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I walked to class with Hanabusa and Ichiru and turned my head, there stood Shizuka "uhm guys I forgot something back home, I'll catch up" I said and they continued to walk, when they were out of sight Shizuka came up to me "What do you want?" I asked, "Zero hes not like Hanabusa is he? He's just a normal vampire that could become a level E kinda sad right?" She laughed "Whats your point?" I hissed, she stood there and laughed, and walked around me "You know I am the reason that runt is a vampire, I could have saved him, but decided to leave him and Hanabusa" she said "But I am a rare hunter, I kill my own kind" She laughed again.

I stood there letting those words sink in "A vampire hunter, who kills there own kind... You're a-" "Pure blood" She said cutting me off, I took a step back, "You want to save and protect Zero from becoming a level E dont you?" She smiled, I nodded my head "How about we make a deal than, either you kill Kaname, Ichijo, or Hanabusa, OR Offer your blood to me, its your choice" She said with an evil smile "I'll give you until after school to decide, just meet me in the green house behind your school, and I'll know if you mention this to anyone, if you do our deal is off, and Zero stays there to suffer" She said than disappeared into the forest.

I walked to school what she said pounding in my head, 'I cant kill them, but I cant offer myself to her either, But it's what I must do' I said than fell into someone "Dakota are you okay?" Cody asked helping me up, "huh yeah i'm fine" I sighed, "I just had a little run in with a hunter, who I don't really like that much is all" I smiled "Which hunter?" He asked concered, "Shizuka?" I questioned hoping he didnt know her "YOU SAW HER! WHERE!" He yelled, "uhm just back there she left tho" I said quietly "I havent seen her in years, she was mine and Ichiru's, master!" He smiled "Wait why don't you like her?" He asked narrowing his eyes, I looked behind him seeing Shizuka starring at me through the trees "I can't explain it. Now I have to go!" I said running off to class. "Dakota wait up!" Cody yelled behind me.

I got to class and ran into Ichiru falling to the ground again "hey Dakota whats wrong, you looked scared" He helped me up and I hugged him I was scared I didn''t know where she was or what she was going to do. "It's Shizuka" I said my voice shaking, Ichiru looked around the room "If she told you something Kota you have to tell me!" he whispered demanding to know "Ichiru I can't she said if I do shes going to go back on our deal, I can't tell you" I said with tears in my eyes, Ichiru looked upset, but I knew he understood "Dakota you have to be careful around her okay" He said pulling me into a hug, then walked to our seats.

"What did Shizuka want" Aido asked as I sat down, I looked over at him confused there is no way he could have found out "what are you talking about?" I asked, Aido looked at me dumbfounded "I saw her in the forest, then you say you forgot something, You never forget anything, I knew you were going to talk to her now what happened" He said, "I cant tell you at least not yet" I said putting my head down, and Aido turned away.

5 hours went by and school was done, I ran to the green house instead of doing my job. "So youve decided?" Shizuka smiled "im offering myself to you, only to save Zero" I said, she grabed my hand and went to bite than looked at me "Whats wrong?" she asked "Im just happy vampires find my blood tasty" when I said that she threw me into a wall, but I didnt say anything "Zero will only survive of he drinks my blood" she laughed, and I was scared. "Now for our deal, but you do know what it means for a pure blood to pierce through your skin right?" I thought about it but I knew it had to be done she leaned in her breath hot on my neck "SHIZUKA!" Ichiru yelled "Ichiru! Zero!" I looked over in shock "Leave Dakota alone!" They yelled holding up their bloody rose, and sword and I whipped out the artimis "Stop it! Shes the only one who can save you Zero!" I cried "You really think she wants to save me!" He yelled

"Yes she and I made a deal, and you have to drink her blood to stop from becoming a level E Zero!" I yelled "even if what she says about your blood is true! I can still beat you!" Zero yelled grabbing the artmise "Zero" I sighed and went to hold the braclet to him, and Ichiru grabbed my arm "Why are you doing this" he asked "hm I see this girl has tamed you" Shizuka laughed "I am the one responisble for creating you, therefore I am your master, and you are not able to disobey me" She said "Ichiru let go" When I said that Zero knocked the Artimis out of my hand.

"You dont have to force Zero to do this! You've torchured him enough why are being so cruel to him!" I yelled "ZERO!" I yelled as he grabbed Shizuka around her neck and shot her in the stomach 3 times, "This is not enough to kill me" She laughed "Zero!" I yelled hoping he would stop. "Shizuka why are you playing with him, I wont let you die" Ichiru yelled. Shizuka looked over at him "Im not planning on dying" She said than walked off.

Zero and Ichiru held swords to eachother "Why are you helping her!" Zero yelled "Shes my master" Ichiru smirked, "Thats enough you two you guys are brothers!" I yelled running in between them "If you get in the way I will kill you, even though I dont want to" I looked at him a bit scared but I didnt care, Zero held the gun to his brothers head and Ichiru laughed "those things only kill vampires" "I knew it" Zero sighed, and they started swinging at eachother "ZERO!" I yelled "Stay out of this Kota!" he yelled "Your right Zero this body is still human, Shizuka let me drink her blood, but never desired mine in return!" Ichiru yelled in anger.

"No one ever looked at me! Not dad, not mom, No one the only one that ever looked at me was you! Then she came around and she saved me from the depts of lonliess, and still it was you who Shizuka chose and not me! Why why was it you Zero!" He yelled and lost his sword "Ive been by her side all this time and she doesnt even look at me!" he cried. "The smell of blood is strong" Zero said "SHIZUKA!" Ichiru yelled running out.

Zero pulled me into a hug "Im so glad nothing happened to you, Please stay here" Zero said running out after Ichiru, "Kota?"

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