|| ELEVEN ||

511 15 1

JK: I want you to come to the window and close your eyes.
You: No, I want to see you, JK!
JK: Either you do as I say or I leave.

Jungkook POV:
I know I am being a jerk, but I don't want her to see me right now. I want her to wait more, to get more desperate, the kind of desperate I am for her.

I step away from the sliding glass window as she comes to it and opens it. Fuck! She is almost naked and so fucking close to me, how the fuck do I control myself? Only I know how I restrained myself from touching her right now when she was fingering herself. I couldn't help but stroke my hard length as she was doing that. However, I didn't cum because now I don't want to cum on the grass outside her house, or in my pants but inside her.

"Close your eyes, beautiful," I say while looking at her as if she is the most stunning person on this planet.

Well, she is.

"But, I want to see you," she lets out again as she looks at me with anticipation in her brown eyes. My eyes roam all over her petite but curvy body before turning around to stop the urge of bending her over that comfy bed of hers and fucking her till she begs me to stop.

"No, don't go, please," she begs me, and the urge to fuck her just intensifies as I hear the word 'please' in her alluring voice. Fuck!

"I want you to feel me today, beautiful. So I request you to please close your eyes."

There's silence in the air, but then I hear her sigh and seconds later she says, "My eyes are closed JK, let me feel you." that one line from her is enough to get me on my knees.
She needs to be made aware of the power she holds over me.

I remove my mask before putting it in my pocket and twist my cap around so that it doesn't stop me from doing what I have planned to do tonight. When I turn around it becomes even harder to control the beast which is trying to get out.

She has taken off the top she was wearing before I turned around and is completely bare now. I can see her closed eyes, her erratic breathing, her perky full tits bouncing with each breath she takes and her thighs glistening with her arousal and cum.

I stride towards her slowly but stealthily, as a lion would walk towards a little wolf, having precognition of the danger the wolf possesses, but knowing that it is nothing in comparison to his own perilous self.

And in my case, the wolf is not even dangerous, at least not to me.

I stand an inch away from her face relishing her beautiful features. My right-hand reaches her stomach and starts caressing it while my eyes stay at her closed ones. She takes in a sharp breath as soon as she feels my touch. "Don't open your eyes, baby. Just feel me. Just feel my touch."

Fuck! She is so fucking soft. As soft as velvet, as smooth as butter. My hand drifts down from her stomach to her pelvic bone and then cups her pussy. Her head falls back and a soft whimper leaves her mouth. "Such a good girl. So fucking wet for me."

I dip my middle finger inside her pussy and feel her pussy clench around it. Shit! She is so tight, even my finger is struggling to fully get inside her.

I bring it out, the warmth of her pussy now replaced by the cool air, and bring it to my lips to taste her. My eyes automatically close as they enjoy her sweet taste. She tastes like the sweetest thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. Like a sweet nectar I can feast on all day long.

"Wh-what are you doing?" It seems like she must have heard it when I sucked on my finger.

"I just tasted my new favourite dish, and it was fucking delicious." I reply.

I hear her gasp and my eyes fall on her tits. They are like two mountains with hardened peaks and I cannot help but cup both of them in the palm of my hands.

A soft moan leaves her lips and I capture them within mine. It's....magical! The second my lips touched hers, it felt like I fell into a trance. It was like electricity shot through my veins and I was no longer in my control anymore.

This woman is going to be my fucking death!

One of my hands moves to the back of her neck while the other pinches her erect nipple. She moans in my mouth and I take that moment to suck on her bottom lip. By the time I am done with her, those lips will be completely swollen and then, I will be satisfied. No, I will never be satisfied when it comes to her; I will always want more and more of her.

Y/n POV:
I can't believe this. I am letting my stalker kiss me?
And I am kissing him back?

When and how did his stalking and hunting me escalate to this? I want to open my eyes so badly, I really want to see him. But I am scared. What if he isn't everything I have imagined him to be?

I don't want him to leave now, not after what he makes me feel. So desirable, so wanted.

His lips eat mine as if they are the most appetizing delicacy in the world. As if he would die if he stops nipping at them this very moment. I want him to touch me more, I want to feel more of him. I want him to take me at this very instant and show me how much I mean to him.

But suddenly, I feel devoid of him. His touch, his lips, him. Did he just leave?

"JK? Are you here?" I ask with a shaky breath when I suddenly hear my phone ping in the background. My eyes shot open and I see nothing. My eyes search for him in the darkness between the trees and the shrubs outside my room but find absolutely nothing.

I huff knowing that he has left and I turn around after closing the sliding door and the sheers. I walk to the phone on my bed and pick it up to see his text.

JK: Next time we meet, I will not resist. Be prepared, beautiful.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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And thank you guys so much for 500+ reads. They are not much but it really means so much to me.
Thank you for reading! ✨

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