|| TWO ||

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Jungkook POV:
I try to keep my movements as quiet as possible as I accidentally tread over the bushes outside her window. She has just come out of the shower and closed the bathroom door to trap the steam inside.

She is only in her towel and goes towards her dresser which is kept on the opposite side of this glass door, which allows me to have a view of her back as well as her front body through the reflection in the mirror. She opens the drawer of her dresser and takes out her Vanilla body lotion. My cock jumps up in my pants knowing what is going to happen next.

My girl is obsessed with Vanilla. Her body lotion, her body wash, her perfume and even her scented candles, everything smells like vanilla. I watch her remove her towel slowly as she applies the lotion all over her body, including her big round boobs and her plump ass. I try to restrain myself from opening the zipper of my pants and stroking my dick.

It's been this way ever since I started stalking her. I see her naked almost every day and try to control the urge to fuck her senselessly. No! I haven't touched her yet and I will keep it that way till I lose control, and once I lose it, I will not stop. I won't be able to.

She puts on her tiny shorts exposing a part of her ass and slides into her tank top. She then goes to her bed and plops herself down as she holds up her kindle in front of her to read another story. This is her daily routine, she comes home after work, eats dinner, takes a shower and then lies down on the bed reading till her eyes start to droop.

She loves dark romance and I know she has several sex fantasies which I would gladly fulfil. How do I know that?
I know every fucking thing about her.

Right from her favourite food to her favourite singer, from her favourite lingerie band to the size of her bra and panty, from her little habits to her big secrets, from her bank account details to her card pin, what shampoo she uses, her phone's passcode, the journal she maintains where she has mentioned some moments of her life for the last 5 years and every other fucking thing about her.

I snap out of my thoughts as I see her lights turn off and her putting down the kindle on the bedside table. I wait for her to fall asleep and then open the glass door to enter her room. I stalk towards her sleeping figure and pull out the chair from her desk and sit on it to stare at her. It's like a routine and I can't help it, she is just too beautiful not to look at.

She is a very heavy sleeper and I got to know that when I accidentally tripped over one of her slippers and let out a groan but my little wolf was still sleeping like a baby.

I sit there for around three hours just admiring her. It's just not enough! It's never enough. The way she twists and turns in her bed, the way her tits beg to come out of that tank top and even the way she snores has me addicted to watching her sleep.

I stroke my hardness through my pants one last time before getting up from the chair, moving to her sleeping figure and brushing off the strands of hair from her face, I kiss her on the forehead before leaving her house. I started this to protect her, but as time grew, I have started to relish this.

Me watching her without her having any idea about it just turns me on to the point where I want to lose control, and I definitely will. I am just waiting for the right time.
The right time to tell her, that she is mine, and will always be mine!

Your POV:
I lean over my desk as I start to get sleepy from all the work in front of me. It's true that I love Interior Designing, but office management sucks!

I look at the time on the wall clock in front of me and get up to go over to the meeting room. Having appointments throughout the day is exhausting and I can't wait to get home and spend the weekend in my bed drinking wine, well, that is if my best friend, Maria allows me to.


I get out of my car after picking up my laptop bag and shove the door to close it. Locking the car with the button on my car key I walk up to the front porch of my house just to see the bouquet of my favourite flowers tulips lying there.

I have been receiving them for the last 4 months, every Saturday. I pick them up to admire them and take out the note attached to them which reads:

'Hope you like them, beautiful'

My heart dances in my chest as I read those five words for the second time this month. It feels good to know that someone really admires you and wants you to know that. But it sucks at the same time. Why? Because that someone has never tried to approach me and I am getting impatient now.

I open the door to my apartment and set these in my flower pot, discarding the previous ones which had started rotting. I don't feel like eating anything right now so I just run to the only room in the house, which is of course my room and start taking my clothes off.

And there it is again!

They say that we can sense when someone or something is watching us. That is exactly what I have been feeling for the last couple of months. It can be an animal or it can be a human, I just have this feeling of being watched. But what if, what if I am just being paranoid and too focused on the dark romances that I read? I hope that's the case because the last thing I want to have is a psycho stalker who will kill me at any chance he gets.

Just before closing the door to my bathroom after entrering it, I hear my phone go off, rolling my eyes, I tip toe from the bathroom naked to my phone. Of course, it's Maria! The girl seriously can't live without a Saturday night out.

You: Hello.
Maria: What do you say? Blue Flame tonight?!
You: I am tired Maria, maybe next time?
Maria: I am outside your house, get your ass out in 10 minutes because I need to get drunk and dance tonight. And what are the odds that we get laid tonight?
You: Zero for me because I am better off myself.
Maria: Whatever helps you sleep at night baby!

I hang up the call and sigh. This girl seriously needs help for being so annoying and extroverted. I take a quick shower and put on a boot cut jeans and a tight black crop top which makes my boobs look extra big, making me insecure.

You see I am not the skinniest, I have really big tits, a little pudge on my belly and my waist is not the perfect size. I ponder as to whether I should change the top or not, but finally settle against it and head out of my house to get into her car parked right in front of my door.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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