Samuel knew he liked it. He liked the kiss that his 'best friend' gave him last night—gave? Is that the proper term to use for what happened that night?—No, Joshua stole him a kiss. And because of that, he almost couldn't sleep last night despite the volume of alcohol he had on his body. The sweet and bitter taste after kissing, because of mixed saliva and whiskey, still left on his lips.

He should feel anger. That bastard!

That morning on Saturday, he decided to go to Joshua's house. In his mind, he would like to punch him in the face and they were quits. But when he entered Joshua's gate and saw his best friend look stressed while smoking, he forgot his intention. Their eyes met. They didn't open their mouth to speak but their eyes were talking—talking about what happened last night, talking about the kiss they'd shared.

"What's up?" It was Joshua who began to speak. He acted so casually because it was not the first time his best friend visited him at his house. He unhand the cigarette and stamped the cig's butt on the ground before he stooped towards Sam. "Let me guess, do you wanna punch me?" He tried to joke.

Sam didn't speak, but instead, he leaned forward to Joshua and kissed him like he did last night. The latter was caught off guard, freezing and his heart was pounding.

That was the scene that Dwight came across when he went outside to see Joshua. He stood there and watching, freezing, and shaking...

He didn't let the two finish what they were doing. He just ran away, wanting to escape the most painful heartbreak he ever experienced. When Joshua saw him in his peripheral view, he immediately stooped backward and pushed Sam away. He holds Dwight in his arm to make him stop. "Wait, l-lemme explains. it's not what you think," he stuttered. If Dwight felt the most painful heartbreak because of the scenario he just witnessed, Joshua felt so scared; scared to lose someone again. What happened to them earlier makes him complete: it fills the hole in his heart with satisfaction that he never finds in anyone but Dwight.

Dwight needs to clear the lump in his throat before he gets the courage to face the boy he just had sex with an hour ago. "What should I think?" He manages to smile, that's his talent to hide his feelings, to hide the truth that he's being hurt. Then he continued, "You don't owe me an explanation. Who am I to judge you both? Come on, we are in the modern era. That's a new normal nowadays."

"What?!" It's Samuel and his nostrils flaring because of Dwight's remark. "I'm not a gay, maybe he is!" He pointed his finger to Jushua. "Because he stole a kiss from me—" Sam didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because of the knuckles that bumped into his face.

"GET OUT!" Joshua was not aware of how loud his voice was, and it caught the attention of his neighbors, including her mother.

"What's happening here?" It's Tanya, creasing her forehead while walking towards the 3 boys. 

"Nothing," said Joshua.

"It's nothing, Tita," Sam and Dwight's chorus answered.

Sam bid his goodbye and Dwight.


Everything happened so fast. Now, Dwight was submerging his whole body, including his head into the bathtub with ice. He was still feeling sore down there, but most especially, he felt sore inside his chest, and that scene he saw earlier still burning in his mind. He needs this to kill that fucking scene in his head.

It's almost two minutes before he lifts his head from the water. Inhaling and exhaling hard.

"What the fuck?!" Frustratedly Dwight pulled his hair. "What the fuck, what the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK!" He didn't know if it was water or tears that drooled down his face, but he knew, this was the most horrible pain he ever felt.

This is suck.


While on the other side, Joshua wants to fly into a rage. He wants to throw everything away. But his mother can't know what really happened to them a while ago.

He's inside his room but his mind was on somewhere very far. The other day, he tried to learn about the gay life, and he discovered that some gays use dating apps to meet a stranger; a stranger you can be friends with or a stranger you can have sex with for a day.

He did not notice that he already downloaded the app, and he uploaded the sexiest picture he ever had on his phone. Most of the users of this app are LGBT's. You can put on your bio your gender identity, your role (in sex), your age, even your body build, height, age, and your motive of why you're using the said app. In this app, you can also have a private photo album and app users can make a request to look at what photo you're hiding in your secret album. One of the app's features is also you can track someone's location, you will know their distance from you.

He checked the nearby location on the app, and there was this guy whose username was Lets_Drink_Now, and he was 390ft away. He's Bi,  29 years old and the other information remained undisclosed. He tapped the send request button for his private album and after just 30 seconds the album's owner approved him to get the access, but before he opened the photo, the one-minute ads showed up on the screen.

He waited patiently.

"Hi," that's a chat coming from Lets_Drink_Now. He tapped the message and replied.


"What's up?"

Now Joshua was finally able to open the album. It has 6 nude photos. One photo is half naked on the beach. The second picture was a selfie photo wearing the bathrobe inside the toilet room. The third photo was wearing a small piece of underwear. His throat bobbed up and down as he slide the next photo, it was a picture of a hard cock.

Another chat was popping up on his screen, coming from the same person. "What's your number? Let's drink?"

He blinked, and he pulled himself together before he gave his phone number. After a short while, his phone was ringing. He answered it right away.

"Hello," a husky voice.

Joshua cleared his throat. "Hello."

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