
"Where's your house?" Dwight asked, after a long seconds of silence. Only the sound of the raindrops cascading the windshield was their background.

"A-ah, n-no need, just drop me in 7 eleven nearby...I'll just wait for the rain—"

"—Did you drink?" Dwight dismissed his sentence again.

"No," he answered in a low voice. He's a talkative person, but why can't he be one right now? It's like his tongue is being tied up.

Dwight chuckled. "Liar.." Because he also checked Joshua's album on Facebook. There are lots of pictures of him drinking in the bar.

Not knowing what to say, Joshua's eyes were blinking. "What?"

"Let me introduce myself to you personally.." He offered his hand for a casual handshake. "My name is Dwight."

He was hesitant at first but Joshua accepted the hand of a guy he just met on Facebook. "Joshua."

Then Dwight's lips curved up. "Nice name."

And without a word, Dwight started the engine and as he drove to the unknown, the awkward silence filled the air again, making it cold even more. Dwight's hands reached the audio player to have some music.

"What songs do you mostly listen to?"


"Anything. Is that a band? What are their songs?" Dwight asked sarcastically. "What? Are you afraid of me? Don't worry. I'm not gonna kidnap you," then he added in a whisper. "Unless you want to.."

Joshua heard that. But he pretends not to.

He was shaking. 'What is wrong with me?' he thought. He is not like this. He is not the type of person to ignore someone who is trying to make fun of him. But there is something with Dwight's presence that shuts him off completely. But the question is. "What is that?" Is he kind of a wizard?

"Come on! Say something, Joshua. I'm not gonna bite you.." Dwight keeps teasing.

"I don't have anything to say than my name."

"That's deep..." was all Dwight could say as he kept driving.

"Where are you taking me?.."

"In a place of escape.."

"Place...Of.." he trailed, bewildering. "What?"

"It's a surprise. Don't worry, you'll like it there."

So, Joshua took a deep breath. And turned his attention to the road. 'Stop overthinking. He's not a bad guy.'


"Cheers!" Dwight says as they clink their glasses of rum called Bacardi.

"Did I tell you, that I didn't drink?"

Dwight nodded. "Yes, you are." You are drinking.

"Then why are we here?"

"To escape.."

"To escape.." Joshua seconded, while he roamed his eyes around the private lounge inside the bar,y somewhere in BGC. "That's deep."

"I guess, we're both deep. That's why I think, we're clicking together."

"I didn't know you yet aside from your name."

Dwight drank the remaining rum in his glass before he fixed his eyes on Joshua. "Do you want to know me?" he said while pointing a finger at himself.

Joshua felt uncomfortable with those tantalizing eyes glaring at him. So, he too, drank the whiskey in his glass until it was drained.

After Dwight's pausing, "...Better?" Then he raised both of his eyebrows like seducing the boy in front of him.

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