|| EIGHT ||

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You POV:
It shouldn't feel so good.
I hate this feeling of helplessness. No one has come even close to what this stranger is making me feel.
And I hate it.

There is a fucking gun at my throat and the pool between my legs is just increasing with each second.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Fucking. Everything.

My eyes roll to the back as he starts squeezing my boob and I bite my lips to control my moans so hard that I feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Soon after he starts circling my nipples from over my tank top.

He bites on my neck and I am so vulnerable that I cannot even see his face. I can just pray that his fingers don't reach my clit because if they do, then he will know how good he is making me feel and I won't be able to control myself anymore.

He starts pinching my nipple and I almost shriek due to the pleasure. Why is he making me feel so good when he wants to kill me?

Suddenly, I come to my senses and feel something pocking my lower abdomen.

Shit, he is hard!

No! I can't let a stranger have such a control over me, so ignoring the gun at my throat I push at his chest in order to get him away from me. But suddenly I lose his touch on my boob and his hand holds both my hands in a strong grasp above my head.

He stops sucking on my neck and looks up at me. I expected to see his face, but his mask is on again which makes me wonder how he was sucking my neck. His eyes look the darkest shade of brown as they look into mine with an intensity that makes me clench my thighs.

How will his head look when it will be between my legs?

What am I thinking?

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, desperation evident in my voice. He leans into me so close that our faces are millimetres apart. "You know the answer to that, beautiful." and there it is, his raspy voice which unquestionably explains how much he wants me. And I hate that I want him too, even though I don't know him.

There is something about this stranger, which keeps me hooked. Nothing and no one has ever had this effect on me, no one has been able to take my control away but this man right here was able to do that so easily.

"Tell those men to get out of here Y/n, I won't repeat it. And wear something before you go out, I don't want other people to look at what's mine," he growls.

'Look at what's mine?' he must be insane to think that. "And what's yours exactly?" I manage to let out and the barrel of his gun pushes further into my throat. "You", he answers before getting off me and going out of the window he came in from.

For a minute, I feel the loss of his touch, on my hands, my neck and my whole body. I want more, more of his touch, more of him. Shit! I want my stalker.

I get up from my bed at this bizarre thought, switch on the light and walk towards my closet to wear something on top of my tank top and shorts. Why am I following what he told me? I never do that. But my hands work automatically as they take out a top and lower and put it on.

Pacing towards the door, I cross my mirror and notice the marks he left on my neck. That fucker marked me! There is not one, but three hickeys which look purple on my pale skin. My finger automatically starts tracing them as I take out a scarf from my cupboard and wear it around my neck so the officers don't see it.

I am going to tell them to get off my property, not because he told me to do it, but because I am unhinged and I don't know why the fuck I liked whatever he did to me tonight.


It's been a week since he came into my room that night and touched me. It's been a while and I don't know why I miss it. We have been texting on the phone this past week and to be honest, he is actually quite good with his words.

"We have a meeting in about half an hour with Mr Smith Y/n" I hear Lily reminding me from the door of my cabin. "Okay Lily, thanks for reminding me." I reply.
She gives me a soft smile before leaving.

Just when I open the draft I was working on, my phone beeps and I already know who it is.

JK: You look so beautiful while working.

I almost forgot how creepy this man is.

You: Where are you?
JK: Everywhere Y/n, I am always watching you.

I cannot help but swallow at his text. Every time he says something like this, I get terrified but excited at the same time. How does he see me every time and everywhere?

And that brings me to my next question.

You: How do you know about my favourite flowers? Most girls have roses as their favourites.
JK: I know everything about you, Y/n.

I swallow a gulp down my throat again at that and feel hot in my core as my mind suddenly fills with flashbacks of that night. I don't even know who JK is, but I already feel so connected to him.

You: Why are you interested in me, JK?

I wait in anticipation for his message. I don't know what he will answer but I am so fucking nervous. Is it lust? Is it my body? I am not even that sexy or beautiful.

Another message comes in from him and I cannot help but widen my eyes at that.

JK: The first time I saw you, you awakened something inside me. Something which was dormant all my life, Y/n. Never in my entire life have I felt something so intense for anyone. All I know is that I desire you, no, I need you, baby. I have always needed you.

My heart thumps in my chest at his confession. Is this really how he feels about me? Is he in love? Or is it just infatuation? How long has he stalked me for?

Shit! I have so many questions, but I won't ask them right now. I don't want to spoil my mood by hearing what he has to answer.

You: Then why don't you come face to face and pursue me like a normal person? Why do you stalk me?
JK: I have a reason for that, and I'll tell you when the right time comes.
You: What's the fucking reason, JK?

I am losing it! This man has a reason for stalking me! Is he fucking crazy?

JK: I will tell you when you are ready.
You: And when will that happen according to you?
JK: You will know.

And there, ladies and gentlemen! My mood is officially spoiled.

I am scared of love, actually terrified of falling for anyone ever again. It completely ravaged me last time and I don't want to feel broken again. I feel too hard, that is why I keep that part of me hidden and try to find my happiness in books.

I cannot help but have that one particular question in my mind.

Will JK leave me as my ex did? Or will he put up a fight to stay with me even if I push him away?


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
Hope you liked the chapter, please hit that '☆' at the bottom of the screen if you did.
And thank you guys so much for 400+ reads. They are not much but it really means so much to me.
Thank you for reading! ✨

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