Chapter Twenty-seven

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"We should set a day to run as a pack and do some training exercises," Zev said as they finished their food.

I brightened. I hadn't run with anyone besides Zev, it would be fun to run with pack-mates. Plus it would help with my training, Zev said I was getting better but I still had a lot to learn.

"Really? Is it safe?" Sarina asked with a glance at me.

"Nothing has happened in weeks and my father has had decoys out to see if anyone attacked and they haven't," Zev said. "I still believe it is personal against Liana," He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "But she'll have all of us around and my father said he would send a couple of his enforcers to stand guard, just in case. I think we need this though, for morale. Especially the younger ones."

"When should we do it?" Rafe asked eagerly.

"Next Saturday afternoon is supposed to be nice, weather-wise," Priscilla said, a slow smile spreading across her face. She gave me a sweet smile. "Have you run with anyone in the pack before?"

"No, just Zev," I said cautiously. Priscilla talking politely to me was a novelty.

"You'll love it, it's so fun!" Priscilla grinned.

Sarina clapped her hands together. "Yay! Pack run!"

"I'll have Isobel spread the word," Zev said. "I want all the teenagers to get the experience."

"Next Saturday?" Nash asked.

"Yup. Problem?" Zev asked casually.

"Nope, no problem," Nash said, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair. He had a slight frown on his face.

I noticed he looked a little disappointed and mind linked to Zev. What's wrong with Nash?

A grin appeared on Zev's face. His birthday is next Saturday...

Oh...Aren't you going to acknowledge it?

Sarina and Colt have planned a surprise birthday party for him the night before. Isobel is helping them...

Oh good...he looked sad... I grinned.

Don't worry, he'll love that it is a surprise...

Friday night everyone was gathered at Nash's house, waiting for him to get home. His parents had been in on the surprise party and had taken their son out to dinner so his friends could get the house ready.

"There certainly is enough food," I commented when Isobel joined her at the table, which was covered with sub sandwiches, pizza, a variety of chips, and drinks.

Isobel shrugged and grinned. "We're shifters. What do you expect?"

I laughed. "So, what did you get Nash?"

"A rare game for his PlayStation 5," Isobel answered as she put her gift on the table. "It was hard to find but I managed to track it down."

"Wow," I said, watching Isobel closely. "Are you two close?"

"No," Isobel said wistfully.

"Oh," I lowered my voice. "Do you like him?" I smiled at Isobel's hesitant look. "I won't say anything. Not even to Zev, I promise."

"I like him," Isobel admitted in a soft voice. "But he rarely talks to me."

"Could he be your true mate?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know for sure. Usually, seventeen is the age when shifters start to find their mates. So another year and a half to go for me but..." Isobel shrugged.

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