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Ichiru and I walked around the forest while Aido went to tell head master what had happened "So you and my brothers are pretty close huh?" he asked "Aido and I are really close hes like my other half" I smiled "I ment Zero" He sighed "Oh yeah were close" I said in a neutral tone, "I wont let you hurt them" I said looking at him, and he looked at me "You will have to kill me before you kill them" I said.

Ichiru was shocked with what I said "You would risk your life for a blood sucking beast in human form?" when he said that i got angry just cause they are vampires doesnt make them beasts "Yes" I said with a hiss I looked over and saw Zero with Ichijo "ZERO!" I sang running over to him and hugged him "Dakota what are you doing here" Ichijo smiled "Well I could ask you guys the same thing" I laughed "Ichiru!" Zero yelled holding his bloody rose while Ichiru held out his sword "What are you doing!" I yelled Ichijo held me back.

"Nice to see you brother" Ichiru hissed "STOP IT!" I cried out, Ichiru looked over at me and pushed zero back putting his sword away "You look so pale Zero, They Expected so much of you back then, Now it takes all your strength just to fight with the hunger inside of you. Someday you will be controlled by that hunger and lose yourself falling into a beast-like state as a Level E vampire" Ichiru hissed, "Is that all you want to say" Zero hissed.

Ichiru sighed "No, It's just meeting with you after such a long time, I just wanted to have a proper conversation with you. Dont you want to know? About that day?" When Ichiru said that I looked at Ichijo "What day?" Ichijo looked down at me "The day Zero and Aido were attacked by a vampire, and why Ichiru disappeared" He said.

Zero put his head down, I have never seen him act like this.. "At some point I gradually became a meaningless Existence to our parents, And Zero who I loved... I've actually always hated you!" Ichiru yelled, but Zero just sat there glarring at him "come on Zero say something" I whisered to myself "Now that I think about it... You should thank me I asked Shizuka to keep you alive." He added Zero looked shocked, and reached behind him for his gun.

The he finally spoke "Is it because you wanted to kill me yourself after watching me suffer?" he asked and Ichiru smirked "That's right, Have you suffered enough with your fate twisted?" Ichiru asked, "Stop it!" I yelled but Ichijo covered my mouth. "Because my fate is The vampire hunters, with all the power they will have they're almost like gods" He said, Zero grabbed Ichiru my the neck "That woman is no god!" he yelled "You don't know anything about Shizuka, Zero Except that puppet of yours is her sister" Ichiru hissed.

How could that be, how is Riley realted to that Devil Shizuka... "She kept her promise and cured my sick, helpless body." When he said that Zero was starstruk and Ichiru got out of his grip, "Although I want to kill you Zero, Shizuka wants you to be her servent" He said "Sorry, I wont serve a hunter, unlike you" Zero hissed "You Really don't understand anything Zero!" Ichiru yelled pulling out his sword swinging it towards Zero but blocked it with the rose again.

"I wont kill you, I'll just let you suffer more while you continue to resent what you've become, It's fine with me if you become a beast without reason" Ichiru said then walked back home. I looked over and saw Zero in pain "he hasnt taken his tablet, or drinkin' anyblood" Ichijo said "Zero!" I looked over and saw Riley and Kaylee "Is that you Ichiru?" Kaylee asked Ichiru smiled "Been a while Kaylee, I see you have become one of them" He hissed Kaylee then looked down to help Zero "Thats how it always was, helping the enemy huh Kaylee" Ichiru hissed "I'm different than I was back then" Kaylee sighed, while helping Riley pick up Zero.

"Stop it Ichiru!" I cried moving forward a bit, "Dakota..." Ichijo grabbed my arm "Please just stop" I said tears coming from my eyes I looked over as the girls took Zero back to the dorm, and Ichijo stood there with me "Dakota i'll take you home" Ichijo said putting his hand on my back "no i'll be fine he cant hurt me" I said and Ichijo walked back with Kaylee and Riley.

Ichiru couldn't look at me, Who would blame him, if i had done that i wouldn't look at me either. "Lets just go home" I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me shocked "You're not mad." He said with sad eyes "I am, but hes going to be okay, just please don't do that to him, he didnt ask to become a vampire, Hanabusa was about to be attacked and Zero saved him, not knowing that he was born a vampire tho" I sighed, knowing that he knew about that story.

We got home and saw Aido waiting outside "Dakota where were you guys I was worried" He asked, I looked over at Ichiru who just walked inside "Dakota what happened?" Aido looked at me, and he was worried "He attacked Zero, reminded him of his past, and Zero wouldnt become a servent of Shizukas which angred him, but Zeros okay he didnt get hurt" I said "That Bastard I swear if he wasnt living here I would kill him" I hugged Aido tears in my eyes "I don't want to lose you guys" Aido hugged me back "You Wont"


What are you?

Team Zero

Team Hanabusa/Aido

Team Kaname

Team Ichiru


Team Ichijo

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