Chapter 20

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「my pov」
I followed Rin into his room so that he could grab his work needed for the essay. "So where are we going to type this?" I said glancing around his room. "There's a computer down the hall that Yukio uses, sometimes," he answered while gathering stray pieces of paper. After he collected his papers he held them clenched in one hand, while he turned out of the room. I followed close behind, thinking about the previous episode that just happened. "Was he even thinking about it?" I kept asking myself. "Probably not," I reassured myself. I changed my mind when I noticed Rin starting to fidget. "Maybe he's just cold.." "In the middle of Japan's miserable summer?" I was fighting with myself.
"Arrre you okay?" I asked, peaking around him to try to see his face. He started to walk slower, "No.. Come here," he said extending his arm to his left. I ran up under his arm and he wrapped it around me. He pulled me so I facing him, while I was still trying to walk. I was looking up so I could see his face, he was smiling while we were both tripping over each other's feet. Luckily the room was right there so we stumbled into the room. It was a bare room, that only had a few things to occupy the big room. The computer was actually a really old computer along with a keyboard that both sat on top of a dark wood desk. I was now turned around facing the computer, with Rin's arms still wrapped around my stomach and he had his chin on my shoulder. "Well, okay let's turn this dinosaur on," I said leaning over to reach the power button. Rin was still hanging on, his weight dragging me down. "You're a weirdo," I mumbled while the monitor started to awaken, making a screechy vibrating noise. "You are too," he mumbled with a laugh. He let go and sat on a beat up wheely chair. I watched him then suddenly he patted his leg while looking at me. "I-I don't know, I weigh a lot," I said quickly. "No you don't you liar," he said while extending his arms to me. I rolled my eyes and let him grab my hips so I could awkwardly sit on his leg. I tried to make things better by wrapping my left arm around his neck, which kind of helped. I turned to face the computer that just logged on. I tapped on the program to type so we could start his homework. "Uh, just tell me what to type so I can type it" I said letting go of his neck. I started by typing his name and the class subject on the top, adding the date for good measure. "Ok well I don't know if it's accurate.." he said as a disclaimer before starting. "I'll correct it as best I can while you tell me," I said turning to face the screen. He started to tell me all about the main topic, as I reworded it so it fit the standards of an appropriate essay attire. I was a fast typer, since my dad taught me while I was young. He worked in the accounting field, so he had to be in front of a computer a lot.
Rin kept on changing what he wanted to say in a certain order, so I had to keep erasing what I was typing and re-type it. I guess we both didn't notice the time because Yukio had to come in to ask for dinner plans.
"Did you guys eat yet?" he asked. We both shook our heads in sync. "Rin can you cook again?" he asked while fixing his glasses. I looked at Rin, he just raised his shoulders, "it's gonna be basic but sure," he said while grabbing my hips to pull me off of him. Once I was standing I helped him up because his foot fell asleep. We decided the essay was long enough so we printed it out. Rin bunched it all up along with the other papers. By then Yukio was tired of watching us being all cutesy with each other, so he left us alone. Rin and I just kind of stood there in the dim room facing each other. We did this until he leaned down and subtly kissed my forehead.
"Thanks for helping me," he whispered into my hair, breathing into it. I rested my elbows onto his shoulders with a little smile, "No problem," I finally said. He closed the gap between us. We both were in the mood for this type of stuff but we both weren't the "romantic" type. I smiled in the kiss, as he tried to deepen it. I declined and pulled away, still only inches away from his face. "We have to go cook," I whispered. He fake-frowned, "will you help me?" He said while quivering his bottom lip. "You're the chef, so you're gonna have to help me," I said with a quick peck on his lips. "I can do that," he said while leading me out into the hallway. He gently grabbed my hand to walk down the hallway in silence.
Once we got there Rin put his papers on a nearby table and then he led me into the kitchen. This kitchen was actually pretty big, equipped with white medium-sized square tiles for flooring.

"Okay what do you need help with, I don't know how to cook," I said as Rin was pulling pans out. He looked up and smiled, "then I'll teach you," I just slowly nodded even though I knew I wasn't going be able to cook. Soon he got the food and sauces out, along with the pans and cooking utensils. He laid them all out on the counter, "Okay come here," he said with a hand wave to bring me closer. I walked over and stood next to him, "Okay first we are going to heat up oil for the meat," he said while handing me a pan. He grabbed the copped up steak and he turned on the stove. He looked up at me, "Okay so we are going to put that down onto the stove," he said. I walked over and positioned it on the burner. "Next the oil.." he said while putting the oil bottle into my hand. "I'll help you so you pour enough.." he said as he cradled my hand into his. He lightly helped me pour it into the center of the pan, "Ooh-kay," he said as he put down the bottle. I watched like a five year old while he did this. "Now the meat.." he said as he reached over to grab the steak. He handed me chopsticks, "You're going to pick up a piece and put it in the oil," he said watching me while I lightly grabbed a piece. I moved my hand slowly, but quick enough for me to not drop the meat, over the pan. I lightly put it down because I didn't want to ruin it. The oil somehow overheated and started to boil. Right when I put the piece down, the oil popped and splattered on my thumb. I bit my lip when the oil left a red welt on my thumb. I tried pulling it off by asking, "Like this?" While I backed away from the pan. Rin noticed my thumb, he walked over and lightly grabbed my hand and started to rub the welt. It felt good against his cold skin, "Yes, you did great," he said smiling a little. He gestured me back over to the pan. "Now we have to flip it so it cooks on the other side," this time he put his hand and fingers over mine so I wouldn't get burned again. He helped me open my fingers then close them and then he moved my wrists so it would flip. He was standing behind me, his legs touching mine and I could feel his hard stomach on my back. This is when the food smell started to substitute his cologne smell, both smells mixing and fighting in my nose.
Rin continued to gesture me around until we finished the little meal. I was really happy with how this turned out, even if Rin did most of it. He helped me put it on glass plates so we could eat it. After we put it on the nearest table that we usually are at, he asked me to go get Yukio. I ran out of the room to go find him. I found him in his room writing something on his desk. "Foods done," I said, startling him. "Thanks, I'll be right out," he said while turning around. I ran back down the hall to the room so I could start to eat. I found Rin already split up 3 plates full of food, he looked up and smiled at me. I walked over to sit next to him. Soon after we started to eat, Yukio walked in and began eating as well. Only this time Yukio offered to clean up the dishes instead of Rin and I. We agreed and Rin ended up following me back to my room.

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