The maid knocked three times on the door before she opened it. "Sir, your parents are waiting for you at the dining table for breakfast. They told me to tell you to hurry up because they have an important meeting to attend to," she told him.

Dwight stretched up and groaned in annoyance, with a creased forehead he uncovered his blanket from his face to look at their maid. "Give me a few minutes, I'll go down."

The maid nodded at him before she left. 

Dwight sighed while staring at the ceiling. "Of course, it's a meeting, it's more important for them than spending the weekend with their only son. What a life."

After a few minutes like what Dwight told the maid, he has now made his way towards their dining table. As usual, her mom was busy scrolling her tablets while his dad talking with someone on the phone. 

He sat silently in front of his parents. Like he's invisible, his mom didn't even bother to greet him a good morning, she was still busy with her tablet; same as his dad still busy with whomever he speaking with on the phone. He waits for them to finish their business. At least now, he is used to their cold treatment. This scenario isn't new to him.

"You're late," Luke said after he finished the call. 

"I'm sorry," was all his response. He saw his mom grab the bowl for rice to put some rice on his plate.

"Sorry? That's all that you need to say?" Luke countered.

Dwight balled his hands under the table, trying to control himself and remain nonchalant.

"Luke, enough. Let's eat first," Catherine restrains her husband from scolding their son early in the morning. She now started to put ham and bacon on Dwight's plate. "Do you like coffee?" She asked her husband."

"Yes please," he answered, his face remaining serious. 

"Okay, I'll go get coffee for you." Catherine rises and leaves the two at the table. Dwight noticed that his parents didn't grab any food.

"It's been 3 months since you've graduated. When are you gonna start to work in our company?" Luke asked.

"I'm not ready yet Dad."

"When are you gonna be ready then? Tomorrow? Next year? Can you give me a time frame? Because you know we have a high expectation for you. Don't disappoint us, we provided all you need, now is the time for you to pay us back."

Despite how intense the anger Dwight felt inside, he still managed to nod. "I know."

"That's good."

Catherine returned to her seat with a hot coffee. "Thanks but just give it to Dwight. We need to go now, the meeting will start in about an hour."

"Okay," Catherine obeyed and gave the coffee to her son who just staring at his food. "Finnish your breakfast. We're going to leave now."

With a forced smile, Dwight nodded. "Take care."

He waited for them to disappear, and he sighed like relieved when he heard the car's engine speed away. It's his cue to stand up to go upstairs back to his room. Outside his room on the left side beside the window, they have a grand piano. He sat in front and opened the case to reveal the keyboard. He starts to play soft music that fills the entire house, his fingers move gracefully. Dwight learned to play piano at age seven, that's why he does not need to look at the keyboard to make sure he's playing the right chords. It's one of his therapies to release his stress.

In the middle of playing, he opened his eyes and he paused his fingers. He stood and went inside his room to prepare himself to leave. 


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