Chapter 10

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「My pov」
I was awoken by my room door opening. I opened my eyes slowly, being greeted by bright light shining from my window. I felt weight on the corner of my bed. I sat up to see Rin sitting there. "Morning, just wanted to come and tell you that breakfast was ready and I wanted to see if you were okay..," he said while drawing circles with his pointer finger on my bed. I yawned. Those pills were still in my system and they were making me really tired. "Thanks I'll be there in a few and I'm okay," I said rubbing my eyes and then giving him a small smile. He looked at me with a concerned look and then he stood up and walked out of my room. I changed quickly and did my hair a little. I started to rush to the dining area. I only saw Rin with his back to me with Kuro sitting on the seat next to him. There was a plate right across from him and I was guessing it was mine. "Where's Yukio?" I asked. Rin turned around to look at me. "He had an emergency with the other professionals," he was still watching me with his electric blue eyes. "So I'm guessing this is mine?" I said pointing to the full tray of food. Rin nodded, still eating his own food. I sat down across from him and began to eat pretty quickly. I finished right when Rin did and we both put our trays onto the counter next to the kitchen. "What are you going to do today?" I asked Rin. He shrugged his shoulders "I have homework and I don't know if anyone wants to do anything. What are you going to do?" "Just unpack," I said. "sounds fun, well I'll let you get on that..," he said as he turned down the hallway to get to his room. "Oh okay," I said out loud. I went back to my room. I turned on the ceiling light in my room, even though it was already bright in my room. I rolled up my sleeves to start working. I pulled out my speakers and turned on some music from my favorite band. Since Rin was only the other side of the dorm, I thought he wouldn't be able to hear it if I turned it up a little bit. I began by setting up my bathroom. It didn't take long to put my soap and stuff away and separate my toiletries. I started to put up my wall decorations including posters, pictures, and some hangable objects to make the walls look more busier. I then moved to put my clothes away. This is what took the longest. I put away my underwear, Pajamas, and I was just starting to put away shirts when I heard a knock on my door. I turned down my music, "come in," I chimed loud enough for someone to hear behind the door. Rin peaked his head inside. "Can I come in? I'm bored and everyone is gone," Rin said looking at the clothes surrounding me with me in the center. "Sure, I wasn't doing anything interesting either," I said with a subtle laugh. "Do you need any help?" He asked. "Eh not really," I said looking around. He slumped onto my bed. I finally finished putting away my shirts. I hung up the important shirts or the ones I wore a lot. Rin flipped on top of my bed on his stomach. "Where's Kuro?" I asked. "He's sleeping, I don't think he feels well," he said while putting his face in his hands. "I hope he gets better soon," I said while hanging up some other clothes. Rin nodded. "You can pick out a song on my phone if you want," I said with my back turned. After a while I heard the music change. I looked up from what I was doing. "This is actually my favorite song," I said while looking at him take pictures on my phone of himself. He looked at me and then continued on my phone as we were laughing.
After that I hurried up putting away clothes while talking to Rin. I think he started to play a game on my phone or something. I finished and shoved my suitcases into my closet. I fell down on my bed next to Rin because I was tired from putting away everything. "We should order delivery for food because I'm hungry and I don't want to go and get food," he said still playing on my phone. "Sounds good," I said while watching him. We ordered food and after that we decided to clean our uniforms. There was a laundry room equipped with washers and dryers. Apparently Rin has never done the clothes here, he only cooks. Since I didn't know how these washers worked I pulled out the information packet under the washer. I was flipping through it and all of a sudden I saw Rin starting to dump a random amount of soup into the washer. "Oh well," I said while I threw in our uniforms. I set a timer for the washer. "What now?" Rin asked looking at me. "Didn't you have homework or something?" I said looking back. "Oh yeah, want to help me with that?" He asked. "I won't be much help butttt... sure," I answered while we went to his room. He pulled out his book bag and set his books on his desk. "Yay..," Rin said sarcastically looking at the books. I was laying horizontally on his bed, facing him. I made sure not to disturb Kuro who was sitting on the end. "I gotta write a quick report for uh.. Reading," he said flipping through a book, which I guessed was a Reading book. I learned that we both struggle with school so this took us a long time. I totally forgot about the washer machine until Rin sprouted up from his chair quickly and ran out of his room. I followed him but he was too quick. He was already around the corner when I heard a crash. I ran a little faster to the laundry room. Once I got there I found Rin was on the ground laughing because he just fell due to the leakage of bubbles and water from the washing machine we were using. There was bubbles on his head and during his fall, he knocked over the soap onto the floor. I didn't see the water on the tile until I slipped on it and landed on my back next to Rin. "Oww," I said rubbing my elbow and laughing because we are both idiots. "Stop the washer and I'll go get towels to clean up," I said while getting helped up by Rin. He nodded and I ran all the way to my room to get towels. I came back and the dryer was already going. I threw one of the towels on the ground and started using my foot to wipe it up. "We should do your homework in here so we don't forget about the dryer," I said laughing. "Yeah that would be a good idea," Rin said laughing. So we sat on the hard tile and did his essay. I tried helping but we didn't understand the topic so we just kind of gave up. Soon enough the dryer was done and I went to Rin's room and waited for him to put away his uniforms, then he followed me to put away mine in my room. We had no idea what to do after that, so we finally just decided to go to the mall.

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