Oh Zero...

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I walked around on patrol all night "so far so good" I smiled, I looked over and saw Zero "surprise surprise, your actually not skipping out on your duty today" I laughed "it's all safe and sound at the acadamy" I laughed Zero rolled his eyes "Oh come on you don't actually believe that" I turned around as he went to walk away, "you actually think things are going well between the day class and the night class" I looked away as the wind started to blow "of course I do, Its my dream for vampires and humans to get along someday that's what we're working towards" I put my head down "I know what the Head master thinks, he thinks that there are good vampires, but I don't believe it not for a second" he hissed "Oh come on now Zero just cause you were attacked by an evil vampire doesn't mean all of them are evil!" I yelled, but Zero just snickers.

"I agreed to be a guardian for just one reason, somehow I will find the most affective way to destory everyone of those beasts in human form" he said I stood back and looked at him "even Ichijo, Kaname, and Hanabusa..." I Paused, "as a vampire hunter..Yes" he looked back, and didn't even look the tinyest bit sad by wanting to kill his own family. "Now I'm going inside" Zero walked away and I just looked at the ground.

Zero's always been like this 'I'd like you to meet Zero and Hanabusa Aido, starting from today I will be taking care of them be nice to them Dakota their parents were killed by a bad vampire.' I remember Ichijo telling me that 2 years after Kaname saved me, I could feel his hatred, it's taken 8 years and he's opened up a little bit, I know not every vampire is as calm and kind as Kaname and Aido. Even my parents who I have no memory of could have been attacked by vampires, but still.

I walked to the end of the balacony and saw two Day class student sitting in the grass, I jumped down landed on the tree and jumped towards them "I need your name and class right now, I think you two know very well that being out at night is strickly forbidden, it's dangerous out here, go back to your dorm" I said the one girl looked at me "we just wanted to take pictures of the night class students" "yeah what's the big deal" the one girl stood up and stumbled in pain "oh no your bleeding, go back to your dorm right now!" I said pushing the girls.

I grabbed the Artimis from my leg and pointed it out "Who's there" I yelled "so scary the head master has trained you well" Rima Grabbed the Artimis while Senri stood behind her. "no need for all this fuss, we just came out here because we smelt blood, you're so mean Dakota" Senri's eyes went red "you know the real reason we came out here tonight, you smell so nice" Senri smiled "oh my gosh, they think we smell nice" the two girls squealed in the back.

I looked back at Senri and Rima, "Listen here Senri if you so much as lay a finger on one of these girls, I will." I stopped as Senri held my hand. "Did you fall?" I looked at Senri shocked "What smells good Dakota, is the smell of your blood" I was scared 'oh no that must have happened when I jumped from the tree' Senri licked the blood on my hand, and sunk in his fangs "Are those fangs," "oh no their vampires" The girls were scared and fainted. "oh no, Senri Let go!" I said struggling to get out of his grip. "I said let go!" I yelled, and Senri removed his fangs from my hand. "oh but I want more" he snikered "may I partake from your neck" he asked moving my hair back "no you cant have any at all, now let go of me!" I started to struggle again.

"Sen-" Rima got cut off by the sound of Zero holding a vampire hunters gun to Senri's head "drinking blood on school ground is strickly forbidden, has the smell of blood made you lose control Senri?" Zero asked, "Zero hold on!" I yelled standing up, Senri looked back with and evil grin, "but I already tasted her" he smiled licking his lips, Zero went to shoot his gun, I pulled his arm up.

Senri covered his head scared "You can't shoot it Idiot!" I yelled "that bloody rose, would you please put it away, I'm afraid that weapon you have is rather dangerous to us, Zero of all people you should know not to use that on your own kind" Kaname said gently "I am not one of you, I am a hunter!" Zero yelled "who is now a vampire" Rima glarred at Zero "Kaname I-I" I started to stutter I was so nervouse I didn't know what to say to him after what Zero just did.

Kaname grabbed Senri and looked at me "I will take these fools to the head master myself to recieve their punishment, and Rima since you did nothing to stop Senri you will be punished to" he said looking back at her, but she just rolled her eyes. "Zero is that alright" Kaname's eyes narrowed on his "Zero?" I turned around and Zero put his gun away "Just get them out of here Lord Kaname" he hissed. "Now then for the two who have fainted I will erase their memory of tonight and bring them to the headmaster as well" Riley hoped down from the tree and erased their memory.

I looked back at Riley she looked so different, so sick, and so seriouse "Thank you Kaname" I bowed, "I'm sorry he scared you that was wrong of him Dakota" I looked at him surprised "no, no it's okay it was just a little bite more like a nibble really" I laughed, Zero grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Hold on Zero what are you doing!" I yelled, I wanted to stay with Kaname, why was he pulling me away. "Zero you were so rude to Kaname! You're never like that what's going on!" I yelled

Zero turned around and wrapped my hand with his tie "the smell of blood is disgusting and they like it, stupid beasts, in human form, drink the blood of the living, head master gave us those tablets so that this wouldn't happen so that they wouldn't lose control!" he yelled full of anger "Zero! Kaname is your lord you are NOT suppose to be so rude to him! You are a vampire you are suppose to follow and obey him not be rude and disobey him, what is wrong with you! You were so nice to him what happened!" I yelled, "Dakota I was born a Vampire Hunter, and so were you, you should start acting like one!" he said walking off back home.

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