|| ONE ||

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Your POV:
Keeping my gaze on the elevator door in front of me, I wait for it to open. The night has just begun and I already want to go back to my house and read the latest romance novel I just began, with my favourite wine, Jacobs' Creek.

Fixing my Maroon Velvet Wrap dress, I step into the elevator with several others behind me. As much as I hate to admit it, my anxiety is always at its highest in situations like these. Being in an elevator full of people, nah, I would rather be all alone in my bed.

But being an entrepreneur, there's one thing that is always expected from me, confidence. And I am a master at faking it even when my insides are crumbling.

So as always, I keep my head high as I wait for the elevator to reach the top floor of the building where the people are waiting for me. Of course it feels amazing to know that you are a significant part of society, but being an introvert and a blunt person, it's really become tough for me to fake my confident self, especially when I am nowhere near that term.

As the doors open, I scram out of the cramped place and look for the door to the hall. As soon as I spot it, I walk, no, stride towards it. It's half open and I can already see the large windows which show the city lights.

Once I am inside the hall, it's then I admire the exquisite interior of the place. The walls are embellished with beautiful golden copper tiles and Art Deco Lamps. The flooring is as magnificent as the room itself, laminated with the finest quality wood.

The final touch is given by the chandelier hanging just at the centre of the hall with a tremendous false ceiling, along with the ceiling and cove lights all around the hall.

I was still admiring the beauty of the hall, when suddenly I heard someone, "I have been waiting for you Ms. Y/n." snapping my attention to the owner of the voice, Mr. Williams. My latest partner, who had actually organized this gathering to celebrate our alliance.

"Hello Mr Williams. Thank you so much for organizing such a wonderful party." I speak as I try to read his face. He is an old man, not very old though, must be close to my father's age, the father who barely speaks to me.

He nods his head as he goes to the centre and asks for everyone's attention. The hall is full of people, mostly all the big entrepreneurs and the CEO's of the country. Everyone stops speaking and diverts their attention to the aged man in front of them. "Everyone, I want to introduce you to Ms Y/n, one of the newest faces in the business world. Please welcome her with open arms as she is one of the best interior decorators I know! Ms Y/n, I would like you to say a few words to the guests."

Suddenly, I am numb. Even though this is not the first time someone has asked me to speak in public, I always go numb in situations like these. I put on a fake smile, which truly feels as real as the night and go towards the elderly man to grab the mic and to get over with this shit.

"Hello everyone", I speak as I grab the mic tighter with each word, wavering my eyes from person to person. "I am Y/n and am really looking foward to working with Mr Williams. I truly appreciate him for giving me this grand celebration to welcome me. And I also look forward to knowing each and every one of you too. So, let's make ourselves comfortable and enjoy the gathering."

Jungkook's POV:
My hard cock twitches in my pants as I hear her speaking in that captivating voice. She tries so fucking hard to be that confident woman, and she actually succeeds in doing so, with others of course.

That look, that confidence, it's all a hoax. She is still that little girl who is afraid of the world, but she tries to fight it through that fake poise, and I fucking love that about her. I love how she shows herself as this bold woman who is also the definition of humane.

When I look at her talking to other people with that confidence, I just want to know how she would react in front of me. Would she be as confident when I talk to her, or would she soften and break her boundaries to let me in?

My eyes drift to her deep cleavage and I can feel the precum on my already hard cock. Fucking hell!
It's become impossible to control myself around her. It's been 4 months already, and she doesn't have any idea how obsessed I am!

I was so busy admiring that beautiful cleavage that I didn't even realise that she was coming my way. I instantly took out my phone and pretended to look at it. I has just opened my gallery, which was, of course, full of her pics when I heard, 'Y/n please meet Mr Jeon, you must have heard about him and his company, JJK Cyber Security.'

I part my gaze from my phone and look up to find her so fucking close to me. I want nothing more than to take her outside of this party and to fuck her brains out until both of us can't take it anymore. Her eyes are the darkest shade of black and just pull me towards them like a freaking magnet.

'Hello Mr Jeon, nice to meet you.', she says, keeping strong eye contact with me. Perhaps I was wrong, I would have to work harder for her to melt in front of me, and I am really looking forward to it.

'The pleasure is all mine Ms Y/n', I say as I take her right hand into mine and kiss it. Electricity shoots through my veins and all over my body. Shit, they are so fucking smooth, I could hold them all day long. Does she feel anything too? I look into her eyes as I hunt for the answer to my own question and sure enough, she looks nervous as hell.

I let go of her hand and Mr Williams takes her to meet other people in the gathering. I think it's time.
It's time for me to make myself known to her.
To tell her what she means to me.
To tell her who she belongs to.



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