Chapter 14

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「my pov」
I looked at my appearance in the mirror, I'm pretty sure this is the best I've looked all week. I closed my door behind me and started to walk to Rin's room. The house was so quiet and I wondered where Yukio went. Once I was outside of Rin's room I knocked on the door. "Yeah..come in," he said from behind the door. I walked in and he was brushing his hair out. I felt my eyes widen, he looked the best i've ever seen him. He wasn't wearing anything fancy, he just looked really good. He sat down his brush on his desk and started to walk towards the the door. "You look good," Rin said as he passed me to go out the door. "Thanks.. you do too," I said back. He smiled, "Thanks." We started to walk out of the dorms together. The movie theater was in walking distance from the dorms. We never talked much on walks, there just wasn't a lot to talk about. I kept remembering how Rin held my hand on Monday, just to tick Ryuji off. "Did he really want to?" I started to ask myself. Soon we were there, the movie theater's lights were flashing on its sign. After walking inside, Rin and I had a careful consideration on what movie to see and it was taking too long so the choice ended up being another scary movie, because we both liked them more than the other playing movies. Standing in line for our tickets was pretty boring until an elder couple standing behind us, started to talk about Rin and I. "Don't you remember our first date?" They began saying. Ohh.. they're assuming he was my boyfriend. I was listening with Rin, his face starting to turn red. "Is this a date?" I asked Rin. "If you want it to be..," he said while looking at me, his blue eyes looking pretty nervous. "oh okay.. I guess it is then," I said because I really wanted it to be and why not? It was obvious to anybody that we were at least interested in one another. Rin stopped, his eyes wide. "R-really you say it's a date?" He stuttered. I nodded "unless you don't want it to be," I said leaning in. He shook his head a little,"no no it sounds good," he said. We finally bought our tickets and Rin was kind enough to pay again and I felt really bad because this is at least the second time he has paid for me. After walking into the actual theater, Rin chose the seats in the back so people didn't bother us. This time we didn't fall asleep because this one was actually interesting.

The sun was setting once we walked out of the theater after the long movie. "That was a good movie, thanks for taking me and stuff," I said rather quickly while moving my eyes across the sky looking at the pretty colors the sky was changing into. "Yeah no problem.." Rin trailed off while rubbing the back of his head and smiling. "Want to head back to the dorms orr..?" I started to ask while looking at him. His eyes got wide for a second then he quickly grabbed his phone to check the time. "We can still make it," he whispered to himself. "hey do you want to go to this party?" He asked. "My friend from school invited me and I almost forgot, I mean we don't have to go b-" I cut him off with, "we should go," I've never been to an actual party, especially one out of my home country. "Let me check where he lives real quick," Rin said unlocking his phone and scrolling through it. "Ughh," he groaned rubbing his temples. "What is it?" I asked looking at his phone. I saw a huge house on the bright screen. "is that his house?!" I asked amazed. "yeahh.. he lives in the 'golden hills'" Rin said as he used his hands to add quotation around 'golden hills'. "It's basically a rich people neighborhood," he said kicking dust around on the sidewalk. It was quiet for a moment. "we should still just go, it could be fun and if it isn't we can ditch can't we?" I said trying to convince him. He started to take my words into consideration. "Yeah I guess so.." he said. "Well let's go then," I said pulling Rin up from the movie theater steps. He started to walk forwards so I followed contently beside him. This neighborhood luckily wasn't far away from the busier parts of the academy, which was where the movie theater was. The walk however, was hard because more cars were showing up. After a while of waiting for cars to pass I could see this house in the distance. The mansion was as big as it seemed in the picture. The house had two separate parties, one in the house and one outside. The closer the house got into view, the louder the music got. The golden hills was actually a huge reserve of land and there weren't any neighbors for miles and miles. Rin and I showed up at the front doorstep. He knocked on the door and after a little bit of crashing and yelling coming from inside, finally a teen boy opened the door. He had two, half-naked, girls under his arms and he was holding a beer in his left hand. "Heyy Riiin my mann!" the boy said as he groggily held up his fist for a fist pump. He had a suit and tie on, along with shades on his face. His hair really caught my eye because it was bright red. "Uh Madison, this is.. Karma.. The host of this party," Rin looked at me with a worried look on his face. Karma smiled and he handed Rin and I beers. "D-drink up, it's more fun that way!" He yelled while turning back into the mass of people into the house along with the two girls under his arms. "Are you against drinking?" Rin looked at the glass bottle in his hand. "Nope, let's make the best of this night," I said flicking mine open. Rin followed and we clinked our bottles together like classy people, mocking the rich people that lived in this neighborhood. We both started laughing and then took a long drink from it. The alcohol burned my throat but I managed to get it down. The music started to become louder in my ears. Rin and I decided to find a seat in the crowded house. He started to lead and he grabbed my hand so we wouldn't be separated. We got over to a spot and finished the glasses. Rin grabbed two more which was finished in the next half an hour. The music was thumping in my ears and my eyesight started to get blurry. Somewhere in between this, a stranger was smoking next to us, which since we weren't in the right state of mind, we decided to take one for ourselves. I watched as Rin started to smoke one, he admittedly looked really cool smoking. After finishing the cigarettes Rin started to laugh uncontrollably. "wha-what are you doing?" I asked. He started to lean in, and I was watching his face. I was just watching his eyes, he was just leaning in and then he stopped right by my face. He closed the gap in between us. I wasn't really shocked, it was bound to come sometime. His lips were dry and he tasted like alcohol and blue raspberry slushies. I started to kiss back. I don't know how this started or how long it lasted or how it ended. We did part sometime. "I'm going to go get 2 more," he said smiling as his eyes were spilling a little. "Stay here," he said as he limped over to a cooler. This however didn't work for long because someone grabbed my arm. I lost Rin's sight and disappeared into the crowd.

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