Why Are You Here

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I walked into class the next day and saw Zero "hey Zero what are you doing he-" I looked over and realized it was Ichiru "what are YOU doing here" I said crossing my arms "oh hello Dakota, Hanabusa, Master Cross aloud me to join you're school said you were part of the disciplinary committee" he smiled at us "yeah so?" Aido glarred at him "Well I'm new, and all the girls are already squeeling over me looking like zero, so I'll have to depend on you, to keep them away" he smiled sweetly. I looked at Aido who shook his head and sat in his seat, and I sat in mine, which sadly was beside Ichiru.

I looked at Ichiru and started to wonder 'Why doesnt his family trust him, why arent they happy that hes here, and alive, and how come they never mentioned or told me bout him...' Ichiru caught me looking at him and smiled. I quickly looked away and hid my cheeks, he had such a nice smile, enough to make any girl blush.

"So where is the teacher?" Ichiru asked, "He rarely ever shows so than the annoying class president starts to teach the same thing we learnt yesterday" Aido sighed leaning back in his chair, kicking up his feet. "Hanabusa get your feet off the desk!" Cody yelled, Aido rolled his eyes and put in his music to ignore him "Ichiru? Ichiru Kiyru? Is that really you?" Cody looked shocked "Hello Cody long time so see" He smiled.

I looked over at the two "you guys know eachother?" I asked and Cody nodded his head "Our parents were vampire hunters, we went to hunter classes together, Zero and Hanabusa were suppose to go to but they just disappeared one day, and next time I saw them we were all here at cross academy, Are you a Hunter now Ichiru?" He asked and Ichiru nodded "Great we can go on hunts together for those low life blood suckers" Cody laughed, I sat there in shock 'no wonder they never mentioned him, they are vampires and hes a hunter, its his job to kill vampires, but he wouldnt kill his own family would he' I looked over with a worried look.

Cody caught my look before Ichiru "Dakota are you okay you look worried?" Then Ichiru met my gaze, "I'm fine" I lied, I was scared for my family, and Friends, Zero, Kaname, Ichijo, and Hanabusa Aido were my new family, and Riley, Senri, Rima and Luca, were in danger too. "Dakota?" Aido put his hand on my shoulder "uhm I think I just need some air Excuse me" I said running out of class and sat infront of a Pillar.

"Dakota?" I looked over and saw Cody and Ichiru "I said I was fine you guys dont need to follow me" I said getting up and turned to walk away when Ichiru grabbed my arm "I know something is bothering you" He said, "Actually I have a question.... My Parents Were Hunters, At least thats what I was told, I don't actually know, but, say they were hunters, and I was a hunter, but my siblings were vampires, would that mean that I would have to kill my own siblings?" I asked looking at Ichiru.

Ichiru looked down and let out a small chuckle "why of course you would you're a hunter, it's your job, unless you want to let down your folks" He said and Cody nodded his head in agreement "well I wouldn't, they are my own flesh and blood, I wouldnt be able to live with myself after, so you guys are sick! Imagine if Akito was a vampire Cody, or if Zero and Hanabusa were vampires, would you be able to live with yourself?!" I yelled eyes full of tears "Dakota, why are you even worrying about this, you're not a hunter, and you dont have any siblings" Cody sighed "Kaylee" I said and Cody looked at me confused "Kaylee is my sister even though I hate her I will do everything in my power to protect her from you guys!" I yelled then covered my mouth.

Cody sat there and laughed "I kinda figured she was, after walking past her dorm one day, blood everywhere and I knew it wasnt hers" Cody glarred at me "But Kota. oh sweet innocent Kota if you were smart you would stay out of a hunters way unless you want to get hurt yourself" Cody hissed before walking back to class.

Ichiru looked at me and pushed me aganist the Pillar holding me there "What is the matter with you! Why would you bring that up about the siblings!" He yelled, I tried to get out of his grip because he was exactly like Zero when he was angry or upset.

I kept struggling and his grip got tighter "You cant kill them you just cant!" I cried "they are my brothers, Ive been with them since my parents died, I was 4 and they have been with me ever since Please Ichiru" I stared to cry, but Ichiru never let go, his grip was getting tighter he slammed me into the Pillar again and looked at me "Your sister and my brothers arent going to last long here, Especially if Cody and I are here" He hissed pushing me to the ground and walking off. "Dakota!" I looked up and saw Luca and Rima, my Vision was blured by the tears but I could make out their figure.

"Are you okay what happend?" Luca asked helping me up "Ichiru happened" I said wiping my tears, Luca looked pissed and so did Rima, "Dakota what did he tell you, I need to report this to Lord Kaname" Luca looked at me, I knew I had to tell her but I was scared of what Ichiru would do If he found out that I ratted on him, "My sister.... Wheres my sister!" I yelled starting to panic "Shes at her dorm" Luca said trying to calm me down "Dakota did he threaten to kill Kaylee?" Rima asked walking closer to me, I nodded my head "What about Zero and Hanabusa I know they have bad blood with one another" Luca asked and again I nodded my head. "I'll Take you back to class, Luca you go tell Kaname" Rima said, and Luca ran off.

Rima walked me to class, and then left, I stood there with my hand over the handle hesitating whether to open to the or just sit outside in the hall The door beside it opened and out walked Aido "Niktia I was beginning to worry!" He said hugging me "Were you crying?" when he said that I huged him and started to cry even more "Aido Im scared for you Zero, and Kaylee" I said, he stood there and hugged me tightly "Kota everything is going to be okay Kaname wont let him near Kaylee, and Zero and I are pretty strong don't worry about us we will all be okay, just worry about yourself okay" He pulled away and kissed my forehead then smiled. He wiped away my tears and we walked back into class.

Today is going to be a long day, I know it.

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