|| FIVE ||

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Jungkook POV:
I open the window of her room and step inside. Her little snores bring a smile to my face, so cute. Walking towards her bed, I watch her like a hawk watches its prey.
Well, she is my prey.

My Y/n didn't sleep the night I visited her, she was too terrified to do so. So she slept the whole day yesterday because it was a Sunday. She slept early today as well and I really don't want to scare her and wake her up. But that will be a little difficult.

My gaze falls at her phone on her stomach. My little wolf dozed off while using her phone tonight and that is not good for her. I walk towards her sleeping figure and crouch down on the floor beside her bed. My eyes move to her face and scan it.

Even though the room is dark, her features are very much visible. Her big round eyes which are closed right now, her small pointy nose, her full parted lips, her fluffy cheeks. Her baby face is a total contrast to her very sexy curvy body.

My hand reaches for the phone on her stomach when my fingers accidentally brush her erect nipples through her tank top. Fuck!

My tongue slides over my lips as I continue staring at her erect nipples thirsting for them to be in my mouth. It's not that I am a sex-deprived man but I am hungry, just for this girl right here.

Without thought, I intentionally brush my thumb over her nipple again and again. They feel so freaking good! My already hard cock starts to throb and I can feel the precum lining at its tip. I cannot help but pinch her nipple with my index and thumb fingers when a moan escapes her mouth.

Shit! What the fuck am I doing?! I get up from her sleeping figure and walk towards her window to get out of there before the situation gets out of control and I lose it, when I hear, "Stop!"

I turn my face to my side and see her pointing a knife at me from my peripheral vision. My girl was prepared with a knife tonight, but I can't turn towards her as I am not wearing my mask and my cap right now.

Your POV:
It feels good, too good actually. I can feel my nipples being touched and pinched and it's been a while since I felt anything like this. I know it's a dream and can't help but moan at the feeling. Except for the fact that this dream feels so real. Too real. Wait!

I open my eyes at the loss of touch and catch a glimpse of a man going towards my window. Oh my God! Was he touching me? Is he the same man from that night?!

I take a knife from under my pillow, which I had kept for safety reasons after that guy threatened me, and ask him to stop. He turns his head to the side and I can see the outline of his face. It's....it's perfect! Even though it is quite dark and I am unable to make out his features, he has the silhouette of a model!

Without any further thought, I pounce on him to stab him in the shoulder when suddenly I am turned around in the blink of an eye and the man holds my left hand in a firm grip behind my back and my right hand with the knife to my throat. I can feel his breath on my neck giving me goosebumps yet again and the same smell of Bergamot and wood fills my nostrils. Shit!

"W-why d-did you....touch me?", I ask him panting heavily. His hold on my right hand tightens and he starts dragging it from my neck to my chest. My left-hand wriggles in his hold trying to loosen it. I feel something pointy on my nipple and look down to see that the man is using the knife in my hand to touch it. The thin material of my tank top separates the knife's sharp edge from my nipples.

Oh my! My nipples are erect and he can see them, this is too embarrassing. Suddenly he starts circling my nipple with the knife, and my eyes roll to the back due to the pleasure.

Oh, it feels so good!

I tuck my lower lip in between my teeth to stop the moans which were pleading to come out, but when I feel his lips on my neck sucking it, I completely lose control. It just feels so fucking good!! I can feel my core wet and my shorts soaked with my arousal!

I have no idea if he is a psycho stalker or a serial killer. I only know that I am really deranged in my head because something this dangerous can turn me on. Fuck! I want him to tie me to the bed and fuck the hell out of me, but I won't confess to it.

And then, in a flash, nothing. I feel nothing. His touch is gone, the knife circling my erect nipple is gone and my hands are free. Why do I suddenly feel so devoid? I open my eyes and turn around to see no one and the window of my room open.

Filled with absolute disappointment, I close the window and walk towards my bed. Why does this guy has to be so fucking hot and seductive? And his scent? It drives me insane.

My phone beeps and I pick it up to check who texted me. My eyebrows clash together as it's an unknown number and it's 10 p.m. at night. Who the fuck texted me so late at night?

Unknown: Don't get embarrassed, beautiful.
You know you liked the way I touched you.

My eyes widen at the text and I type in a reply as fast as I can.

Y/n: Who the fuck are you, creep?
And how dare you touch me?!

Unknown: I'm JK baby, you already know that.

The audacity!

Y/n: Stop barging into my house like that!
If you are a real man, then come face to face and we'll talk.
Otherwise, be ready to face criminal charges, and also see you in court for trespassing.

I stare at my phone in anticipation waiting for his message. It's been a minute since I sent him that text. Backing off already?
Suddenly the phone vibrates in my hand and my eyes go wide as I read it.

Unknown: Honestly, I love your wit but listen here.
I can come into your house any time I like and do whatever I want with you.
And I dare you to go to the police station and you'll see what I can do.

The man is threatening me for something he did? Such a manipulator!

Y/n: And you are threatening me now!

Unknown: Consider it a warning, beautiful.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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