|| SIX ||

523 18 1

Your POV:
"What is it Y/n?" I stop sipping my Vanilla Latte and look at my childhood friend sitting in front of me. I had called him to meet me up at Starbucks today to discuss something. "Why do you look so distressed?"

I nibble on my lips as I decide whether to tell him about it or not. "Zac, actually...how do I explain this..." I press my lips together as I try to think of the right words. Zac's eyes roam all over my face before coming back to my eyes. "Come on Y/n, tell me what's bothering you."

I take in a deep breath and huff out before speaking, "Someone is threatening me, Zac. It's a man, he broke into my room last night and...held a knife to my throat, but it was dark so I couldn't see him."

"What?" he yells while looking at me as if I am a criminal. I understand his reaction, after all, he is a Senior Inspector in the police. "Are you okay?" his eyes soften and his reaction changes to a worried one.

"I am fine, Zac. I just wanted to let you know this just in case it happens again." I respond.

"It won't. It won't happen ever again Y/n, because you are coming to live with me.", he orders while folding his arms across his broad chest.

"You know I won't do that Zac..you know I like living alone."

"But it's not safe for you to live alone right now Y/n, you have to understand." he points out the obvious, but he knows that I won't listen to him. "Have you told Maria about this?"

"No, she will be terrified." I know she will be and she will get adamant on taking me to her place. "Okay Y/n, you can live at your place, but I will send over two Police Officers to keep an eye out for that man." he pauses for a second before continuing, "I know that it was dark, but do you remember anything about him?"

What did he look like? Well, he was obviously tall and had a really good build but I didn't get to see any of his features. "He was tall and well built, but I didn't see his face." I reply with disappointment.

"Okay, don't worry. I'll take care of it." I hear him say with a little smile to assure me.


"These too, Lily", I call out, "Check these files too." I see my secretary struggling with the files she is already carrying as she comes to my desk to grab more. "Here, let me carry them to your desk." I offer when she gives me a soft smile in return.

I don't mean to brag, but I am anything but mean. A little selfish maybe, but I love to help, especially strangers. Don't get me wrong, I am not a social person, in fact, I hate socialising. But that doesn't mean I don't help people when I see them struggling.

However, Lily is anything but a stranger. We met while working in a company about an year ago and after a few months I decided to open my own business and she chose to help me. She is my secretary right now because I have just started, but I plan on making her the CEO in a few years.

After the meeting with Zac, I came to the office. Whatever is happening in my personal life shouldn't bother me at work. And I want to divert myself from whatever happened last night. It should have been terrifying, I should have been scared. I should.

But it was so.....agh! I don't even know what to name that feeling. It felt unnerving, but at the same time so right. The way that man was touching me, I can still feel the knife around my nipples. Suddenly the pressure I felt in my core last night returns and I have to clench my thighs together to stop the tingling between my legs.

"Y/n!", I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I hear my name. I look up to see Lily at the door of my cabin looking at me with a vexed expression on her face. "Whatever you were thinking about can wait Y/n, but this can't!"

"I am sorry, what is it Lily?", I ask.

"I have got a call from JJK Corp. and Mr Jeon wants to talk to you," she informs me and my eyes widen with each word.

"They accepted the proposal?" I ask still not believing my ears. They are the best security company in the country and we will be blessed to have them as a partner.

"Yes, should I forward the call to you?" she inquires.

"Of course, what are you waiting for!" I exclaim and she exits the room with a nod. Shit! I am going to have a talk with Mr Jeon, one of the best businessmen in the country. I wait in anticipation for the intercom to go off.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I take a deep breath before picking up the call. Come on, Y/n! You are a pro at faking your confidence.

You: Hello, Mr Jeon.
Mr. Jeon: Hello Y/n.

Is this his voice? That's not how a CEO is supposed to sound like. Fuck! His voice is anything but boring.

You: Yes Mr Jeon, Thank you so much for partnering with us, it's a pleasure to get an acceptance from your side.
Mr Jeon: It indeed is.
You: Please let me know when should we schedule the meeting to close the deal.
Mr Jeon: Whenever you say, Y/n.

Why is he calling me by my name? It's not fucking professional! And in that voice?

You: Two weeks from now?
Mr. Jeon: Why delay it for two weeks? Why not tomorrow or day after?
You: Actually, my schedule is really packed for the next two weeks.
Mr. Jeon: What about the Christmas Eve? Do you have meetings that day too?

Is he for real right now?

You: Mr Jeon, that's a public holiday. I am afraid that won't be possible.
Mr Jeon: Is the holiday more important to you than your business and our deal Y/n?


You: I...ummm...o-

Why the fuck am I stuttering? I don't stutter when I talk to potential partners. It's not good for the image.

Mr. Jeon: Ms. Y/n, I am just kidding.Two weeks from now? 4th of January is perfect.

Did I just get played by my potential business partner?

You: Thank you, Mr Jeon. I am really looking forward to meeting you in person.
Mr. Jeon: Sure.

Shit! I just closed the deal with one of the biggest businessmen in the country. Am I that good?


Jungkook POV:
She really thinks she can keep me away by keeping two Policemen outside her main door? If she does, then she thinks wrong.

Because I am already outside her room, by her window.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
Hope you liked the chapter, please hit that '☆' at the bottom of the screen if you did.
And thank you guys so much for 400+ reads. They are not much but it really means so much to me.
Thank you for reading! ✨

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