Chapter 17

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「Rin's pov」
Our kitchen was now a free kitchen, where anyone could cook, whenever they wanted. I love our dorm kitchen way more than Yukio and I's old house's kitchen. It's more spread out and I have a lot more space. I took out all my pans and pots, along with the raw food I was going to cook. I started to roll up my sleeves when I heard Madison, "So what are you cooking?" She said looking around the kitchen though the bar. "It's a surprise so you'll just have to wait," I said turning back around. I heard her sigh and then scoot back from the bar and back to one of the close tables that was next to the kitchen. Then I began to chop up vegetables while I started to boil water.
「my pov」
I sat down at one of the wooden tables, waiting for Rin to finish cooking. I liked to watch him cook, even if it was basic. His dark hair fell across his face is little strands and then he would use the back of his hand to swipe them away. His tail would occasionally move from side to side, or wrap down his leg. He was wearing the same dark jeans that he was wearing earlier, the same chain on his left hip. His white belt reflected across the background of the dark jeans. I was watching him chop up fish and other meat, resting my face on the base of my hand. His hair was making a big scene while he was grilling meat. He looked up from what he was doing, moving his hair to the side again. "Hey could you go into my room and grab this hair clip for my hair, it's really bothering me," he said, flipping some meat in a pan. I stood up, "Yeah where is it?" I said fixing my shirt I was wearing. "The table next to my bed, ask Kuro if you can't find it," he said taking a rest from cutting all the food up. I turned out of the nice smelling room and headed down to his room. I was walking pretty quickly, taking long strides all the way to his room. Once I got there I opened his door and I saw Kuro sleeping on Rin's bed. I searched all over on Rin's side of the room. I decided I needed to ask Kuro. "Hey..Kuro.. I can't find Rin's hair clip, can you show me where it is?" I said while squatting by him. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. After stretching he slowly hopped off the bed and glided across the floor, stopping in front of Rin's desk, on lower drawer. He started to rub it with his paw, while looking at me. I understood and opened the desk. On the inside I found his clip sitting on top of a black notebook. There was a black phone charger, along with sucker wrappers on the bottom of the drawer. I even found his wallet in there. got really curious of what he had in there so I took it out and opened it. Right when I found it I saw a picture of Rin and I, it looked like he took the picture and then I remembered this was at the movie theater we went to. I looked down at the two of us, smiling and I noticed his arm was around me in the picture, I didn't even notice in real life when he took the picture.
I suddenly heard a knock, I turned around to find Rin standing there smiling. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I said quickly putting the wallet back into the drawer, my face got super hot. "I just saw it when I found your clip and I was just curi-" I was cut off. "It's okay, I don't have anything to hide anyway," he said still holding chopsticks. "Here's your clip," I said holding out the clip. "Can you put my hair up? I don't want my hands touching my hair because I'm still cooking," he said walking further into the room. I nodded and grabbed the front part of his hair, his hair was so smooth and soft. He was looking at me in the eyes while I gently put his hair back and slid the clip through, I surprisingly did a good job with that. He smiled, showing off his white teeth. "Thanks, well I need to get back to work," he said. He started to walk out the door and I followed. I was feeling weird, but in a good way, because of the picture. I guess that proved that he cared a little more than I thought. Once we got back into the room, Rin got back to work. I sat back down and pulled out my phone. I started to look through old pictures, starting with ones of Jori and I.
"Oh my gosh I haven't talked to her in forever!" I screamed to myself. I immediately left a message apologizing the lack of messages. She responded after 5 minutes. She said it was okay because she has a long distance relationship with her new boyfriend, Will. I was happy for her because she sounded so happy with him. She said she was going to see him in a month. I learned about all the things I missed, and I told her all about Tokyo and the school and of course, Rin. We started to plan a time to see each other because we always fantasied about double-dates. We planned it for when she was seeing Will. She said he could pay for the tickets, because he was pretty wealthy. I said I would ask Rin and Yukio about them staying in the dorms. She agreed and left the conversation.
I smiled to myself and returned back to the pictures. I was swiping through all the pictures of us, back in my home country. I saw funny pictures that I took in class, pointless selfies of myself, ugly pictures of my friends. Then I hit the first picture of my plane ride over here. I saw how the airplane wing was bright reflecting the morning sun, and how the sky was a pretty powder pink and blue. I swiped through a few more pictures, then I hit a big spam of pictures of Rin. It looked like it was taken on my bed. He had ones with his tongue out, ones smiling with his eyes closed, and some 'ugly' ones. I was laughing a little. Then there was ones of us smiling with each other at the movies, where I found the same picture of the one in his wallet. I started to swipe more and found a pretty dark one. I couldn't see it, so I turned up my brightness on my phone, it helped a little. I decided to edit it and turn up the brightness.
After doing this I sat in shock, it was a picture of Rin and I kissing. I don't remember the kiss or the picture but then I remembered the party. Looking up in shock at Rin, he was still cooking and looking down. Sighing, I put my phone down face first, disappointed because I don't even remember our first kiss. I picked it back up, staring at the picture. I finally found the strength to start swiping through again and I found some more pictures of me and some of class notes. Soon I finished going through my pictures. I then decided to change my default background on my phone to one of Rin and I. It was a picture that we asked someone else to take of us when we went on the movie theater date thing. We fit perfectly in the rectangular shape of my phone screen. I smiled to myself. I noticed how the food smell intensified in the room, growing stronger. "I'm almost done, can you go get Yukio?" Rin said taking out plates. I nodded and ran out of the room to grab Yukio.

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