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Your POV:

He wants me to do what? I will not open my legs for a stranger.
Or will I?

You: I am not doing that!
JK: That wasn't a question Y/n. Either you do it, or I will come and do it.

Just the thought of him opening my legs makes me clench my thighs. Fuck! That tingling sensation in my pussy is back.

You: I can't JK...
JK: You can, beautiful. Just do as I say and I promise I won't touch you.

But..why do I want him to touch me? Why am I so unhinged? I want my stalker to touch me. To fuck me. It has actually been my fantasy ever since I came out of my last relationship. I have never told anyone about it and now that it's actually happening, it feels surreal.

I find myself going towards the side of the bed facing the window and lying down with my legs towards it. It's something in his voice, the way he dictates me, the way he says that word 'beautiful'.

JK: Open your legs for me, beautiful.

I can't think straight, not anymore. I open my legs and shut my eyes due to shame. It's only been a week and a half since I have known him. Shit! I don't even know him.

JK: Lift your head and look at the window Y/n.

I lift up my head and cannot help but take a deep breath in as I see his silhouette outside my window. He looks like a dark shadow, so tall and muscular. What does he want me to do?

You: I...I see you...

I speak breathlessly.

JK: Y/n, now I want you to take off your shorts for me. Also, put that phone on speaker and keep it down on the bed beside you.

Take off my shorts? No, I can't let him see how wet I am for him.

You: I can't---
JK: You can Y/n, and you will.

I hear it in his voice. Desperation. He wants it, and he knows he will get it. I hate that he knows me so well. Which makes me wonder, exactly how long has he been stalking me?

After some hesitation, I finally pull my shorts down my legs but I can't manage to keep them open anymore. It's so fucking embarrassing!

JK: Open your legs baby, let me see your beautiful clit. I want to see how wet she is for me.

My eyes are closed and I can't breathe properly, but I do as told even though it makes me feel so out of control. This man is taking my control away from my mind, from my body and from myself. I take notice of his heavy breathing from the speaker of my phone which makes me realise just how much this man is affected by me.

JK: Fuck baby, you are so wet for me!

I hear him speaking almost as breathlessly as me and a small smile spreads across my face knowing the effect I have on him and I spread my legs wider for him to see my glistening pussy.

JK: Shit! Y/n, I want you to pull your tank top down and free those pretty big tits. I want to see them bounce when they are finally out.

I pull my top down and my tits bounce as they become unrestrained. My nipples are erect and my hands automatically start playing with my tits, not caring about the man looking at me through my window. I feel so vulnerable, yet so fucking free!

JK: You are so beautiful, baby. So fucking wet for me. I want to come inside and eat your pussy like a fucking pauper who has been starving for days.
You: No..yo--
JK: I know beautiful. Don't worry, I won't do it, for now.

For now? I lift my head to look at his shadow outside my window. I moan as I pinch both my nipples at the sight of him. One of his hands is on his hard dick rubbing it from above his pants.

JK: Yes beautiful, play with your tits. Show me how you please yourself. Show me how much I affect you and your body.

I don't know whether it's just the heat of the moment, or him watching me touch myself, but my moans become so louder. Most of the time when I touch myself, I refrain from moaning, but I don't this time. I moan as loudly as I can as I squeeze my tits and pinch my nipples. Shit! I have never felt so aroused and so out of control in my entire life.

JK: Now Y/n, I want you to massage your clit for me.

Finally! My right-hand travels from my tits to my stomach and finally to my soaking wet folds. I gasp as I feel how wet I am. I am a horny woman, I masturbate almost every fucking day, but I have never been this wet.

Is it because he is watching me touch myself? How fucked up can I be? Well, I get the answer to my question almost immediately as I hear him groan on the phone and I increase the pace with which I was rubbing my wet clit. So fucked up!

JK: You have no idea how much you affect me Y/n. My cock is so fucking hard for you. Put your fingers inside your pussy and please yourself as much as you can, because once I fuck you, I won't let anything else fuck you, not even your own fingers. That cunt will completely be mine!

I moan as I hear him say that and slide my fingers inside my vagina. My left hand automatically leaves the tit it was squeezing as I cover my mouth to control my whimpers. My fingers start convulsing inside my pussy as fast as they can.

JK: Remove your hand from your mouth and let me hear your beautiful voice.

As soon as I do that, I grab the bedsheet in a robust grip. I am still trying to control my moans but I terribly fail as my whimpers fill the room. The fact that a man, a sexy man, is watching me please myself, drives me absolutely insane.

JK: Yes Y/n, just like that. Sing for me, like a little slut...my little slut. You have no idea how much I want to be inside you, how much I want to fill you up with my cock and my cum, to fuck you like you have never been fucked before.

With a last piercing shriek, I cum all over my fingers and my bedsheet. I should be offended by his words, I should immediately go the police and report him, but his words just made me cum so fucking hard. I open my lustful eyes and lift my head to see him zipping up him pants. Did he cum too?

You: I..want to..see you.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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