Give up

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I ran out of class to go to the Night class dorm to keep the day class away from the night class with Aido, also keep the night class away from Cody and Ichiru."Im gunna keep and eye on Ichiru and Cody because I know for a fact they will show up" I said holding back the girls "I'll keep an eye out too" Aido yelled back. the gates opened and I looked over and saw Ichiru I kept a close eye on him when the girls started to calm down, he watched as Zero walked out with his class mates, Ichiru held out a bloody rose. I ran up and pointed the gun down "You cant shoot them here Idiot!" I yelled which made the night class turn around "Carry on" I yelled Zero walked up and grabbed my arm "stay away from him!" He whispered than walked off to his class.

The girls walked off and I went to talk to Aido when Ichiru came up to me "I had a perfect aim what is wrong with you!" He yelled "One we are on school grounds! Two I said I would do everything in my power to protect them! Three thats your fucking brother!" I yelled "Come on Aido its getting dark" I hissed but Aido didnt move he stood there facing his brother. Ichiru grabbed the rose again and went to hold it up, to Aido "Stop!" I yelled running over when I heard a little click I turned my head and saw the gun pointed at me.

Aido stood there and they starred at eachother I looked over and saw Luca, Akito, Senri and Rima, once I saw them I knew Ichiru wasn't going to do anything stupid, but still I was tense, I still didn't know the guy, I didn't know what he was capable of. "Just give up Ichiru, you cant kill her with that shes not a vampire, you might wound her, but it won't kill her, but even if you wound her everyone of us will kill you, do you really want that?" Aido hissed, and Ichiru laughed "You guys would kill me for her?" "Well yeah shes very special to our lord Kaname" Senri said rubbing his head "Akito, why are you with them you're mortal!" Ichiru raised his voice "Why yes I am mortal, but I attend both day and Night class, plus im associated with Lord Kaname" He said, which got Ichiru upset.

"Ichiru enough" I looked up and saw Kaname and Ichijo than Ichiru held his gun to Ichijo and I ran infront when he pulled the trigger "Dakota!" Aido yelled as I fell into Kanames arms. Akito and Senri grabbed him dragging him to the head master, as Rima and Luca ran up to me "Is she okay?" Rima asked, I looked over at my stomach and saw a hole but it wasnt very deep but it hurt "We have to get her to the nurse now!" Luca yelled "Before the smell of blood attracts the others" she added "I'll take her Kaname you go deal with that bastard" Ichijo said picking me up carrying me to the nurse.

"Oh Dakota Cross what happened to you!" The nurse said, "Do I need to call your father?" I looked over at her and shook my head, "No Aido was playing around and accidentaly shot the bloody rose" I smiled, the nurse sighed and hook her head, she was staff here so she knew about the night class. "so it was the rose, so no bullets are in that gun, i cant even remember whats actually in it, but nothing that can harm a human, Ichijo can you pass me the cleaner over there so I can clean it before it becomes infected" She asked, Ichijo grabbed the bottle and gave it to her. "This is going to sting" She said, when she poured it on Ichijo held me down so I didnt move, but did it ever sting.

After he cleaned it and stitched it, she wrapped it up and sent me on my way. "It still hurts" I whinned "Yeah I know but dont forget she wants me to unwrap it tomorrow morning and re-apply a new wrap to keep it clean" He smiled which carrying me on his back I looked over and saw everyone. "Hey Dakota are you okay" Aido ran up to me and Ichijo put me down and Aido held my face "Im fine still hurts a bit tho" I laughed "Dakota why did you jump in front of the gun!" Zero yelled, I looked over at him and glarred "Its my job to protect you guys, I wasn't going to have Ichijo get shot, while im there plus it cant kill me" I sassed, Kaname bent down and looked at me "You have to stop being so reckless Dakota, if you keep doing this, you're going to get really hurt, I can take care of him myself" He smiled kindly and stood back up "Now Aido take her back to the Head masters, and get some rest" Kaname ordered and Aido pulled me home.

We reached the house and I saw Ichiru inside "What is he doing here?" I asked, Ichiru looked at me with sad eyes, "Dakota are you okay I heard the bastard here shot you, your okay right you went to the nurse?" I nodded my head "Im fine but why is he here!" I asked raising my voice a bit "oh yes well Ichiru will be living in the house with us since all the boys dorms are full" he said calming down "Head maste- I mean Father, it's really not safe for him to stay in the house, hes a hunter" I said, he looked over at me and smiled "I know" I looked at him an motioned my head towards Aido "I know Dakota, but in the house hes okay, I told Ichiru the rules, and what happenes if he doesnt obey them" When head master said that it made me feel safer "Where is he going to sleep tho?" I asked, "Well I arranged the rooms so Zero and Hanabusa share a room, and Ichiru gets Zeros Room" He said.

I looked over at Aido who looked pissed at the whole situation "I don't think Zero will be okay with this, you should have asked all of us to agree to this before you go and do stuff like this Head Master!" Aido said full of Anger than walked up stairs slamming his door. "I just thought this would be a good way to get the brothers closer together" He said, I looked over at Ichiru who was leaning against the door "Father, it wont happen, they are vampires now and hes a hunter they just wont get along" I whispered "Kota you will be friends with him right and show him a great time at the academy putting the fact that he shot you accidentaly behind you" He smiled, I didn't want to let him down, and say no, hes done so much for me I guess I could do this one thing for him. "Okay"

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