Welcome To Cross Academy

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Riley's POV

I walked along side with Zero and Kaname, after all Lord Kaname named me his guardian the day he saved my life, Luca doesnt like that though, since everyone in the Night class will protect Kaname since hes the only pure blood, and since he is our lord, but I was new, and I was the strongest here. I had to walk with Zero too because his brother Ichiru had summoned him and Hanabusa, but Hanabusa is a day class student to protect Dakota, so cant have him out here after Curfew.

"Lord Kaname where are we meeting him?" I asked, he looked straight ahead, "Ichijos old house" He said, I looked down at the ground"Wasn't it burned down by hunters?" I asked "some of it still stands" Zero answered. We walked over to the house and inside, It was sad to see the house in this shape, this was my best friends home, and now she lives with the Head master.

"Ah you guys decided to show, now why do you have a little puppet here" I turned around and saw Ichiru he was wearing a fold to cover his eyes "Who are you calling a puppet?" I asked, Ichiru smiled and walked up to me "why you Princess" He smiled I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him againest the wall "Don't mess with me and remove that stupid fold, Ichiru we all know your Zeros twin brother, except you are a hunter, and your brothers are vampires" I said shrugging my shoulders and walked back to Kaname.

"You little brat think you're so smart" he hissed, I looked at him and gave him an 'are you seriouse look' than laughed "oh I am smart, I know everything about everything and everyone at Cross Academy, well, except for the people in the day class, except Dakota, shes my best friend I know everything about her" I smiled. Ichiru removed the fold and looked at me "You know Dakota?" Kaname glarred at him "yeah of course I do but how do you know her?" I asked.

Ichiru looked down and smiled "She ran into me in the forest, shes so beautiful isn't she Kaname and Zero" he smiled teasing them. Kaname ran towards him but I threw my arm up "hes not worth it" I said looking up at him, then he started to calm down. Zero looked at his brother, as Ichiru took off his coat. we all gasped after we saw it. "The school day class uniform.. Why do you have one!" Zero raised his voice "oh brother, Head master Cross didnt tell you? I joined Cross Academy yesterday, I'm in the same class as Hanabusa and Dakota isn't that great!" He smiled.

I let out a growl as he walked past us "oh don't worry puppet I dont intend to hurt your friend" he laughed. I couldn't stand that guy, he knew she was close with Hanabusa and Zero he would try to do something but what?

POV Over

I walked across Campus with Aido to make sure no Day class students were out to sneek pictures of the night class students again. "Doing this everyday Kinda gets tiring after a while doesnt it" Aido laughed, I smiled and looked around "Kinda but I'm used to it" I heard foot steps behind us, I grabbed my artimis and Aido gasped. "Ichiru?" He said, "Please put that away" he said, I put the artimis back in the case and stood there.

"Hey Dakota its nice to see you again" he smiled, Aido grabbed me and pulled me into him hugging me from behind. "Why are you here Ichiru" Aido hissed "Now Hanabusa, is that anyway to welcome your older brother?" He smiled, I looked up at Aido and he was glarring at Ichiru. "Aido whats going on?" I whispered "Dakota just dont say anything, I don't trust him I never have" He said with his eyes Fixed on Ichiru "Now Hanabusa, don't tell the girl not to talk, thats her choice, and why dont you trust me? Oh yeah because I stayed a Vampire hunter and you and my stupid twin became Vampires, you went against the family" Ichiru walked closer and was full of anger.

"Please leave us alone" I whispered, I wasnt scared it was just I didn't trust him, "ICHIRU!" I heard Zero yelled and a purple blur ran knocking over Ichiru "Riley!" I smiled and she came up to me "Are you okay, he didn't hurt you right, I mean of course he didn't Hanabusa was here" She smiled, Ichiru stood up and she pushed me behind her "What the Hell puppet I said I wasnt going to fucking hurt her! I was just having a friendly conversation wasn't I!" He yelled looking over at me "Well kinda but it didn't seem to friendly in the end" I sighed.

"Leave!" Kaname growled "Fine i'll leave, see you Tomorrow Dakota and Hanabusa" He smiled walking towards the Acadamy "What did he mean by that?" My eyes widened "It doesnt mater just go home and sleep you have school in the morning" Kaname smiled and Aido pulled me towards headmasters house

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