It's 5:57 a.m. and Tanya went outside their house to sweep the yard. She just had her coffee and she's wearing a jacket because it's the cold season of January. It's her morning routine, and the sound of birds chirping is her usual music every time she sweeps their front yard. But what is not usual is there's a familiar SUV parked in front of their gate. When she approached the car, her eyebrows met to see Dwight sleeping, his head on the steering wheel. She gently knocks on the window door to wake him up.

Dwight opened his eyes slowly and stretched his body while yawning before he noticed Tanya outside his car waiting for him. There's worriness in her eyes; something that he never sees in his own mother. He rolled his window to greet Tanya. "Hello, tita. G-good morning," he stutters. 

"Why are you sleeping in your car? Did you sleep here overnight? Did you try to knock on our door? Sorry I slept early last night, I might not have heard your call. But you should call my son or call him on his phone." Dwight didn't notice that his tears had started flowing down his face while listening to Tanya. He is sad because of what happened last night but at the same time, he's happy because there's still someone who's genuinely worrying for him. Dwight opened his door to hug her. "Oh, my boy.." was Tanya's reaction when she saw him crying.

Tanya invited Dwight inside their house. "What do you want? A coffee or a milk?" she asked.

"Coffee," Dwight answered with a small smile. 

Tanya makes a coffee as soon they've reached the kitchen. Dwight once again scanned his eyes around. The house is so simple, not big and not small for 2 persons. He forgot to ask where is Joshua's father. His eyes caught a framed picture displayed beside the TV sets. He rose to see the frame picture—it was a picture of a man, who looked like in his mid-forties and was wearing a color green uniform.

"It's Joshua's father.." Dwight turned around to see Tanya walking towards him, she handed him a mug of coffee, and he accepted it with a smile.

"Thank you."

Dwight put the frame back in its place. Tanya knew Dwight was curious about where the father was. So she obliges to explain. "His name's Antonio." Then she laughed a little. "It's funny because my name is Tanya and my husband is Antonio. Some say that we are really destined for each other."

'Destiny? Does such a thing exist?' he thought, but he responded with, "Destiny, indeed."

"Perhaps, but I used to think that such a thing did not exist because God took him from us right away. He was a good husband and a good father.." Tanya blinked her eyes to prevent the tears from flowing.

Dwight felt a pang in his chest. A good father...Something that he never has. Sometimes he questioned God, what mistake he made to deserve a ruthless father. To have a cruel life through his parents. He remembered again about last night.

Tanya continued, "But then I realized, it's actually exists, he destined for me to have Joshua in my life as my son, he was destined for me to find my purpose in life..." Tanya pauses to think of her son. He missed her 9-year-old son so much. Since her husband died due to pneumonia, Joshua changed a lot. He talks only a few, and the joy in his eyes every time her husband goes home from work with a Dunkin' Donuts disappears and it breaks her but she remains strong, her son needs her. But when Dwight came into their house for the first time, while they were eating breakfast, she saw her son smile again while looking at Dwight. She will never forget that day. 

Then she led Dwight to the dining table. "Let's have a sit here and please drink your milk before it gets cold."

Dwight took a sip from the mug right away. "You and Joshua are so lucky to have Uncle Antonio in your life."

"I agree.." Tanya smiled at his remark, the she leaned her hands to Dwight's knees. "Please know that you can tell me everything... Did you run away last night from your house? Did your parents scold you?" For some reason, she's really concerned about this boy, she treated him like her 2nd child.

Because of those questions that he couldn't answer, Dwight slid his eyes shut while biting his lips. He's forcing himself not to cry again in front of his tita Tanya.

"Is everything okay?"

For the first time, Dwight told the truth—that he was not okay by shaking his head.

Tanya hugged the boy again while she rubbed his back. "I'm here, you can stay here as long as you want."

Such a scene is what Joshua came across when he descended the stairs to go to his school. He froze to see Dwight crying. What did Dwight tell his mother? Why did he cry? Is it because of him? He took those thoughts as he walked towards the door. He held the handle and he carefully twisted it to open. He does not want them to notice his presence.

He's not ready yet to face Dwight.


"Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS is the most advanced stage of the disease. And it's alarming..." Joshua is now in his Biology class, but his mind and his presence are wandering somewhere else—to his house with Dwight.

What an asshole he is! Dwight doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to get cheated. He doesn't deserve him. Dwight is such a precious person. He deserves more...

He balled his hands when he tried to remember what happened last night at the stranger's house where he woke up naked, he felt molested. But what can he do? He can't file a case, he's on his property, and what can he answer when the police ask him what is he doing to a stranger's house?

He blows a loud breath. He raised his hand not to ask a question or recite the lesson that he didn't know what was about,  but he needed to go somewhere else, to get some fresh air. Oh, how about his bag that he can't bring with him? He will get it back later after class.

"Can I go to CR?" his question.

"Just make it quick.." said the teacher.

Joshua stood to his feet and walked. He can feel his teacher's eyes following him but he just ignores it.

Truthfully he went to their public toilet room to wash his face.

"Stress? I can relate," a comment from his schoolmate.

He pretends that he did not hear him because he is not in the mood to talk.

"I know you hear me.."

This time he turned his head to glare at the guy. "I don't talk with a stranger.."

The boy student formed his lips like an 'o'—an expression that he is not buying him. "I think this is your account." He showed him his phone. On the screen is his profile picture in the dating app he created. And the location says zero meters away. 

Giving up, Joshua sucked a breath in and said, "What do you NEED?" he emphasizes the word need.

"I need that," then using his finger he points to Joshua's private part.

Suddenly, his dark past with his uncle Tedver flashed on his memories; inside his room, Tedver pointed the part of his body between his legs, telling him to pull his pants down.

Joshua's gaze darkened.

"Fuck you!" And he walked away before anything happened.

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