Chapter 28

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「my pov」
I woke up to Rin rubbing my cheek. "Hey wake up, we need to cook for our guests," he whispered. I groaned when I saw that it was 7:00 in the morning. "What th- How are you even up? You aren't a morning person.." I groaned.
"I'm just excited for today, so let's go," he said while putting back on his t-shirt and Jeans that were on the ground. I flipped out of bed and put on stray pants slowly because of my stiff muscles.
I trailed behind Rin to the dark kitchen, the air feeling piercingly cold on my skin because I just left my cocoon of warmth. I stood behind him while he started to take out food for breakfast.
I was falling asleep from just standing there, my arms wrapped around me to conceal some of my remaining warmth. The bags on my eyes were so big I could physically feel them as I tried keeping my eyes open.
Rin noticed me slipping and he walked over with his purple-blue sweatshirt, slipping it over me with a quiet laugh. I was staring at him with wide bloodshot eyes, I didn't think he noticed me while he was cooking.
The sweatshirt hood draped over my messy hair and covered a little of my face. "Wake up it's going to be a long day," he said finally with a smile.

He cooked the whole breakfast while I sat in the protective hoodie that smelled like Rin heaven. I watched him happily put together the food. His blue eyes would race over the food while his hands smoothly worked to get the food done quickly. While I was standing there, the sunlight started to flood in from the kitchen window, filling the space with warmth.
"Okay it's done, do you want to wake up your friend while I wake up Yukio?" He asked while walking out of the kitchen backwards. I nodded in my oversized sweatshirt, with a yawn. I stumbled down the hallway to their room, slowly opening their bedroom door.
When I opened the door I saw that she was sprawled out on top of Will, with a trail of drool on her face. I laughed a little, "hey wake up you two, we made you guys breakfast," I squeaked into the quiet room, it was dim from the new light.
I heard a few groans and then Will finally sat up, stretching out his arms. After he finally woke up he looked down at Jori. "Hey wake up Juice they made us food," he said patting her head that was in his lap. She made a scrunched up facial expression and then sat up with her eyes still closed, her hair flipped and teased facing every way possible. I left them alone and found it cute they had nicknames for each other.
I walked back into the cafeteria area and saw all 6 of the trays out on the table. I didn't see anyone in there so I scurried to the table and put my head down on the hard wooden table with the food, the sweatshirt hood still on my head.
I don't know how long I got to sleep, maybe 5 minutes because I was awoken by many different mumbles and then strong arms around me. "Hey I thought I said to stay awake," Rin said as he lifted me up off of the table so that I was standing back up. "Sorry I'm just tired," I said with yawn. My body felt heavy and I was only standing because Rin substituted all of my weight on him. My head fell onto his chest while closing my eyes, still with the same warm hood on my head.
"Everyone's here so let's eat," he said as he gestured me over to two trays. I looked to see the other couples starting to eat. An awkward silence lingered after Yukio and my friend met with their significant others. While we were eating we didn't talk a lot and if we did it was to comment on how good the food was. After we finished eating we just sat at the tables and talked about things that we were going to do, the girls and guys ended up talking about totally different things at the same time, slowly drifting father and farther away from each other until it got out of hand. It got so out of hand Rin and Will started an arm wrestling competition. Let's just say they tied.
We finally had to split the brawling boys up so we could depart to get ready for the busy day of tourism.
After eating and talking I was finally awake. I brushed my teeth and hair and did my makeup and picked out my outfit. Not soon after I finished, Rin walked in to tell me that we were all ready. I walked out to find everyone looking alive and ready to go. We walked out into the warm sun and the city that started to wake up.
"Well we are going to show you around our campus today," I said to Jori who was walking next to me on my right. Victoria was to my left and the boys were behind us, laughing at something. We first started to walk past the library, the new couple seemed to be pretty amazed at how big it was. We still continued, showing them some classrooms and other things, leaving out cram school however. We stopped at the steakhouse grill place to eat. The same one that Rin and I ate at on the first day we officially met.
After we all were happy with how full we felt, we finally made our way back into the busy city. "Well our campus is too big for us to show you everything, so do you guys want to go to our mall here? We can see more things on the way?" Rin said to all of us as we walked down a calm sidewalk. Yukio, Victoria, and I all nodded while Jori and Will glanced at each other. Jori smiled and Will raised up his arms a little, "Okay that sounds fun," Jori said while Will nodded. We continued to walk but only this time I noticed Will and Jori were holding hands and Yukio had his arm around Victoria's back. I was about to look around for Rin until I felt arms around my waist. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed his hand so he could walk by me.

We soon arrived to the famous mall, Will and Jori started to freak out because they both liked to shop, so they took pictures with each other in front of the huge building. We all filed into the mall to look around.

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