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My breathing picks up as I contemplate whether or not to tell him about my date tonight. And I really don't think that he will take this friendly date in a nice way.

Y/n: I am going out with Maria tonight. Will talk to you later.

I hope he buys my lie. He definitely will because the only place he stalks me is actually in my own house, so I don't have anything to worry about.

JK: Enjoy!

Good! I take the keys from the key holder and leave. I intend on going early and leaving early because I have to go to the office tomorrow.


It's exactly 8 p.m. right now and Luke is yet to come. Well, I don't blame him as I arrived ten minutes early. It's another one of my habits, always arriving before time everywhere. It doesn't matter if it's my company, a date or a function. I am punctual like that.

"Hey Y/n", I look up to see the blonde beauty in front of me. He is really handsome with that blonde hair and those emerald eyes.

"Hey Luke", I smile as I ask him to sit down. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting for long." he asks with a hint of guilt.

"Nope." I reply with a pop of the 'p'.

"I really didn't think we would meet after that night in the club. You didn't look interested at all." he expresses while checking the menu.

"That's because I wasn't." I reveal as I call the waiter towards the table, "Excuse me"

"Really? You weren't at all? Am I not handsome enough for you? I thought I was like a blonde Greek God with the most beautiful eyes."

"You are so full of yourself. But you are handsome, I will give you that." he smiles after hearing me.

"Hello Ma'am, hello sir. What would you like to have?" the waiter asks as soon as he arrives at our table.

My phone suddenly vibrates on the table and I pick it up and check it. The text that I see on the screen takes the wind out of my lungs. How the fuck does he know this? Wait! He is here, isn't he?

JK: I didn't know you preferred blondes.

I look up from my phone to search my surroundings in search of anyone who looks suspicious, but I find no one.

Y/N: How do you know? Where are you?

"Y/n? Y/n?" I suddenly come out of the daze and look up to see the waiter and Luke looking at me like I am a lunatic. "Yes!" I reply.

"Your face looks pale, like you saw a ghost. Are you okay?" Shit! I got him worried.

"I am fine," I assure him with a small smile. A fake one.

"What would you have?" Luke asks while looking at me with his charming smile which he probably uses to allure others.

I check my phone and there's no other message from JK. Is he really here? Well, he asked me about Luke, so he is definitely here. But where?

"A glass of Red Wine, along with ummm a steak," I answer as I try to remain patient. It's okay, I came here to enjoy and I will. I won't let that stalker cause anymore discomfort in my life than he already is inducing.


To be honest, the dinner went well. Luke is a good guy, I think I misjudged him when I saw him for the first time in the club. He was really goofy throughout dinner and didn't make me feel weird or out of place even once. But I still left early because I have an office to attend.

I pull up in my driveway while vibing to 'The Rover' by Kai. It's really a good one, the Kai's version, better than the original one.

As soon as I get out of my car and lock it, I check my phone again, for his message. Still none. It truly makes me wonder how he knew I was with Luke in the first place. Does he really follow me everywhere I go?

Maybe, he is a professional stalker, just like those agents in the movies, I wonder while stepping into my bathroom and taking off my clothes. But why would a professional stalker touch me the way he does, and why would he even stalk me in the first place? I have to ask him about these things, but how? I don't even know how he looks.

I turn on the shower and for a moment every concern of mine becomes a blur. Some things really take my mind off of things, like the shower, the food, my Kindle and my wine.

All of a sudden the lights go out and darkness envelops me. What the fuck happened? I turn off the shower and step out to fasten my bathrobe around me. It's dark, but I adjust to it really well as I have always been a night person.

I open the door to get out and have a look at what's wrong with my circuit when I accidentally walk into a wall. I perfectly remember I didn't have a wall here, except it's not a brick wall, it's stiff but in a muscular kind of way.

I look up and my heartbeat skyrockets. It's him. My Stalker. JK. Though I still cannot see his face because of the mask and the cap he is wearing, that bergamot scent and his build give him away. Oh! And did I mention how beautiful his eyes are? They are as dark as night but still, the most beautiful I have ever seen.

It's been almost two days since I last saw him and I really don't know what to feel. There are mixed emotions, and I don't want to name any of them except for fear. Is fear even one of the emotions that I am feeling right now?

"JK--", I ask but stop midway as his hand wraps around my neck. His touch is cold and feels even colder due to the water that is still dripping from my body.

One second I am standing, the next I have been pushed onto the mattress with his hand still around my throat. "Wh-what are..you doing?" I manage to ask attempting to make my voice sound as steady as I can. He will not kill me, right?

"I won't kill you," he growls as if reading my thoughts. "I told you that I won't hold back the next time I see you."

Is..is he going to fuck me? Really?

"No, I won't fuck you either, but I would like you to learn a lesson. Two maybe." he declares as he comes even closer to me. His mask is the only barrier between his lips and mine, and I am eager to remove it. My hand shoots up to pull his mask down when it's jerked back by his strong one.

His body is not glued to mine, but I really want to feel it, all his muscles, his hardness, everything. I wonder if he is hard right now. Witnessing me in nothing but a robe, being close to me, does it turn him on like it does me? I can feel the wetness between my legs and I want him to know it. I want him to stick his finger inside me like he did that night and feel how wet I am for him.

Oh my God! I have completely lost it, haven't I?

Suddenly it's even darker now, earlier I was able to see the outline of the things around me, but now? Everything is black. My hand lifts up to feel my eyes, when I feel something soft and velvety over them.

It's then I realize, while I was busy fantasizing about him, he blindfolded me.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
Seriously? Almost 5k reads?
You guys are the best! ❤️😭
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Thank you for reading! ✨

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