!" I said making a fist, Father nodded his head.

I went to walk out the door but then stopped "What is it Dakota" I turned around and looked at him "The boys dorm is full, where's Hanabus Aido going to go?" I asked "Well I arranged for Zero, you and Hanabusa to stay at my place." he smiled "What about Ichijo and Kaname?" Father sighed and put his hand on my shoulder "Kota I need them in the Moon dorm to protect and keep the Vampires calm, cause when they hear about their Lord almost getting blown up by the hunters in their home they will want to attack them, so I need them there to keep watch over them." He explained, which made sense "well its a good Idea to keep Zero in the house and not the dorm" I smiled then ran back to the others.

"Kaname! Aido!" I yelled I got to where our house was and saw hunters all around it, I looked over and saw Kaname, Ichijo, Hanabusa, and Riley looking like they were ready to attack, "Stop!" I yelled running over to them "Dakota go back to Head masters!" Riley yelled "No this has to stop, as part as of the commitee I order you to return to your dorms right now!" I yelled, "Dakota look out!" Aido yelled as a hunter grabbed me and held onto me "Let go of me!" I yelled struggling, "Let her go she's the Daughter of the two Vampire hunters that died 10 years ago in the winter! She's not a Vampire, Just let her go!" Kaname started to get angry, while the others started to worry.

I started kicking and punching but still the man wouldn't let go, Riley went to walk towards me, when a bloody rose was held to my head "Dakota!" Aido yelled "take another step come on do it little girl" The man starred at Riley "Leave her alone!" I yelled "I suggest you let the young lady go" I turned my head and saw Zero pointing his gun at the hunters head, The hunter let go and I ran to Kaname, "Now go and leave this place now, you are not to touch the Cross Academy students" he said lowering his gun and the man walked away. "Thank you Zero" I smiled, as he nodded his head and walked back to the forest.

"Hanabusa take Dakota home to Head masters, we're going to the moon dorm" Ichijo said, Aido grabbed my hand and started to pull me away "No! I wanna stay with Kaname!" I cried, "Dakota you have to go there it's not safe for you out here" he smiled, but I knew it was fake "You're not safe either Kaname please let me go with you!" I said, looking up at him, Kaname looked at me eyes full of saddness, "Take her home Hanabusa" Kaname said and ran into the woods towards the moon dorm "Kaname!" I yelled running to the edge of the forest "Dakota it's no use lets just go home" Aido looked at me, he was so sad, I nodded my head and walked home with him, hoping the Kaname would make it to the door safely.

'I'm scared' I shook my head trying to get the voice out 'mommy the vampires they're going to eat me' I had a flash back it was a memory, there was a lady but I couldn't see her face, I was talking to her calling her mommy, telling her how scared I was of the vampires "Dakota! Dakota!" I clicked back into reality Aido was carrying me while running home "Aido w-whats going on why are we running" I asked looking around "You blacked out and fell down, so I stayed there for a bit trying to wake you, a hunter came and thought I was trying to eat you, and he started to chase me, I don't know where he is but we need to get to the Academy fast!"

I looked behind and saw 3 guys "Aido! Faster hurry up!" I yelled "I'm running as fast as I-" Aido tripped but held onto me covering my head "Kota are you okay!" I sat up rubbing my head yeah I'm fine" I smiled as 4 hunters surrounded us "Leave the girl alone" one said, "come here we're the good guys we wont hurt you" another said "what are you guys talking about he's my friend" I moved closer to Aido and held onto him "Get away from him he's not safe he's a vampire!" the first man said and everyone held up their guns towards Aido "Leave him alone!" I yelled Aido held me from behind, and the hunter shot his gun "NO!" I yelled closing my eyes then opened them and all the hunters were on the ground and my bracelet changed to purple and slowly went back to silver "Aido! Are you okay what happened!" I asked in a panic, "it was your bracelet it let out these arrows pinning the hunters to the ground" I looked back the bracelet and smiled "Lets go its only the matter of seconds before they can get up" I said grabbing Aido's arm and running home.

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