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He is not okay with the fact that I lied, in fact, he is furious. I can tell it just by hearing his deep monotone voice. And I know that lying to him again will just infuriate him even more.

"Why the fuck did you think that I wouldn't follow you to wherever you were going?" he continues, his voice turning harsher with each word. His fingers going deeper inside me but still with no action. "Answer me, Y/n! Answer me or I swear I will leave you on your bed like this, starving for my touch."

"Wait! I am answering. Please...don't do that," I beg. "I...I thought that..you would not like it if I went to dinner with any other man, so I decided-not to tell you. I didn't know that you would actually follow me to the restaurant."

"Now, little wolf, you listen to me." he starts moving them and my mouth opens wide as I take in a deep breath. "You will never ever lie to me in the future ever again. Of course, I don't like other guys around you, but that's my problem. I won't take your freedom away due to the insecurities and problems that I have. But lying to me is not a solution. Do you get it?"

He starts turning and twisting his fingers inside me and I can't help but moan. This feels a little too good and I just don't want it to end. I am completely naked in front of him but I don't feel embarrassed at all. That's what this man does to me. My hands are bound and my eyes are blindfolded but I feel myself at this moment. No fake smiles, no fake confidence. Pure vulnerability, and the utter truth about what I like sexually.

And this man, right here, doesn't fucking judge. I don't know how, but he knows what I like and he is just doing that to help me get off. He is doing everything so right that I don't have to fake my moans and my orgasms and I can feel one building inside of me by each passing second and it feels surreal.

"Do you fucking get it, little wolf?" he asks again harshly and I can't help but only nod my head. I am too fargone to speak anything right now other than his name and these throaty moans.

"Good Girl."

Two words. Just two words and I am a goner. I explode on his fingers shamelessly and I know I will have to change the sheets after he will be gone.

I lose his fingers after a while when I hear him say, "How the fuck can you taste this perfect, little wolf? But don't worry, no one will ever get a taste of you other than me ever again."

As I am contemplating whatever he just told me, his mouth crashes to mine and I can taste myself in this mouth. This kiss is nothing like our first kiss, it's punishing and yet so, so passionate. It feels as if my lips have always belonged to this stranger. His mouth leaves mine and trails down to my neck where he bites down, hard.

"Oh my...God, JK." I cry out.

"So beautiful, so fucking perfect."

He moves further down to the swell of my tits and leaves butterfly kisses, and then takes one of my nipples in his mouth and sucks and bites on it. This is too much stimulation for me but I just don't want this to end, I don't want him to go.

He stops and then I hear the door to my bathroom opening and water running. And suddenly I feel something wet on my inner thighs and near my entrance. Oh my! Is he really cleaning me? Why does my stalker has to be so perfect? I want to hate him, but I just can't.

And then I feel him kissing me again until I don't. I realise my hands are open and I quickly take my blindfold off but all my hopes to see him standing in front of me and revealing himself vanish as soon as I take it off.

He left, again.
But this time the glass door is closed and I guess it's locked too. He punished me, helped me get off, cleaned me and then left.

But what about him? I don't even know why I am thinking about it, but I am. Why is he not going all the way, why is he not...fucking me?

I am completely sick in my head for even thinking about that, but for now, I have to change my sheets because I cannot sleep on a wet bed.


I am a mess. I am so fucking tired that I can hardly stand the sight of my office. Since the Christmas holidays were three days long, all my employees and me have been working really hard for the last four days. They just went by in a blur and I often even slept here on my desk.

We don't have a holiday on New Year's Eve that is today. Although we do have a holiday tomorrow so I am really looking forward to sleeping my ass off the next day.

"I will be leaving now," I look up from my laptop to find Lily at the door of my office looking almost as tired as I am if not more.

"Sure, and Happy New Year." I wish her before bringing my eyes to my laptop again.

"You should leave too, Y/n, it's almost 9:00 p.m. Hell, even your house is a good forty-minute drive from here."

"I will manage it, Lily. Don't sweat it and enjoy your evening." I give her a wink and she gives me a smile before leaving. Now, I just have to complete this layout and then, I will go home. Maria must be there by 9:30 p.m.

Yepp, I am celebrating my New Year's Eve with my best friend, at my house, of course. She has the duplicate keys to it, so I don't have to run home to get there before her.

I check my phone to see any messages from him but there aren't any. It's not like we aren't texting, we have been talking on the text non-stop since last four days. And trust me when I say he is talking dirty. I scroll up to see all the dirty texts he has sent me over the past few days.

JK: Are you not able to sleep, beautiful? Want me to come inside and make you get off again?

He really knows what to say to make me blush.
This one day, I was working at my office till late when his text came in and I couldn't stop thinking about it the entire night.

JK: Seeing you working the whole day at your desk makes me think about how much I want you to work for me so that I could take you on my table anytime and anyway I want.

And one day, I was selecting the lingerie I wanted to wear, and I was confused between a red coloured one and a grey coloured one.

JK: Go with the Red one, Grey is a little too dull for someone as beautiful as you, my little wolf.

Sometimes, I really forget that he actually is my stalker and it spooks me every time when I think that he can see almost everything I do.

And the best part? The guy doesn't judge me, not even a bit.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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