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Ry and I walked around town, and I couldnt stop replaying last night in my head, I shook my head causing Riley too look at me 'Untill you truly admit it, I dont wan to speak to you anymore' It kept reapting over in my head, "Whats going on with you Kota?" She asked holding her books, "Oh it's nothing come on we better hurry" I smiled and a boy held on to my arm "mommy!" the boy started to cry and I looked down "Take me to my mommy" he cried, "Hey Ry Im going to help this little boy look for his mommy you go on ahead" I smiled, "No Dakota Im going with you!"

We followed the boy around town to an abandoned house and he walked towards it "hey is this really the place?" Riley asked, the boy turned around and smiled, "mhm" Thank you so much miss, I was afraid all by myself" "Well we really dont want to leave you alone so we will stay untill your mom comes" I smiled "Thanks alot you're very kind miss" The boy walked over and kissed me on he cheek, and everything went blurry than dark "Kota!"

I woke up laying on a couch in a room "Where am I" I thought looking around, "What a relief you managed to come through very quickly" Kaname said with his arms crossed, "Kaname Im really not sure how this happened!" I said and quickly stood up, Everything went blurry and I started to feel dizzy. "Kota" Kaname said holding onto me. "Thank you" I said getting out of his grip. "I thought that you weren't speaking to me?" He asked with a serious tone.

I turned away from him standing straight but a little shakey "I just ment that if you would stop suspecting Zero Well then... then I..." "I've already told you I have no intention in turning Zero into a criminal, how ever untill we know for sure who the real murderer is Zero is someone I can't rule out" I sat on the couch beside him and let out a sigh, why can't he see that Zero is innocent, why wont he believe me..

"Well I understand that but.." "One more thing Kota, when I heard you say that to me, did you think it wouldnt anger me?" Kaname asked lifting my head up to look at him "yes but, you have to remember it was your fault that I said that Kaname" I said with a hint of anger in my voice "Don't you know, you made me act that way?" I gased when he said that and my cheeks started to turn red.

We heard a knock on the door and stopped "come in" the door opened and there stood a smiling Takuma Ichijo "You're here too Takuma?" I asked, "Dakota you're awake thank goodness" He smiled, walking over to Kaname and I, "You gave me quite a scare, when I saw you laying there in the entery way with Riley" he added, "What happened to you?" he asked.

I sat there and tried to think of what happened but couldnt remember much "I don't know, I took a child to what looked like to be an abandon building, he kissed my cheek to thank me, and then.." "When he was most likely a child of one of the guests" Takuma sighed, "You see a vampire child can suck in your life energy" he added.

I looked at him in shock, "So where am I?" I asked, "You're in an under ground mansion it was built under an abandoned building, this place belongs to the Aido family, and tonight there is a party for the vampires that live in this facility, There are may Aristocrats here right now" he explained, than it all made sense.

I looked around the room after Kaname and Ichijo left, but its strange i felt like I've been in a place like this before? I stared at the walls and the image of a lady poped into my head, "ahh" I grabbed my head and looked around, "what was that?" the door opened and there stood the little boy from earlier, "I'm sorry for what I did earlier to you miss human" the boy looked so sad, I stood up and smiled at him "So it turns out you're a vampire huh? Did you find your mother?" I asked.

The boy closed the door without answering, I ran to the door and looked down the hall, and walked towards the light, and saw the party but it wasnt the type of party I thought, it was just a ballroom filled with Vampires, actors, and musicians, who won famous awards" I scanned the room and looked at all the different Vampires.

I looked around untill one vampire caught my eye, Zero? I quickly ducked down and sat against the wall "Why is he here? He couldn't have been invited, he must be working" I got up and stood behind a pillar watching everyone. I looked back and saw Kaname and Takuma and everyone was bowing.

I started to feel a little hurt when everyone was introducing Kaname to their daughters, but why did I feel so hurt by this? I walked away back into the room, debating wether or not to leave. I sat against the door and than felt it open "may I come in?" I moved away and Kaname walked in, "I told you not to leave this room didnt I?" I put my head down "I'm sorry" Kaname walked over and hugged me "No Kota this time an apologie is not enough" he lifted me up and laid me back on the couch, and sat beside me.

Kanamelaid his head on my chest and I felt my face go red "Kaname are you-" "Untill I forgive you just stay with me for a little while just like this Im so tired" I smiled as he closed his eyes "Yes of course" I wrapped my arms around him.

'My life began with you Lord Kaname, so even if my past is just a faded memory I will never be afraid'

I threw my hands over my face and started to tear up "Kota?" "I promised myself I would never call you lord Kaname like I used to, but I'm not some silly little girl anymore though, I know you're way out of my reach, that's what I told myself and I tried, I thought that if I didn't forget all you've done for me than It would be enough but I still-"

My eyes widened when I felt Kanames breath against my neck, "what are you-" I felt his lips on my neck, which sent chills down my spine, my grip got tighter on his arms, than he stopped and got up. "Humans are all fleeting living creatures, who pass through our lives for an instant, Do you want to become a vampire Kota?" My eyes went wide and I lost my breath was he really asking me this?

"Do you want to become a blood-sucking beast like me and live a long life together?" he added "I will" He went close to my neck and opened his mouth, than backed away again "sorry, this punishment is to excessive, I won't do anything." he said, I sat up and he kissed my head "I'm sorry if I frightened you" "Kaname, I.. I thought that you uh-" I hesitated still shaken up, I was for once at a loss for words "Why must you look like that? I hope you have learnt from this and, don't go walking into dangerous situations again" he grabbed my arm and we walked outside

"Lord Kaname I'm sorry I didn't know that kid was-" "Just take her home Riley I'll ask for an explaination later" We got into the car and drove back over to head masters. "look its snowing" she smiled looking out the window.

'The whiteness of snow brings back memories of crimson blood, of ten years ago and the red that splattered, of the beautiful boy upon whom the blood spattered, who reached his hand out to me and I took that hand.. as long as Kaname is near, I have nothing to fear, if its for Kaname that I would do anything for.'

"Vacation is coming so soon" "We wont be able to soo Idol for so long!" "I'm going to miss you wild!" "Luca, there is a fire in my heart that I must-" "Shut up!" Zero yelled inturrupting the day class students "Zero wheres Aido?" I asked, "Why don't you quit daydreaming and do you work?" He said tapping my head "sorry" I sighed.

The gates opened and there stood the night class, I looked back and Kaname smiled, and Riley didnt have a pleasent face "All right everyone! Get back!" I yelled. as he night class walked off and the day class went back to their dorms, I grabbed Aido and went to the school "Kota what are we doing?" Aido asked, "Riley looked sad, I think Kaname said somthing that made her upset" I heard Aido sigh and I turned to look at him "You know something, Spill it!" I said, "It wasn't Kaname that gave her trouble, it was Ichijo" he said "Ichijo why would he give her trouble?" I asked, and Aido shrugged his shoulders, "Oh Kota, Aido what bring you here?" I truned around and saw Takuma Ichijo "Takuma why is Riley upset? What did you say to her?" I asked.

Ichijo sighed and looked at me, "we had to punish her, for not taking better care of you, like Kaname ordered her to, so now she is to stick around Senri and Rima to learn how to become better protectors, and how to use her weapon, so untill then she is not to come near you, orders by Kaname, Now if you'll excuse me I am to return back to class"

"but it wasn't her fault.."

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