Dwight was hardly breathing. Every word that comes out of his mouth takes a lot of his energy. After he explained what needed to be explained for Joshua to understand why he needed to leave, all the nerves on his body seemed like they were going to explode anytime. His eyes were swollen. He's still trying to control his sobbing.

While Joshua couldn't find the courage to look up at Dwight. Dwight caress his hair softly. "It's okay. It's just five years. I promise I will message you every day or let's do a video call. I promise I will go back, no matter what happens." This is not easy for him too, just one day without Joshua was a punishment that was so hard to endure. What's more...for the next five years be apart from each other. He just met Joshua, but his heart seemed to know him already a long time ago.

That's the time Joshua finally raised his head to see the tantalizing eyes of Dwight. "Promise?" His voice was begging for assurance.

"I promise.." Dwight raised his right palm "Cross my heart.." He drew an invisible cross on his left chest. "Hope to die." Then he placed a soft and warm kiss on Joshua's forehead.

Joshua cupped his face. "I don't want you to die...You're coming back to me right?"

Dwight felt relief when he saw a small smile on Joshua's lips. "Right," he answered.

Joshua stands on his feet. "I need to go to the shower. I'm sweaty."

Dwight just nodded, he was now facing the front and below of Joshua. For some reason, his face is burning.

From the bulge of his shorts, Dwight's gaze crawls up to his navel. Dwight swallowed because he felt his throat getting dry. Then his eyes landed on his chest...To his sweaty neck...To his lips.

Joshua smiled, he was aware of Dwight's observation of his body, but he acted casually because this was a part of his plan; to seduce Dwight, and it seemed like working. "I think you need a shower too?" Joshua keeps teasing.

"Why? Am I stinking?"

Joshua brings his face closer to Dwight, to the point that Dwight can feel his hot breath when he speaks, "Of course.. not.." And he means it because Dwight always smells expensive.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Dwight can't look at his eyes, so he turns his eyes in another direction. "I'm just kidding. Go ahead and take a shower," he tried shooing him.

Joshua repeated what Dwight said earlier. "Why? Am I stinking?"

Dwight gave him an annoyed look, but then Joshua pinched his nose. "Just joking. But if you want to come over, the door is unlocked." And he winked.

Dwight heaved a sigh, but deep inside he felt mixed emotions right now. He feels good because they're finally okay and at the same time he feels bad, knowing that he's going to leave him in a few more days. Five years in the States is not a joke. Anything can happen, and many things could change.

He heard splashing water onto the floor coming from the shower. For some reason, what Joshua said earlier came back to his mind. 'But if you want to come over, the door is unlocked.' Was that an invitation? How did his quick thinking become slow?

Later on, he suddenly realized that he was already at the back of the door, where behind-too-it was the naked Joshua taking a bath.

His hand was shaking when he held the door knob. It took him forever before he wrenched the handle and pushed it to open. The sounds of water cascading down the floor became louder, it rang in his ears, drumming his heart and perturbing all the butterflies in his stomach.

"Come," Joshua voice. He did not look surprised as if he knew this was coming. Dwight's feet seemed to have their own mind that followed Joshua's invitation.

As Dwight approached, Joshua faced him. "Let me undress you..." Dwight became frozen. That was exactly what he said when they first met. "Does this ring a bell?..." Joshua's voice sounded so seductive that all Dwight could do was nod. "Our first night...remember?" Then Joshua did not waste time, he held Dwight's T-shirt upward until it was no longer on his body, next was his shorts, he pulled them down together with his underwear.

Then Joshua watched his naked body in awe like some fireworks in the night sky. "Let's make the most of our one last week being together.."

Joshua pinned him to the bathtub wall. Chest to chest, nose to nose.. and palm to palm. Joshua bravely brushes his lips against Dwight's. They're savoring each other, hands traveling everywhere. At that time the two of them pretended they were the only creatures living in the world. Dwight can't help but to release a noisy breath, his hands on the wall as Joshua's command. He couldn't guess his next move but he was ecstatic to follow, he couldn't think of anything right now but Joshua. He feels like he is under the influence of drugs as Joshua's lips doing some magic on his back that makes his mind blowing.


It's almost three hours already when they decided to come out from the bathroom. Dwight felt sore down there, but knowing the memories they had created together inside the shower, he knew it was worth it. He will never forget it. He will remember this moment, every day.

"Wear this.." Joshua hands him his T-shirt. They are still both naked. They just used one towel to get themselves dry.

"A-are you sure?"

"It's my favourite T-shirt, but it's yours now. Please take care of it."

Dwight was confused, he's looking at his brown eyes to make sure that he's not kidding him. "Mine? Why do you want to give me your favourite T-shirt?"

"Because I want to make this day with you be memorable. So that I can write in my memories list that today, I gave my favourite T-shirt to my most favourite person in the world."

Dwight bite his lips, he brought the T-shirt to his nose and he smell it. Smells like Joshua...

"Thank you." When he looked back at Joshua he's now wearing his new clothes already.

Joshua went to the drawer to get his phone. Dwight used that an opportunity to get himself dress. He looked himself in the mirror wearing Joshua's favourite T-shirt. It's fitted for him. Good thing he was dressed already when Joshua took him a picture. He showed it to him. "For memories," he said. He drew forward to comb his wet hair. "You know, it's my birthday tomorrow."

Dwight's mouth agape. "Really?!"

"Yeah," Joshua confirmed popping the 'p'.

"L-let's celebrate then."

"Hmm.." His finger on his chin while thinking. "I want to have road trip tonight. Just you and me, in your car. And I'll be the one whos gonna drive."

Dwight pretends like considering it by mimicking Joshua's posture. But the truth is, he likes the idea that Joshua will be the one who's gonna drive. "Okay, deal."

They spent the remaining few hours hugging each other on the bed. Until the night came.

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