Chapter 15

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「Rin's pov」
Once I came back with the drinks she wasn't there, I started to think she went to the bathroom. She didn't come for a while. I dropped one of the bottles on the floor while trying to look for her. Stupid alcohol was making my senses dull. I spotted her however in the other corner of the room. She was trying to get away from this guy that was trying to get her to do something. She was pushing him away but he had his hands around her.
"Oh no that's not gonna happen," I said as I started to become angry. "Control your flames," I reminded myself as I pushed through the crowd. The whole crowd was jumping and yelling. I ended up opening the beer in my hand on accident and spilling it. I finally got through to the other side as I helplessly watched this guy trying to kiss Madison. "GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!!" I started to yell at the guy. The guy looked up from what he was doing. He squinted his eyes. "Come at me then," he said turning back to his work. I remembered the beer bottle in my hand. I already spilled all of its contents so I broke it against the wall. "Give me her.." I started to pant and my hand started to shake. There was broken glass everywhere. The boy looked at the ground of glass then back up at me. "Fine," he said sourly. He picked up Madison and threw her onto the glass. He stood up and tried to walk away. Before he could I punched him in the jaw without thinking, causing him to pass out. Then I returned to Madison. I looked down at her. My hands were shaking as I reached under her. There was blood everywhere and her eyes were almost closed. "M-m-Madison?" I asked as my throat started to swell. We needed to go home.
I grabbed her, I no longer had my bottle in my hand. We exited the house into the night, my head was spinning. I was stumbling all over and I fell once, dropping her after I fell. I had scrapes on my leg and arm now. "Come on!" I kept inching forward. Madison would giggle occasionally in her sleep which let me know she was still alive. The dorms were so far away from the golden hills. I remembered my phone in my pocket. I quickly dialed Yukio. It rang three times before he answered.
"Where are you?!" He started
"Help.. come get me and.. Madison.. we are drunk and hurt.. please," I was panting.
I heard mumbling on the line.
"I'm coming, where are you?" Yukio asked
"G..golden..hillss," I managed to get out.
"God what were you thinking?" I heard on the other end of the phone.
"Hurr-aye hurryee..hurry," I started to laugh uncontrollably. My eyesight was darkening.
I heard a tiny laugh from Madison who was still in my weak arms. I felt blood dripping down my arms.
I was still laughing. I ended up loosing my balance and falling onto my elbows with Madison in my arms. We were on the road leading from golden hills. It led to a busy highway which had lights that were zooming past us. I looked up at the moon after that. It was all a blur, then I passed out next to Madison.
「my pov」
Some one picked me up. "R-Rin?" I said with my eyes closed. "It's Yukio.." I heard a male voice say with a heavy sigh. I then let my back being place on a cushion. "I'm in a car," I was thinking. "RIIIIN!!" I started yelling then laughing after. My lungs hurt so bad. I started to hear familiar laughing. Then I heard the doors closing and the laughing continued. I passed back out. "Riiin.. What happened? Why does my body hurt?," I asked but I only got laughing as a response. I felt the movement stop. The doors started to open and I felt arms around me again. "Madison, I have to help you," I heard Yukio say. I groaned for a response. I felt myself being placed on a hard surface on my hip. My shirt was lifted up by him, right after I felt pain in my back. I giggled at the pain because I was, in fact, intoxicated by all the alcohol. Something started to wrap around my hips and back to my back. Then I was placed into a bed.

I woke up the next morning with someone's arms around my hips. I woke up to see I wasn't in my own bed, but Rin's. His mouth was opened a little and he smelt like alcohol. My back stung from last night. The last thing I remember is walking into a big house with Rin. Along with pain in my back, I had a migraine. I don't even remember doing anything. I turned to Rin to wake him up until I felt something rub my lower leg. It wasn't Rin's leg or Kuro so I immediately grabbed it to see what it was. As I quick yanked up on the object, Rin sat up. "OW!" He yelled. I had the object in my hand. It wasn't another living thing, it looked like a.. Tail.. Or rope. I looked at him with a shocked expression. He woke up and realized that I was holding that thing. His eyes grew wide, "erm.. I mean..," He said as he started shaking. "What is.. This?" I asked still holding it. "Um.. It's a.. Tail," he whispered the last part. "you have a tail?!" I asked, this didn't even sound possible. "how?.." I was rubbing the black tail. "I'm.. Uh.. Not exactly all.. Human?" He said with a worried expression. "What?" I said as I started to get scared. "My dad wasn't, in fact, human," Rin was whispering. "I was going to tell you but I know you would've ran off.." He began saying while looking down. "You deserve to know now.. Well my mom was a human but my uh.. Dad.. Was a demon," he said as he put his face in his hands. I started to process his words. I furrowed my eyebrows "Well I guess that's okay.." I mumbled. "But you don't get it, my dad is.." He stopped. "is...? Just tell me already I won't run off," I said looking at Rin and still holding his tail. "he issss.. Satan," he said and after he said that he went in the corner of the bed with his tail and rolled up in a little ball. "That's why I want to become an exorcist, so I can beat him.." he said with his head in his knees. I didn't feel scared. Why wasn't I scared? This was Satan's offspring that I just went on a date with. "Come back here, I'm not scared of you," I said patting the spot next to me. "Why not?" Rin said as he looked up from his knees. "Because you could've already hurt me but you didn't, I still want to be with you," I said as I was looking down at the messed up bed sheets. I felt the weight of the bed shift and Rin laid his head on my chest. He wrapped his arms carefully around my bandaged back. I could feel his tail wrap around my ankle tightly. "Thank you," Rin whispered. I combed his tangled hair with my fingers. "You're welcome," I whispered back. I didn't care about his parents, I only cared about him.

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