Are you Okay?

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"No Mommy!!! Daddy!!" I screamed "Kota run, run!" My dad yelled to me they all looked at me they were all so scary looking and had blood coming from their mouths I started to run, then I heard my mom and dad scream "NO MOMMY! DADDY!" I started to run back till a man went in front of me, I saw the other 10 vampires "come on we have to go" I said tugging on his shirt "I'm scared, scary vampires are gunna eat me! They killed my mommy and daddy" the man looked at me then his eyes turned red and he attacked the vampires I went and hid behind a tree, 5 minutes later it was extremely quiet, I didn't see anything them someone grabbed my shoulder " NO LET ME GO!! HELP!!" I screamed then I turned around and saw the man "Are you okay? Follow me" He said. I followed him to his house.

~ 10 years later ~

"Hey Kota you up" said Zero, he was always so sweet to me, we're in high school now, and everyone has a huge crush on him I'm not kidding there is a Zero fan club that the popular girls are in, I wanted to join cause he's like a brother to me but the girls there don't like me because I am always around Zero and I guess there jealous. Oh I forgot I'm Kota I was saved by Kaname from pure blood vampires, the same ones who killed my parents when I was 4 so now I am living with 3 pure blood vampires but they are able to control themselves around me and one Mortal. "Oh hey Zero yeah I am up" I said with a yawn.

"Okay, Hey I found this in the attic is it yours" Zero asked showing me a picture of my mom, dad, sister and I from when I was 2 "Yeah, where did you find this, Wait how was it the attic, I haven't seen this picture since I was 4" I stared at the picture completely confused I had no clue how it got here. Well I was in the attic cleaning it with Kaname and we just found it and thought it was yours" "Yeah its mine but how." Zero interrupted me " We have no clue, so we're going to keep an eye on you more, cause we don't know what going to happen cause none of us put it up there" Zero looked worried but I mean why would he be worried nothing strange has happened, it's just a picture.

"Kota come on its time for school!" Kaname yelled up the stairs I let out a moan "I DON'T WANNA GO! EVERYONE HATES ME!"I yelled down but it was true, I was with the Somas they're the most popular boys in school the girls hated that I lived with them but since they're vampires they take the night classes while I'm stuck at the day classes with people I can't stand to be around. "Oh come on Kota your over exaggerating" Zero sat beside me laughing, I lifted the blanket off my head "No Zero I'm not" I started to cry "You don't know what it's like to be rejected from people, I have no friends in the day time classes except your brother, Cody and Luvy, my Cousin is in the night classes cause Kaname had to make her into a vampire cause I didn't want her dead! You don't know what it's like since your mister popular!" I felt like such a bitch talking to him like that but it's true, he doesn't know what it's like.

"Look Kota you're right I don't know what its like but I wish I did you know kiddo-" "I am a week older then you" I cut off Zero "haha yeah I know but come on you have friends sure not everyone is going to like you but I mean not everyone likes me either" Zero looked at me "What do you mean you have a fan club of people you adore you!" I was shocked "yeah sure it seems great to you but to me its extreamly annoying and I hate it they follow me everywhere, I wish I had time just for me" he looked down all sad "Zero... if it helps you will have time just for you on the weekend if you want I mean Luvy and I are going to the movies, Kaname is going to practise his training so u will have 3 hours all to yourself" I smiled at him, Zero lifted his head and smiled back Kaname ran up the stairs threw my uniform at me, and Zero tossed me my bag I closed the door and got dressed.

After 30 minutes of getting ready I hugged Zero and Kaname and walked to class. "Kota! HEY! WAIT UP!" Hanabusa yelled "you left without me you never do that... what's up Kota.... Are you okay?" Hanabusa seemed so worried I didn't wanna worry him more "Everything's fine Aido just miss my parents that's all" I smiled at him he smiled back. "Hanabusa! Kota!" Luvy yelled running up to us with Cody and Akito behind her "oh hey guys" I smiled and thought about my talk with Zero then realized not everyone hates me I have 4 amazing friends right here. "Oh Kota I want you to meet Kaylee! You two look so much alike its un believable like as if you two were sisters, you both have similar features and something u have in common is both ur parents were killed 10 years ago and you both have the same last name isn't that weird!" I was confused I knew I had a sister but I didn't know what she looked like or remember her name we were separated in the forest a vampire took her and I ran off.

