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I walked into the house and heard running around, falling and objects falling, "Hey whats going on up there!!" I yelled, but no answer, I started to slowly walk up the stairs but no one was there, I looked down our bedroom hallway and it was destroyed "Guys this isnt funny! When Ichijo and Kanama get home there gunna kill you two!" I yelled trying to clean up everything "Kota!!" I heard Hanabusa yell down the hall "Dammit Zero!" I started running to every room opening the door "Hanabusa Aido where are you!" I yelled, I went to the end of the hall and opened the door. I looked up and saw Zero holding the bloody rose to Hanabusa"ZERO!" I yelled, he looked over at me, and Hanabusa looked terrified "What are you doing you idiot put the damn thing away and get to class!" Zero glarred at me and walked out of the house.

"What the hell is going on! Ichijo and Kaname are going to kill you guys!" I started to panic the place was a complete disaster, "Kota relax they wont kill me they will kill Zero" I shot a glare at Hanabusa which scared him "is that suppose to make me feel any better! Get this cleaned up now!" I yelled storming off to my room.

I heard the front door open and slam closed "Kaname let me explain!" Hanabusa yelled, I looked at the clock and saw it was only 1am "what the heck he should be at school!" I ran out of bed to the stairs, looked down and saw Kaname about to slap Aido "Wait Kaname!" Kaname looked up at me "as funny as it may sound it wasn't Hanabusa Aido's fault, well for all I know it might have been, but before you punish him you should hear him out!" I said walking down the stairs towards him.

Kaname put his head down "I don't have time for this we have class" Ichijo said walking towards the door "Now wait a minute you guys are gunna listen to what happen before you go and blame him for all this!" I said starring at Ichijo "Head master is gunna be upset that were late!" He yelled "Then I will explain everything to him! He's my Guardian too!" I yelled back and Ichijo closed the door. "Fine go on Hanabusa" Ichijo leaned against the door and crossed his arms.

I looked over and Kaname who was still upset from me yelling at him, I put my head down ashamed to look at him "Miss Dakota are you alright?" Ichijo looked at me, I looked towards Kaname who looked concered "huh oh yeah sorry im fine" I smiled, but Kaname knew I was lying "go on Aido they have class to get to" I said nudging him. Hanabusa let out a sigh "It's all Zeros fault, I was just joking around with him, he walked in and I thought it was Dakota since Zero has class, so I yelled down 'when do I get to taste that sweet blood of yours' as a joke, I didn't mean it at all, so when I saw that it was Zero I ran and he kept running after me knocking stuff over, then Dakota came home and started yelling at us, so I called out for her cause Zero had that stupid Bloody rose to my head but Kota came in before he could shoot it" I looked at Kaname and he sighed "I'll go talk to Zero, and Hanabusa do not joke about that, let's go Ichijo" Ichijo stood up and shook his head at Aido, "good night Dakota, I hope I will see you keeping those girls quite" He smiled and walked out the door.

Hanabusa looked at me "Guess you clean up half this mess and Zero will clean up the other half" I sighed walking up the stairs, I looked over at Aido and saw him playing with him thumbs "you know thats not gunna get any work done right?" I stepped down from the stairs and stood there "hey Hanabusa Aido, you alright?" I walked over and kneeled in front of him "Aido?" I leaned back and put my hand on the ground "ouch!" I yelled, I looked at my hand and it started to bleed from a tack, "why is that on the ground?" I looked at Aido, and he was starring at me eyes blood red just like Senri's "oh no" I got up but Aido grabbed me. "Please Aido no!" I cried out.

He pushed my hair away from my neck and sunk in his fangs "Aido!!" I yelled but he didn't let go "Aido stop it! Let go!" all I could hear was him drinking my blood, "Kaname!" I yelled, Aido removed his fangs from my neck and threw me on the ground "Hanabusa!"I turned around and saw Zero and Luca, I looked back and Aido's eyes were back to blue "Kota! I'm so sorry!" he covered his mouth "I feel so light-"

'Im scared' No stop it your not scared Vampire are nice! 'Evil vampires are gunna eat me' No their not! Kaname won't let that happen! Kaname, where is he where am I?' I thought to my self waking up in a place that wasnt home, "Hey Kota" Saki looked at me from the door way "what do you want" I sat up "we're room mates now" she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed "This is a joke" I laughed "oh trust me it's not I've sent in 20 complaints already" she walked over and sat on her bed and I let out a huge grunt, "I dont know why I have to stay here I have a home with Ichijo!" I yelled into the pillow, Saki laughed, "Guess they finally got tired of you and sent you to live in a dorm but don't worry it's only temporary I think for like a month or something like that, Cody told me"

I laid down and starred at the ceiling 'it wasn't Aido's fault it was mine I should have left the second the tack got stuck in my hand' "How do you do it?" I looked over as Saki "do what?" "oh dont play stupid Kota, how do you get all those night class students to talk to you?" was she serious, she knows I live with half of them, "Easy she lives with them" I looked over and saw Kaylee in the door way "and who are you?" Saki looked at her, I stood in front of Saki and glarred at Kaylee, grabbed the artimis and held it towards her "get out of here and leave her alone!" I said, Kaylee looked at me sticking out her bottom lip "now is that anyway to talk to your twin sister" she started to walk close to me, 'why couldn't I do it, why couldn't I hit the bastard with the artimis' Kaylee snikered and got closer "Kaylee! Thats enough lets go!" I looked behind Kaylee's shoulder and saw Luvy, "why do you keep bugging your sister, I mean im trying to get you two to get along" I looked back at Kaylee "does she know?" Kaylee snook her head. "so when are you going to night class?" "tomorrow" she said walking out of the room. I smiled at Luvy and she shook her head.

I went and sat back in bed "what was all that about?" Saki asked "it was nothing go to sleep" I said rolling over and falling asleep.

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