Chapter 30

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「my pov」
Once Rin and I got to the map area we already saw Will and Jori, her head was resting on his chest as they both were holding different colored bags. She was the first one to spot us, "Hey guys!" She said while standing up straight. She began walking to us with Will following close behind. "Did you two get anything?" She asked while looking down at our empty hands. I looked at Rin then back at her, "not really just a little ring," I said with a wave of my hand. "A ring?! Where is it?!" She asked while leaning in, picking up my hands to look at them.
"I don't know, Rin why don't you show her?" I asked while turning to Rin. He rolled his eyes and held out his hand that had the same ring tightly wrapped around his ring finger. "Ohh-kay? Rin wanted a ring?" She asked while eyeing the diamond. Rin sighed and leaned in and started to whisper things in her ear, just like he did with Yukio. Will and I exchanged suspicious glances and then Jori let out a soft hearted "Awwwwee," while she turned to whisper something into Will's ear. After that they both looked at me and smiled, it was the kind of smile that was hiding something but they didn't want you to ask what exactly they were hiding so I just returned a squint at their smiles.

After waiting for Yukio and Victoria to return, all 6 of us walked out hand-in-hand with the according couple. Rin and I trailed in the back of the group. "What were you whispering to Yukio and Jori?" I asked. "Um.. Ya know.. Just explaining why I had the ring and why we bought it.." he said while trailing off. "Then why were you whispering it to them? You could've just said it out loud?" I further questioned. "I didn't want anyone to hear it that was around us," he said quickly. "Are you sure?" I asked again. "Positive," he plainly stated. "Okay, you know..Can I just have the ring?" I asked out of curiosity. "I don't know..why don't we just sell it to get the money back?," he said with a nervous smile. "Okay I guess.." I finished because I was so tired of trying to get more answers from him.

When we got back I led Rin to the kitchen to get this ring off. "Why are we here?" He asked while looking around. "We are going to use butter to get this thing off," I said while grabbing his ring finger. He just patiently watched while I took out a stick of butter and sliced off a piece. I rubbed his finger with the butter and a little bit of the bottom of the ring. "Okay you are going to yank back on the count of three," I said while positioning my hand around the ring. Rin nodded, "!" We both pulled back and sure enough I felt the ring escape his finger and land into my palm. However he yanked back too far and fell into the counter and landed on the floor.
"Yes!" Rin yelled holding up his hand examining the purple line on his ring finger. Out of curiosity I put it on mine, it fit coincidentally perfect on my hand. "Thanks for taking it off my finger!" he said washing off his hand in the sink. "Yeah no problem," I said pulling the ring off my finger. "Here's this," I said while dropping it into his hand. "Thanks.. let me go put this somewhere safe," he said while turning out of the kitchen. I was tired from walking around and helping Rin with the ring so I decided to sit down at a nearby table. Just then Jori walked in with Will. "Hey Mad, where's Rin?" she asked while looking around. "Putting away the ring, what do you guys want to do tonight?" I asked them. They both raised their shoulders. "We don't care," Will said while they both sat at the table, facing me. "Oh hey guys," Rin interrupted. He walked over and sat next to me, sliding and arm around my waist. "what were you guys talking about?" He asked. "what we were going to do tonight," Jori stated while laying back onto Will. "Sooo.. What are we doing?" He asked. "we haven't decided," I said. "Ooh.. Well why don't we go to this new miniature golf course a few miles from here?" He said while raising a dark eyebrow at us. Jori and I exchanged glances and I nodded and she then exchanged one with Will who grinned at her. "That sounds super fun," she finally said. "I'll go tell Yukio and Victoria," I said standing up. I left Rin with the others while I made my way to the boys' shared room. I knocked twice and then peeked into the room "We are going to go mini g- oh my god," I walked in to see Victoria on top of Yukio, she was facing away from me but she was about to unclip her bra. They both turned to look at me with red faces "I'm so sorry I can see you two are really busy," I said backing out. "Wait, you guys go we will..catch up to you later," Yukio called back. I shut the door without any further questions. After I got back Rin looked at me with a concerned face, "You okay?" He asked while standing up. "Y-yeah," I said staring off into the distance. "What happened?" He whispered to me while grabbing both my hands. "Y-you don't wanna k-know," I whispered back.
"Are they coming?" He asked. "They're..busy," I said with a shudder. Rin squinted his eyes down the hall with a disgusted look. "Well you'll be okay," he said turning back to the rest of the group. I suddenly hugged him, pretty tightly and shut my eyes tightly. The knot in my stomach was growing heavier every time I replayed the episode in my head. "What's wrong?" he asked confused but still hugging back. "Um can we go outside?" I said starting to pace in place. "Yeah..sure?" he said while he led me outside. I looked back at Jori and she immediately understood and gave me a reassuring smile with a raise of her shoulders. Once outside I wrapped one of my arms around my stomach, I started to bite my free hand's finger and then I started to walk in a circle. "What's wrong?" Rin asked while watching me. I took a deep breath and let it out. "I should've told you t-this earlier but when something embarrassing happens to me I get an..a-anxiety attack," I said, whispering the last part. I shut my eyes tight with a pouted lip, blocking the thought of what was happening right now in that room. "Oh.. I'm sorry," was all he said until he wrapped his arms around me slowly. I tightly grabbed his sweatshirt, "Oh my god Yukio is probably so mad at me for interrupting," I said quickly. "No Yukio wouldn't get mad about that and besides you didn't know what was happening," he said while playing with a strand of my hair. "How am I gonna face them later?" I asked while leaning further into him. "It'll be okay, we will laugh it off later," he said with a smile. "You'll be ok," he said pulling me off of him to make me feel better. My breathing started to stabilize. After a minute I finally spoke "Alright well thanks for listening, let's go do this golfing," I said turning to walk back inside.

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