|| THREE ||

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Your POV:
I stare at the glass of wine in my hands while listening to Maria talk about that one guy she dated two years ago. She says that she is over him because she 'flirts' with other men, but I know that it is far from the truth.
We both are the same when it comes to our exes, somehow still stuck up on them.
No matter how much she tries to hook up with other guys, and no matter how horny my bestie is, she has never slept with anyone her entire life, not even with her ex. She tries but backs out every single time and I feel bad for her, but who am I to judge when I myself have only slept with one guy in my entire life, my ex, who I left five years ago.

Suddenly she stops and I look up to see two burly men somewhere in their early 30s standing in front of us. One of them, who is staring intensely at me, has emerald green eyes with a little stubble on his jaw and blonde hair which is definitely hot, but not my type.

So I just call the bartender and ask him to give me another drink. But the guy interrupts, "The drinks for the ladies are on us tonight!" My eyes roll automatically upon hearing him say it when Maria speaks, "Sure.", while eying the other dude with him. Crashing my eyebrows together I give Maria the 'What are you doing', look.

"Hi...", the blonde guy says while looking at me. "She is Y/n and I am Maria.", my best friend interrupts while swooning over the other man. "Hello, I am Jake and...", the other guy says followed by the blonde one, "I am Luke."
How the fuck do I tell him that I am not interested?
Finishing my drink in one go, I look up at Luke, smile at him and after saying, "Good", saunter to the dance floor to get away from them. I turn around once to see Maria flirting with Jake and Luke staring at me again and start moving my hips to the rhythm of the song. I am better off alone and I know that.

'HIPS DON'T LIE' by SHAKIRA starts playing and I start enjoying it. A little too much actually, when a hand comes around my waist to wrap around it and I flinch. Gripping the hand almost instantly I push it off me and turn around to see a very drunk man smiling at me while looking up and down checking out my body.

My face instantly curls up in disgust and I turn around to get away from the maniac when his hands grab mine and pull me towards him. "Leave.my.hand." I order him and try to wriggle away from his hold but it doesn't seem to affect him and his other hand starts snaking up my waist.

I try to push him off me while continuously shouting at him when suddenly someone pulls him off me and a punch lands on his right jaw making him stumble and eventually fall. My eyes widen and I pull in a sharp breath at the tussle in front of me.

My eyes look up from the drunk man on the floor holding his jaw to the man who just gave him the blow. I catch a glimpse of his dark eyes through his hoodie and mask before his eyes land on me. We make eye contact just for a second when I hear Maria call out my name, "Y/n are you okay?!"

My head automatically snaps towards her before nodding. But as soon as my eyes turn to look at the stranger who saved me, I find no one. Disappointment fills me and I leave the place with Maria in a hurry.


"I am fine Mari", I say for the hundredth time before getting out of Maria's car. "Should I stay for the night Y/nie?", my best friend asks me with a worried face and I tell her to calm down again.

I wave at her, stepping onto the porch of my house and her car takes off. 'Silly girl', I mumble before opening the door to my house and stepping inside.

I take a shower to freshen up my mind and come out in my towel when I see something move outside my window in the mirror of my room. My breathing picks up and my heart starts hammering in my chest. 'Don't worry Y/n, it must be an animal. After all, you live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods.', this is how I assure myself but I know that it may not be the case and it may be my last day on earth.

I walk towards the window and take a peek outside to see nothing. Gulping, I turn around and smile to myself for being so paranoid when suddenly the lights go out and I hear my main door opening and closing. This is officially my last day on earth.

This can't be happening, Oh God! I can't die tonight!! I take the scissors from the drawers of my desk and step out of the room to face whoever just entered my house. I sure am scared as hell but they don't have to know that. I wanted to live alone on my own and I am going to do just that because I am an independent young woman.

Okay, that was too much.

My eyes scan my living room and the attached kitchen and dining to find no one. "Who's there", I ask like that main character in the scary movies who dies seconds after enquiring the same thing. But I won't die. Right?

I feel something, no someone. A presence behind me. But before I can turn around to stab the bastard, a hand grabs the back of my neck and slams me onto the wall in front of me with my head facing sideways and my boobs ramming into the wall. Tears sting my eyes and my breathing becomes erratic. Not being able to think of anything else I try to ask the person behind me what he wants but words get stuck in my throat. I might die today!


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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