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Jungkook POV:
To say that I am mad would be an understatement.
I am fucking enraged.
All because of the girl who is currently lying blindfolded in a robe on the bed under me. When I saw her getting ready in the evening, I genuinely thought that she was going out to meet Maria even though there were no texts or calls on her phone to indicate that.

So imagine my shock when I followed her all the way to the fucking 'Trinity'. I knew straight away that she didn't go there to meet Maria. They never go to fine dining restaurants. It's always the fast food joints or the clubs for them.

I was even more surprised when a blonde guy entered the restaurant and sat right in front of my little wolf. Of course, I recognised him from that night at the club when he was trying to hit on her but my Y/n flipped him off.

What I still don't understand is, how the fuck did they arrange this little date. No, I won't even call it a date, it was just a dinner and I actually hoped that my Y/n just used the blonde piece of shit to eat a lot and then use all his money to pay for it. But again, who am I kidding? Y/n is the only woman I have seen who willingly and fiercely tries--actually pays for everything that concerns her.

My little wolf is a money-minded little witch, but right now, she has a lesson to learn.

"W-what is--this?" she opens her mouth and immediately tries to yank the blindfold off when I jerk away her hand.

"Don't you dare remove that blindfold," I state as I get up from her to get the other things I need from her study table. "You did a terrible mistake, beautiful." I voice out as I take the thing and walk towards the bed. She is lying still like a corpse and I know it's because she is actually terrified of me right now.

"I'm sorry," she says without stuttering but I can feel the anxiety that is rising inside her through her erratic breathing.

"What are you sorry for, little wolf?" I stand there, in front of the bed, watching her like a predator. I want to know if she knows what I exactly want her to be remorseful for. Maybe then, I will ease the punishment I have in mind for her.

"For going out with him?" she guesses and disappointment is the only feeling that I can feel right now. My little wolf thinks that I am angry because she went out with a blonde piece of shit. Well, it may be a part of it but of course, it's not the main reason for the turmoil stirring inside of me.

I grab both of her hands in one swift motion and tie them to the stand next to her bed with the help of handcuffs. For the first time in my life, I hate that her bed does not have a headboard. She gasps, the sound making my pants tighter than they already are.

"What are you..?" I place a finger on her lips before she could complete whatever she was saying. "Shhh baby. You don't speak until I tell you to, is that clear?"

"No." she breathes out, and although I know that this is just a little fight she will put up before she gives in to me, it infuriates me.

"What did you just say?" I say with a calm I don't feel.

"No, I will not listen to you ordering me around in my own house. Now open my eyes and my hands because I am not your little pet, or your little wolf, or whatever you call me." she says and I can't help but notice sheer confidence in her brittle voice.

"Is that so?" I watch her wriggle on the bed to loosen the handcuffs. Poor little wolf. "You see, little wolf, I have something in mind for you. And to achieve that something, your eyes and hands need to be bound."

Y/n POV:
My stalker is a devil. I know now.
This is one of a few moments when my body and my mind are saying two completely different things. I have to ignore the pool growing between my thighs with each passing second to come to terms with whatever my brain wants to tell me.

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