|| SEVEN ||

530 19 0

Jungkook POV:
Even though I am outside the window of her room, I cannot see her. Which means only one thing, she is in her living room. But I can't go there because of the two men guarding her house.

Two men. Two fucking men.

There are two men outside her house, two men whom I don't know. Her good-for-nothing best friend sent those two fellows to fucking protect her. She met him, at Starbucks, and had her favourite Vanilla Latte with him. The thought itself is enough to erupt a fire inside of me.

I hate when she talks to other men. It's toxic, fuck! Everything I am doing is toxic, but I can't help it. Although, I won't stop her from talking to other men because that would mean stripping away her freedom, which I know is the only thing she craves. But for how long?

Someday, I will have to take away her freedom, for her safety. What will I do then? How will I stop her from loathing me?

Well, that's a topic for another time. Let's focus on the present now, shall we?

I take out my phone from my pocket and pull up the feed of her living room. And there she is, sitting on her sofa very comfortably, a little too comfortably. So fucking comfortable that her shorts are up her hips and the side of her plump ass can be seen perfectly.

"Shit", I hiss as I feel my pants tighten. Only this woman can do this to me so effortlessly.
My woman.

I can see her Kindle in one hand, while the other holds a Wine glass from which she is sipping occasionally. She only drinks Red Wine because she doesn't like any other drink. She looks relaxed because she thinks that those two men can keep me away from her.

She is so fucking wrong!

Time to make you uncomfortable, my little wolf. I hate to break it to you but you can't wear such clothes when there are two strangers outside your house.

Jungkook: Told you not to involve the police.

I text her and take a look at the feed to see her opening her phone. My lips form a smirk when I see her tensing as soon as she reads it. My little wolf is scared, no, she is terrified. My smirk only widens when I see her closing it and picking up her Kindle again.

Jungkook: Don't ignore my messages, Y/n.

This time after reading my message, she puts her Kindle down on the Sofa beside her and starts surfing her phone. It seems like she is attempting to divert her mind from me, and I won't let that happen because she should think more about me.

Jungkook: Why did you stop reading, beautiful?

And there she is, her breathing becoming rapid and her eyes scouring the living room as if they would find me there.

Oh, how much I love that look on her face!

I see her typing something on her phone and my phone vibrates in my hands. I pull down the notification bar and tap on her message.

You: How do you know that? Where are you?

Now the glass of wine in her hands is on the coffee table. She seems to be invested in the conversation and me now. Good.

Jungkook: I am always watching you Y/n. Always remember that.
You: I am going to the officers outside, and I will tell them that you are here somewhere.

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