Chapter 32

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「my pov」
We both got dressed and we made our way out the main lobby together. We were greeted by the other two couples, Yukio and Victoria were still awake watching tv but Jori and Will fell asleep. "Oh hi," Victoria said while looking at us. We sat on the open couch and started to watch the TV.
After watching it for like 10 minutes my stomach started to hurt. I rarely got sick, maybe once every 2 years. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't push it away any longer, I sat up quickly out of Rin's arms and I sprinted to my bathroom with a hand over my mouth, on the way hitting the couch Jori and Will were sleeping on, on accident, but still continuing to sprint. I barely made it to my bathroom in time, throwing up into the toilet. Shortly after Rin barges in. "Oh my god," he said while immediately grabbing my hair and looking away. I stopped and cleaned up around the toilet then I brushed my teeth.
"Were you sick all day?" He asked finally after I finished brushing my teeth. I shook my head, "it was probably just the food we had earlier?" I said while walking out. "Are you okay now?" He asked. "Yeah I guess," I said. I walked out of the bathroom, everyone was now staring at me. "Are... You okay?" Jori asked finally. "Yeah I'm okay," I said with a tiny smile while Rin and I sat back down on the couch, he was just being a little more gentler.
We all continued to watch TV, my stomach was still pretty upset but not to the point I needed to go the bathroom again. Some commercials came on after a while, the first one about an insurance company and then the one after it was featuring a baby diaper brand. I started to get sick to my stomach again but not in the vomit way, "what if I'm pregnant?!" I said to myself as I watched the babies roll around in diapers on the screen. I started to really start freaking out. "Um R-Rin?" I asked nervously. "Yeah..?" He said back. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I whispered. "Yes, get in the car," he whispered back quickly. I sat up and made my way to the door. "Um me and Madison need to go to the store we will be right back," he called out quickly as we both turned to the door. "Is everything okay?" Yukio asked looking at him. We couldn't tell him so Rin just said a nervous,"Yeahh..," as we opened the door and ran outside. We both got in the car and made our way to the nearest 24 hour grocery store.
"What if I'm really pregnant?" I blurted out into the silence. After a moment he finally answered. "Then I'm going to try my hardest to be the best dad for this kid," he said seriously. "But let's hope your not.." He whispered after. We finally pulled into the grocery store and made our way inside where we bought two types of pregnancy tests. We self-checked out and sped back home. We barged into the dorms again and I ran into my bathroom. I read the directions with shaking hands and then completed two. After waiting the amount of time it said of on the box I almost couldn't look at the results. I finally looked and started to freak out, one said positive and one said negative. "Rin come in here," I said while backing up from the tests for him to see. "Oh my god, try another two!" He said while he picked up the positive one with shaking hands. I frantically pulled out two more and shooed him out so I could do them. After waiting for another few minutes, I was freaking out so much I almost started crying. I looked and they both came out negative. I breathed a sigh of relief, but Rin still hasn't seen them. I got the idea of taking a marker that was in one of my drawers and drawing one line on both of them. I threw the marker back in there and then I let out a loud gasp. Rin immediately barged in. "What?! What is it?!?" He yelled at me. I slowly turned both of the tests around to show him the lines. " god" he took them into his hands as tears started to fill in his eyes. "I'm so sorry this happened, I'll support this as much as I can-" Was all he said before I cut him off. "Hey hey don't cry that was a joke! I drew the lines in with marker because I wanted to see how you'd react!" I said as I grabbed the tests out of his hands and showing him the marker in the drawer. He lunged at me, hugging me in a tight hug. "I'm so happy that you're not.." He whispered in my ear. Just then the other two couples walk in to see us hugging, ripped open pregnancy tests, me holding two tests that are positive in my hand, and a positive test on the counter. All of them had their mouths hanging open. "Are you..p-pregnant?" Jori squeaked out. Rin and I didn't even get the chance to speak because Victoria walked up to the counter to take the positive one off the counter to show everyone. "Everyone please calm do-" was all Rin could get out before Yukio comes and throws him up against the bathroom wall, knocking over everything on the counter. "What where you thinking?! Do you even know what this means in your spot AND hers?!" He was yelling while choking him at the same time. At the same time I tried running up and talking his hands off Rin's neck but it was no use. "She's not..pregnant!" He managed to get out. Yukio immediately dropped him. "What are these then?!" he said while grabbing the three positives. "Those are all fake," I said while grabbing the two I drew on and putting it under the water and then showing all of them the real negatives. "The other one messed up.." I said while I went to help Rin up. "That's..good," Yukio finally said. "So back off my case!" Rin finally snapped at him. I ran in between them to stop any upcoming fights. "Why don't we all just go to bed..?" I offered while rubbing my forehead. Will and Jori were the first ones to leave then it was Yukio and Victoria. Rin and I stayed back to clean up the tests. I saved the boxes and new tests so if I ever did need them, that's where I'd go.
After that Rin followed me to bed, "Why was Yukio so mad?" I finally said. "I think it's because I'm half demon and all so he was scared for what it would mean for you.." He whispered back. "Oh.." Was all I could get out. "I'm so glad your not pregnant," he said while hugging me tighter. "Me too," I whispered, hugging back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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