I'm such a child

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I went back to my duties of standing outside the night class and making sure all the girls kept back from them, I hated that they were so popular, cause these girls were nuts, and it was harder since Zero wasn't here and it was just Aido and I, I missed Zero, and the thought of him made my heart ach, "Alright get back!" I yelled as the gates started to open, "Okay everyone dont push, Its past your cerfew now get back to your dorms!" Aido yelled, It was the first time ive ever seen Aido get annoyed with these girls and it shocked me.

The gates opened and the night class stood there and the girls went over board, knocking me, 2 girls pushed me knocking me to the ground I felt someone catch me and I regained my balance "I'm so sorry Kaname I-" I looked up and went into shock Zero.. "Exactly what are you doing Kota?" He asked, and I still stood there in shock, There were so many things I wanted to ask him, like when I didn't see him what was going on? And have you found a way to satisfy your thirst for blood? How was your wound?

"Alright Enough now go back to your dorms!" He yelled to the girls walking right past me as he did, I didn't move I just stood there lost in thought. "Zero" I called out and he turned around "Welcome back" I smiled, "yeah thank you" he looked past me and his eyes widened. I turned my head and saw Kaname than looked back at Zero, just shrugging it off.

I stood on the balcony thinking back to everything that happened, but mostly about Zero, Shizuka Hio, was here at the academy, in order to stop Zero into falling into a Level E he had to drink the blood of that devil who gave him this cruel fate, and yet I doubt that Zero was even able to drink her blood, I couldnt stop but wonder how much time Zero has left now, don't tell me in the end I can't do anything without Kaname, Aido and Zero protecting me.

I turned my attention to the gate and saw someone out there, i ran over and jumped over the gate and looked around I thought I saw someone here but I couldnt see anyone, "Good evening Miss this is cross academy isnt it? I apologize for visiting at such a late hour, but im afriad I lost track of time at the office" a man said, I looked at the man and could sense he was a vampire "Your a vampire right?" I asked and he smiled "I am, and the young lady is a guardian, I was wondering something" I pulled out the artimis and held it on front of me "Just what do you want?!" I asked glarring at the man.

The man ran towards me and then I knew he was a level E "Where is the other Guardian!" he yelled leaping towards me, Aido leaped in front of me and stopped the man with one hand "AIDO!" I said worried about him getting hurt, "What do you want with my brother!" He yelled, "Zero Kiyru, For the crime of murdering a pureblood, Shizuka Hio, by the order of the highest Authority the senate, I have to execute him" He hissed.

I stood there in shock hearing that the Word of Shizuka Hio got out to the other vampire so quickly "You see the senate takes pride in protecting the pureblood, and yet he slipped through and killed Lady Shizuka" "Wait Zero Didn't" "Back off Kota!" Aido yelled pushing me back, "The only way he can pay for this grievous crime is with his life alone, A cheap price, wouldn't you say?" The man smirked which pissed Aido off, Aido used his powers crushing the mans hand and freezing it with ice "Wha-?! How dare you crush a Vampire's bone!" The man went to swing at Aido, But Aido reacted quickly, smashing the man to the ground and holding the bloody rose to his head.

"Aido.." I stood there in shock, I've never seen Aido so strong before. "Im sorry, but my brother can no longer sell his life cheap" He said, the man looked up from the ground and laughed "Even if you kill me, He will still be executed by us, that is his destiny" Aido shot the gun causing the man to turn into ash. "Aido, Kota!" Zero hopped over the fence and saw all the other vampires "This has nothing to do with you so go!" Zero yelled at us but we stood our ground, "We wont do that" I said as we all stood back to back.

I looked over as a man disinigrated right in front of us "Shizuka had done something that made it inevitable" Kaname said, I looked over and saw the night class surrounding us and the other vampires "Lord Kaname Kuran!" The vampires got on their knees and bowed, "So why must Zero be executed for the purpose of the upholding the sancity of the purebloods?" Kaname asked, "Kaname is a pureblood such as yourself interferes, we will not be able to complete our mission" One of the vampires said, "I would ask to avoid sullying the academy, Which I hold dear, and I dont need your foolish actions here you dogs of the senate!" Kaname glarred at the vampire and his eyes turned red "Lord Kaname please!" He yelled, The man screamed inpain from a wound that came out of no where.

Kanames eyes turned back to there normal color and he looked at the other vampires "Leave now" He hissed, The man held his shoulder and got up "Your choice to protect Zero Kiryu, will be duly reported to the senate, Lord Kaname!" he said than they disappered in a red smoke. I lowered the Artimis and Kaname walked up to me "Are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded my head. "Whats the big deal, Kaname Kuran? Why did you save me?" Zero asked, "Because I simply will not tolerate the execution of a fellow student by foolish men of my race for groundless reasons" He said, Zero walked off and I ran after him "Zero!" I turned back and looked at Kaname an bowed "Thank you very much Kaname" "Its fine" "No, Thank you, but there is no reason why Zero should be targeted, for this" I said, Kaname turned to me "I know that" He said walking up to me "Don't worry" Kanme came close to me and I backed away "No, you don't understand!" I yelled.

Luca got up from leaning against the tree "How dare you speak that way to-" Ichijo walked in front of her cutting her off "Now, now" he said putting his hand on her shoulder, "Come on, everyone let's go back to our rooms" He said, "But Lord Kaname was-" "Lets go" Akito said cutting her off, and everyone left.

"What is it that I dont understand?" Kaname asked "That Shizuka was killed by Zero. He did no such thing" i said, Kaname sighed and looked at me "Dakota, Im not trying to turn Zero into a Villain" "Then acknowledge that zero is not the culprit!" I yelled, "Certainly, if you say so, I acknowledge it" he said in a calm voice, "Kaname I'm serious" "And I have always been serious about you" He said, "Zero is not the culprit" I repeated, waiting for him to really acknowledge it. "This is going nowhere, Kota" "I dont care if it goes nowhere!" I yelled, Why wouldn't he just believe me that Zero was innocent, "Until you truly admit it, I don't want to speak to you anymore!" I yelled than ran off.

I laid in bed tossing and turning, "Whats wrong?" Riley asked "Oh sorry did I wake you?" I asked and she laughed "Kota, remember im a vampire I sleep during the day not the night" I sighed forgetting that my best friend was a vampire, even though I wish she was still mortal. "It's just I was thinking about how childish I can be" I said, "Thats true" i looked over at her in shock what did she mean it was true? "But I don't think that being Childish for you is a weakness" she smiled, "Thanks Ry" I smiled back and turned over to try and sleep again.

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