|| TWELVE ||

640 13 11

Jungkook's POV:
I hear the old man grumble when he loses to me yet again. We have been playing Golf since the morning, but I keep on winning every round.

"When I was your age, I was better than you." a small smile spreads across my face as I hear my father comparing us. "You sure were." I know he was. I remember it. I used to watch him play golf with my uncle every Sunday and it would absolutely fascinate me how he won almost every single time.

He keeps on complaining for the next hour or so and then I hear a sweet voice behind me, "Lunch is ready." I turn around to see my adorable sister Evelyn in her usual oversized top and mom jeans. Although she is a 20-year-old girl, she still has those round doe eyes and fluffy cheeks she used to have as a kid.

"We're coming. The game has become repetitive and boring." my father calls out from behind and walks past me. "Bring everything inside, Ada," he tells our helper before stepping inside the house with me behind him.

We sit at the dining table with Dad sitting at the head of the table and Mom and me on his right and left side respectively. Evelyn sits beside Mom and as always keeps on checking her phone. Suddenly, she looks up from her phone, keeps it on the table and opens her mouth, "I..have a confession to make."

All of our heads snap towards her in unison. She has been an introvert since the very first day we brought her inside this house. She was around six at that time, and my parents found her outside our house, in the rain, completely drenched. We tried to ask her about her family and she told us that she has none and lived with her foster parents. They were abusive towards her and therefore, she ran away.

After that, we adopted her and I tried my best as an elder brother to build that trust and love between us. She still doesn't speak much and is always in her room, most of the time. Of course, she loves us just as much as we do, she just doesn't know how to show it.

So when she said that she wanted to talk to us, it came out as a surprise. "What do you want to confess, Eve?" Mom asks, her voice coated with confusion.

" I..have a boyfriend. We have been dating for a couple of months, and he wants to meet you guys." my gaze instantly finds my father's and we have the same rigid expression on our faces. We knew this day would come, and here it is. "I know you guys asked me not to date before my college ended, but we really love each other."

If I already didn't know the importance of the word 'Love', I would have found the fucker who has been dating my sister and sliced open his head for even daring to go near her. But now that I have Krystal and I know it, my sister won't be much happy if I did that to her so-called boyfriend.

"Are you sure he feels the same way about you?" I ask her, not wanting to sound harsh but I know how I sound right now.

"Yes, he feels the same way," she replies.

"Invite him to dinner tonight, we want to meet him." dad declares.

We continue eating and talking throughout the dinner. I may come off as a very deranged individual to anyone, but I have a normal family. The only reason I am a little insane is because I was bullied almost all my school life and just lost it one day.

I keep on checking Krystal's house feed just to find her house empty. She has gone to her mother's house for Christmas and will be staying there for the next two days. Of course, I have guards all around her mother's house too.


"You look happier." I hear Mom says as soon as I enter the kitchen to have water. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. My mom really knows me. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

"Yes," I murmur. It's the first time I have told Mom about a girl. Hell, Krystal is the first girl I have ever felt so strongly for. "Tell me about her," she asks as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.
Well, Krystal definitely is.

"I want to meet her, I want to see the girl who has made my son so happy. Bring her here for dinner tonight."

"It's not possible tonight Mom, but I promise you that I will bring her very soon." And I leave the kitchen after that. I would love to tell Mom everything about my little wolf, but I can't tell her about my stalker tendencies. Ever.


To say that the dinner with Eve's Boyfriend was tense would be an understatement. The guy was far from perfect. Although he has everything going on for him in the looks department, he was a little too collected. And he kept on holding my sister with his hand on her waist the entire night. The man looked obsessed with her, and I know it because I share similar feelings towards this one girl who keeps my head and heart occupied all the time.

The type of obsession I have towards Krystal is not normal. It's very dangerous, for my own self as well as for her. Once I have her, I won't let her go even if she begs me to. I will keep her chained to me and she won't be able to get away from me, ever, whether she likes it or not.

Back to him, I don't like him. I will ask Evelyn to dump his ass first thing in the morning before leaving. And if she won't, I know Dad and I will have plenty of methods to make it happen as our feelings towards that 'Tristan' guy are mutual.

Y/n POV:
I don't like it here. As soon as I stepped inside my parent's house, I got greeted by that stifling energy all around the house. Although, the house is cosy as hell, and designed very well by mom, the times I have spent here are anything but cosy. Dad rarely visits us due to his job outside the country and my sister is a little bitch. Although we love each other, I just can't stand the snarky comments she passes every time I am with her and Mom.

Don't even get me started on Mom. She is that self-obsessed lady who married a rich man so that she could live her life without any financial problems and totally dependent on her husband. I hate it.

She wanted me to do the same thing, but I am nothing like her. I want to be financially independent, have a big house somewhere in the middle of the woods near a lake, and have five dogs and two adopted children. I haven't thought about marriage since my last relationship and I don't even want to. It feels suffocating.

I lay down on my bed when suddenly he comes to my mind. I have been thinking about him a lot lately, almost all the time. I couldn't help but write about him in my journal. The things he made me feel that night, that kiss, the way he ordered me to touch myself in front of his eyes, everything felt so surreal.

I open my phone and see no text from him. He didn't come last night, he just vanished after that night. He hasn't even texted me since.

I am a very insecure person because I am a little on the chubby side. Although my boobs are a boon, my belly and that little back fat I have aren't. I hate it and I tried to get back in shape, but it turns out that I have Hypothyroidism and that's why I have to work extra hard to stay in shape.

And that is why all I keep on thinking about is if he really just got annoyed with me? Did he not like the kiss? Or did he not like the way my pudged belly folded when I was fingering myself?


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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Thank you for reading! ✨

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