|| NINE ||

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Jungkook POV:
"To your right, Noah", I shout at my PA and my best friend. He has been with me throughout my life and has actually helped me a lot during  a time I had almost given up on myself. We are in my TV room playing my favourite game 'Overwatch'. "Fuck!", he curses when he gets revived again.

Today is a Sunday, and the next two days are the Christmas holidays so we will be visiting our parents. What? I have a normal family. I just have a fixation on this one girl whom I can't get off my mind. Speaking of her, I should check the camera feed of her room.

"You carry on, I am going to the room," I inform Noah before getting off the couch and heading towards the door. My eyes travel to the empty Nutella Bottle on the floor which we both just finished in an hour while playing the game. We are in love with that thing!

I pick up the empty bottle and carry it to the dustbin, then head towards my room. I pull up her camera feed once I plop down on my bed and see her sleeping. It's almost 9:00 a.m. and my girl is sleeping like a baby on her stomach. Not to mention her whole room is a mess.

Her shorts don't cover the lower part of her butt which makes my cock jump in my lowers. My hand automatically reaches the hardness and starts rubbing it through the material. And before I can control myself, I take my length in my hands and start caressing it at the thought of her doing it.

I haven't gone into her room for the last week because she doesn't sleep on time at night. I just go to her house and stand outside her window almost all night. We have been talking through the texts the whole week and I confessed yesterday.

I had to. I didn't want her to think that it was lust. Well, it may have been at first, but now, I can't even imagine my life without her in it.

My pace increases as she twists in her bed and her boobs come into my view. Shit! They are so fucking big and I have already felt them, but I just want more. And I will always keep on wanting more and more of her.

I wonder how her tits will feel around my cock when she will be giving me a titjob. Just the thought of it makes me want to come. I can't help but moan her name as I think of her and cum all over my hand.

Yes, that's the control you have over me, baby.

"I lost again, man", Noah grumbles as he enters my room without even knocking.

"How many times do I have to remind you to knock before you come into my room Noah?" I growl at him as I adjust my lowers.

"It's not my problem that you are a horny man, brotha", I just roll my eyes at his statement.

I am horny, but just for one woman.

"By the way, what's up with Y/n? It's been four months already, when are you gonna tell her?" he asks me.
I huff out a breath before answering, "She has an idea about me."

"Bro, you are fucking stalking her. That's illegal!" he gives me a side eye before moving towards the bathroom. "You better tell her who you are before shit goes wrong."

I know Noah, I know! Speaking of her, tonight I plan on visiting her again, with a little surprise though because I won't be able to visit her for the next two days and it's messing up my head.

I pull up her camera feed again and see that she is not on her bed anymore. Then I check the whole fucking house and don't find her. I don't want to check the bathroom though. I placed the camera in there for safety reasons, but I never ever check it until it's absolutely important.

Finally, I pull it up and see her brushing her teeth. I huff out a breath which I didn't even know I was holding and go to my desk to do some of my work. Yes, today is a Sunday, but I don't waste my time.


Here I am again at her house and she is all cuddled up in her bed with her Kindle. Oh! Just how much I want to be that Kindle. Always close to her, in her hands...I am so fucking jealous of it.

Jungkook: What are you reading so ardently, beautiful?

I send her a text and she immediately checks her phone as if she was waiting for it. It seems like my little wolf is starting to fall for her stalker.

You: You really don't have to remind me time and again that you are a creep. I already know that.

Fuck! Her wit. I almost forgot how good she is with her words.
So I call her.

Your POV:

My breath hitches as my phone rings in my hands. He..he is calling me..but why? I can hear my heartbeat in my throat as I cut the call and type in a message.

You: Come inside through the door if you want to talk.
JK: I am calling you again Y/n. Pick it up this time.

How? I am nervous as hell. How can he expect me to talk to him on call all of a sudden? My heart thumps louder in my chest as my phone rings again and I see his name on my screen.

And I pick it up.

You: Hello...
JK: Hello, beautiful.

My breathing picks up as I hear his husky voice again. Why does he has to be so fucking good in every department? Well, I have not seen him yet, so I can't say anything about his looks, but everything else just seems perfect.

You: Wh-why did you...call me?

Shit! I sound so weak and edgy. Why does he has to have this effect on me?

Jungkook: I am outside your window Y/n.

My head snaps towards my window but I can't see anyone there. I feel hot in my core as I think of all the other times he has come in through my window and made me feel things and I automatically start getting off my bed to go towards it when his voice stops me.

Jungkook: Don't! Don't come near the window or even I don't know what I would do to you.
You: I want to see you.

I answer almost immediately with no shame. Let him see how desperate I am for once.

Jungkook: Why do you want to see me Y/n?

The way he says my name makes me go weak in my knees.

You: I want to know you.

I hear him chuckle and swallow a gulp down my throat. Even his chuckle sounds so sexy. But I really do want to know him.

Jungkook: You want to know me? You will. But first, you have to do something for me.
You: What?
Jungkook: I want you to lie down on the bed with your legs facing the window. And then, I want you to spread your legs for me, baby.


Hello Army! 🫶🏻
Hope you liked the chapter, please hit that '☆' at the bottom of the screen if you did.
And thank you guys so much for 400+ reads. They are not much but it really means so much to me.
Thank you for reading! ✨

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