|| FOUR ||

574 19 2

Your  POV:

Is this really happening?
Am I really being slammed into a wall in my own house by a serial killer?

"Wh..-who are you?", are the only words that come out of my mouth and that too as a whisper. His hold on my neck tightens which increases my adrenaline and fresh tears come out of my eyes. Suddenly I feel a finger tracing my right shoulder and my breathing becomes even more unstable. Oh my! I completely forgot that I am just in my towel.

This... is sick. I should be terrified, I am terrified. But the way his fingers are tracing my skin, it feels sensual, I feel sensual. They move from my shoulder to my upper arm, then to my lower arm and finally to my hand and I shiver at the touch because even though this guy may be a serial killer, the way he is touching me, is driving me crazy.

Suddenly I lose his touch on my hand and feel something cold and pointy behind my right ear and I know what it is. I just realized that the guy just took the scissors from my right hand and is tracing it behind my ear now.

Will he stab me with it? Why the fuck is he being so seductive and what does he want? Feeling the cold metal behind my ear slowly travelling down my neck and then onto my back, I close my eyes. At least I will die while being turned on.
And I have to say, he is one seductive killer.
No! I can't lose focus because I don't want to die. Suddenly the scissors stop at the top edge of my towel. I gather all my courage and ask again, "Who are you?"

Suddenly I feel his hot breath on my neck and a woody Bergamot scent fills my nostrils. "JK baby, you can call me JK.", he answers and for a second I am almost knocked off my feet because of his voice. How can a killer have such a sexy voice? Baby? Why the fuck is he calling me that?

And JK? I have heard this name before. Where? I don't remember.

"Wh-what...do you..want?"  I can't help but sound terrified because of the adrenaline rush. I can still feel his hot breath behind my ear which has the hair at the back of my neck standing due to the goosebumps and I am pretty sure he can feel them because of his hold on my neck.

"You", he answers. Me? Just me? I thought he wanted to kill me.

Suddenly I don't feel anything. The hand on my neck, it's gone, and the light, it's suddenly back. I turn around from the wall and search the room for the mysterious person but he is nowhere to be seen. They fall on the scissors on the floor.

Was it all a dream?

If it was, then I am relieved. I take a breath of relief and my hand automatically moves to my chest trying to calm myself down, when suddenly I spot something on the counter of my kitchen.

I stride over to my counter and pick up the folded piece of paper kept there. I open it and my soul leaves my body.

'You are Mine. Don't let any other man ever touch you, beautiful'

My eyes widen at the note realising that it's the same person who gives me the flowers.

And, it was all real, very much real!


Jungkook POV:
I sit in the VIP lounge of the club with my business partner, Mr Smith, trying to ignore the blasting music coming from the dance floor below us. "What about the statistics Mr Smith, they show that your company is on the verge of bankruptcy due to illegal activities. I don't think we can continue the business."

His smile fades and he looks up at me and stops massaging the exposed boobs of the stripper sitting on his right thigh.

He is one very horny old dude.

"Mr Jeon, you are taking the statistics too seriously, and which company doesn't have illegal activities.", he says while his right-hand goes between the thighs of the stripper. So fucking unprofessional.

Suddenly, I feel someone come and sit on my lap and I look down to see another stripper. Before she can start bouncing herself on my limp cock, I stand up. She falls on the floor due to the force and wails. I didn't want her to fall, but I don't want any woman near me other than my little wolf.

To be honest, Y/n is one very lucky girl because I will never be interested in any other woman. She has got me totally hooked and I love it. I love that she is the only woman that can turn me on while being completely clothed. I don't give a fuck even if I have any other woman completely naked in front of me because that woman isn't and won't ever compare to my little wolf.

"The deal is over Mr Smith."

He stands up in a hurry making the other stripper fall. "Mr Jeon, why don't you sit down and discuss this normally? Let these strippers calm your down and I think you can enjoy yourself for once. "

I poke my inner cheek at his words. Does he think that everyone wants a pussy while discussing business? "There is nothing to discuss Mr Smith." I turn around to get out of the club but stop. "Also, stop playing with the strippers when you do business, it's highly unprofessional."

And I walk out.


I stop my car at the corner of the road which leads to her house and pull up the feed of her house. Yes, I have cameras all over her place, because of safety reasons of course.

She is in her bed, as usual, writing something in her journal. It's been two days since I left that note on her kitchen counter and scared her. I didn't mean to terrify her, but I was overly blinded by rage. I know it's not her fault that guy came onto her, but I can't help it. Call it immaturity, I don't fucking care, only I can touch her and she had to be made aware of that.

Of course, she went to the police on Sunday, but they took no action and told her to come again if it happens again. I don't have any problem with them to be honest, but I need to tell her not to inform them again because she will just waste her energy by doing so.

She closes her journal and gets up from the bed and her boobs bounce up and down as she is wearing no bra under her tank top. I touch my hard cock from above my pants at the sight. This woman can turn me on without even trying and I live for that!

She switches off her lights and lies down on the bed again. I get out of my car and stride towards her room. Once outside, I wait for her to go into a deep slumber so that I can go and see her. Ever since the Saturday night, when I touched her, I can't get her soft skin and her Vanilla scent out of my mind. I want to touch her again, feel her again and smell her again. Fuck, I would feast on her all dayif I could!

Very soon.

My little wolf is asleep now, and it's time for me to pay her a visit.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
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