"Yeah I'll meet her" Luvy smiled "YAY!" I looked down at the ground, and felt faint, then I fell to the ground "Dakota!" Hanabusa yelled, everything was a blur I could see them moving fast and panicking "Is she okay?" "Get water!" "Ill go get Kaname and Zero!" I tried to get up but Hanabusa put my head on his lap, "Kota stay down your not stable" I didn't argue, I was so light headed.

I felt Hanabusa put me down in the grass, and 5 seconds later I was scooped up and dragged in to the forest where I was thrown to the ground, I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I looked up and I saw, Luca and Rima standing over top of me, "Ha! Kota where are your friends, you know the Sohma's its funny how they left you there with the weak one!" Luca hissed I slowly stood up trying not to lose my balance, "aww to scared to say anything" Rima laughed "Shut up!" I yelled, Luca went right up and grabbed my neck "I never liked you!" she glared, I tried to loosen her grip "Join the club" I said punching her in the stomach.

She let go and I dropped to the ground, Rima picked me up and threw me against the tree, "STOP!" I heard a voice yell, I slowly picked up my head and saw Kaname, Zero and my friends, "Zero, Kaname" I whispered, they were glaring at the girls and, then Luca and Rima left, Everyone ran to me, I was badly hurt, "Hanabusa what the hell you were suppose to be watching her!" Cody yelled, "I heard movement, so all I did was stand up and turn away for 2 seconds then she was gone!" Hanabusa said, "Its impossible for a human to grab a girl and be gone in 2 seconds Hanabusa, you had to have left" Luvy said, " I didn't I swear!" "Look guys go to school, tell the super attendant what happen, and to call us, we will explain everything, were going to take Kota home." Kaname said, they all looked at me, and hugged me, "Ill tell Kaylee to stop by" Luvy smiled "Okay that would be great" I smiled, they all left and Kaname and Zero ran me home.

"Ichijo!" Zero yelled, there was no answer "Ichijo!" Kaname yelled, there was till no answer, Kaname and Zero set me on the couch, and left looking for Ichijo. I laid there on the couch not moving, I reached for the remote and turned the channel to galexies hit list, and fell asleep listing to the music.

I woke up about 5 hours later to a loud BANG! I shot up from the couch still feeling really light headed, and walked slowly to the kitchen, "you stupid Vampire you probably woke her up!" "Hey E listen here if you weren't in the way I wouldn't have knocked it over!"

"Guys stop fighting that's gunna wake her up to!" "I'm already awake Ichijo" I laughed, "See!" Zero yelled, I smiled at them.

"Okay Dakota so what happened today?" Ichijo said, I looked at him surprised "You mean they didn't tell you?" They both shook there heads "He wouldn't let us" Zero sassed "Wow that's a first" I laughed, Ichijo pulled me to the couch, "So what happened" I looked down and tried to remember, "Okay well I was walking to school with Hanabusa like always, but this time was different we took a short cut, and I felt really light headed, Hanabusa caught me before I fell, and laid my head on his lap and the others ran to get Kaname and Zero, then next thing I remember, I was being pulled away by Rima and Luca and before they could seriously hurt me, I was down on the ground and everyone found me, Rima and Luca walked off, the others went to school while Zero and Kaname brought me home." Once I finished, Hanabusa walked through the door "YOU'RE OKAY!" He hugged me I smiled and hugged him back "Yeah" I looked at Ichijo "Thank you Dakota" he said walking up stairs with Zero and Kaname.

"Okay what the hell happened do you know?" I shook my head, but Hanabusa didn't believe me "Come on Kota, they had to have said something to you" he whined "No they really didn't say anything" I whispered "Why are you whispering" He said I looked upstairs "Because I don't want them to worry!" I said "them worry are your serious" Hanabusa laughed "You haven't noticed, the way they all walked up stairs they seem worried" I was sad "Oh shucks Kota don't let it get to you whatever, lets go remember Luvy wanted you to meet Kaylee!" he laughed nudging me, I smirked "yeah your right, lets go" I put on my sweater and left "Were going to Luvy's!" Hanabusa yelled before closing the door, and we walked off.

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