He wears the face mask and then the face shield. "Anyway, I need to leave now." He used his thumbs up to point the door. "I need to go back to work. So I'll see you later?"

"Later," was Joshua's answer. Ian patted his shoulder before he took a step to leave. He was about to open the door when he turned his head again to look at Joshua. "You know, you look more handsome when you smile...So smile often." With that, he waves his hand as if to say goodbye.

As the door went to close, that's when everything sank in again to Joshua...the reason why he's here;

The accident...

The first day he woke up in the hospital...

The day he saw Dwight...

The day he found out the truth...

He was startled when the phone in his pocket chimed. It's Ian, he answered the call right away.

"How are you there?" Ian questioned.

He gripped the phone as he scoffed to hide his real emotion. "I've been here in just less than thirty minutes. So far...I feel great! Thank you for asking, I miss you, so what time are you coming home, babe? What do you want me to cook for our dinner?"

"Babe your ass." Ian chuckled. "You don't need to cook for me, I don't trust you in cooking. The last time I checked, I'm the one who always prepare your food. So, wait for me there...I'll go home early."

"Alright, see you later...Babe." Joshua didn't hear a response until the call was ended. Hence, he felt a slight relief, 'cause he doesn't want to talk to anyone but Dwight.

He tried to open again his messenger...Hoping that there's one message coming to Dwight. But how he can message him if he is unable to see? Damn it! He slaps his forehead as the realization hits him; that Dwight will never ever send a message for him again or even read his messages in any way, because he's now blind.

He read again for a million times their old conversation until he got tired. He was about to press the shutdown button when he accidentally opened a message from his 'old best friend' Sam.

Samuel "Sam" Obar: Hello bro...How are you? Were you discharged from the hospital?

And since Joshua already opened it, he took advantage to read the rest of his messages... He scrolled up the screen to do back-read.

Samuel "Sam" Obar: Bro.. How are you? I heard you're doing good. That's my bro! See you soon. Let's drink after this pandemic.

He pursed his lips then he chuckled. "Silly, Sam."

He continued reading ...

Samuel "Sam" Obar: Please know that we all are here for you, and we keep on praying for you. Me, all your exes, and our whole university keep praying for you

Samuel "Sam" Obar: Again, I'm sorry for keeping this truth from you...

Absentmindedly, his hand that holding the phone began to shake.

Samuel "Sam" Obar: He told me when I saw him in the hospital that if this day comes you will know the truth. He doesn't want you to feel sorry for him. If you really want to make up with him; continue your life with or without him. He said, wherever he is, he will be your number one supporter. He wants to see you achieve your dreams.

Samuel "Sam Obar: Dwight wants you to continue your life.

Samuel "Sam Obar: So, please don't blame yourself. It was an accident, nobody wished that to happen.

Samuel "Sam Obar: But the truth is, he's still here. He's now blind because of the accident. He didn't want you to know that, because he didn't want you to blame yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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